This Christmas was absolutely fantastic! It was the first Christmas where you actually got the concept of Santa Claus and that there would be presents waiting for you when you woke up. You even went to bed easily because you knew that Santa wouldn't be able to drop off any presents until you went to sleep. You aren't usually bad at going down for the night, but you certainly requested less!
Christmas morning, your Mommy actually woke up before you. I got ready anticipating that you would wake up at any moment. Thankfully you slept in until a little after seven and immediately asked me if Santa had came. You were so cute in your little hockey pajamas with that sweet, boyish grin stretching from ear to ear. You needed to be changed and wait a moment while your Daddy got up, and you were fantastic about being so patient to be called downstairs. Once your Dad gave you the okay, we held hands as we walked down the stairs, as I anticipated your every step in wonder how you would react. You exclaimed sweetly how there were toys there and immediately spotted your work bench, a present that Santa, Mommy and Daddy just knew you would love. You received other fun gifts like puzzles, a tea set, paint set, and some Scooby Doo toys, but your tool bench certainly ranked number one. After a nice breakfast of scrambled eggs cooked by your Daddy that you just HAD to eat at your work bench, we all got ready to go to Gaga's house. You were so just in the best of moods and I was so thankful because today was one of the most joyous days ever.
We arrived at Gaga's after driving through a few flurries. Your Mommy was a little apprehensive about the snowfall, but your Dad put her worries aside. We had such a great time at Gaga's house. She spoiled you rotten with a little tool/flash light box, extra tools, some figures of a cartoon I know I'll soon learn from you and a fantastic remote operated crane. You LOVED your presents, but your favorite by far was the crane. You only really let your Dad touch it as your Mom wasn't even allowed to touch one button! I guess it was a Ben/Dad present only. Stinker! After we opened presents and talked a bit, we all sat down for a nice luncheon. You were too busy and didn't eat much, but then again you had probably four cookies not too long before that, so you not eating was easily understandable.
After Gaga's we went to Nagypapa and Nagymama's house where Ty, Uncle Eric and Aunt Amy were going to celebrate the day with us. Ty greeted us at the door with a big grin and you shyly walked into the house and as usual it took a little while for you and Ty to get the run of the place. You of course wanted to start immediately opening presents, which Nagymama and Nagypapa gave you their gift first, a huge set of power tools! You were sweet and shared your toys with Ty (I really was proud of you for doing that) and had to try out every single one to see how it worked. After that you moved onto new gifts and got a fun magna dooodle and play dough set from Aunt Amy, Uncle Eric and Ty. You and your cousin played and played, laughing and giggling contently while you both wrestled with Uncle Eric. Soon it was dinner time. Nagymama had prepared a huge feast for all of us and you had your first taste of cranberries. You ate what was given, but you did not want any more. I was surprised you ate any at all! You also ate mash potatoes, which we discovered you started liking per a Thanksgiving celebration at your school a month back. You wanted to start playing again, so off you went to explore and discover the new toys you just got. After dinner, your Dad arrived carrying this huge box....and it was moving. I was taken a little back wondering what was going on, until you popped out of it! Thus started the box games as you and your cousin were both busy with various boxes that Nagymama kept producing for at least an hour. You two were so darn cute!
After a long day, your Mom, Dad and you were certainly beat so we headed home. You played a bit at your tool bench and watched a cartoon or two. We knew you were tired but you were trying so hard to stay awake. You never want to miss a anything. My sweet boy, you had such an incredible day. You celebrated Jesus's birthday with life and a bit of sweet loves here and there. Once we got you up to bed and started saying our prayers together with you nestled snuggling into my arms, I thanked God for the wondering gift of you and prayed for many more years and Christmas days just like this one.
My sweet boy, you bring me so much happiness and so much joy. You are my little fire cracker, but you have such a soft little side of you that just radiates beautifully. I'm so proud that you are my son and I love you very, very , very much. I love you pumpkin! Merry Christmas.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
26 Week Appointment
Technically I was suppose to have a 25 week appointment last Tuesday, but because it snowed that day both I and the doc decided to reschedule. Today was an easy appointment per usual. I gained a total of 13 pounds thus far in my pregnancy, my blood pressure is perfect and your little heart measured in the 140's bpm. You even kicked the doppler as if you were saying "get that off of my Mom! This is my space!"
Next appointment (January 5th), I have to go in for the dreaded 28 week appointment to test my glucose levels. I pray to God I don't have to do a repeat three hour test like I had to do for your brother. That really was horrible. The drink they make you gulp down in five minutes also isn't on my top favorites, but as things go, I will do anything for you or Ben.
I feel great, although I am not sure if its the early wake up call for work, having to chase after another kid during this pregnancy, being pregnant or a combination of the above, but I certainly am more tired. I don't remind going to be around eight these days and watching some television before I go to sleep. It is one of my most favorite times of the day with you as usually it is your most active time. I guess you dislike me stopping that swaying motion from walking and being so busy during the day. Feeling you move about is one of the most amazing things about being pregnant.
You room is nearly ready. Your Dad painted it one Sunday while Ben and I were at the Army Christmas concert at Constitution Hall. It turned out really cute! Ben and I also put your dresser together, although for a moment he thought the shell of your dresser was going to be a cool fort for him to hang out in. Soon your crib will arrive and I think I'll need some help putting that one together with your Dad. I can't wait to see your room completed!
I love you princess!
Next appointment (January 5th), I have to go in for the dreaded 28 week appointment to test my glucose levels. I pray to God I don't have to do a repeat three hour test like I had to do for your brother. That really was horrible. The drink they make you gulp down in five minutes also isn't on my top favorites, but as things go, I will do anything for you or Ben.
I feel great, although I am not sure if its the early wake up call for work, having to chase after another kid during this pregnancy, being pregnant or a combination of the above, but I certainly am more tired. I don't remind going to be around eight these days and watching some television before I go to sleep. It is one of my most favorite times of the day with you as usually it is your most active time. I guess you dislike me stopping that swaying motion from walking and being so busy during the day. Feeling you move about is one of the most amazing things about being pregnant.
You room is nearly ready. Your Dad painted it one Sunday while Ben and I were at the Army Christmas concert at Constitution Hall. It turned out really cute! Ben and I also put your dresser together, although for a moment he thought the shell of your dresser was going to be a cool fort for him to hang out in. Soon your crib will arrive and I think I'll need some help putting that one together with your Dad. I can't wait to see your room completed!
I love you princess!
Friday, December 10, 2010
All Things Ben

There is lots to write up since September on things going on with Benjamin. He has moved onto a bigger kid room (preschool YIKES), his vocabulary is taking off, he has a new love of movies and is becoming more and more independent. He also says and does the funniest things. He certainly keeps us entertained!
First Ben moved into a bigger kid classroom, the preschool room. YAY!!!! He still hasn't mastered the art of potty training, but that will come with time. He knows and I know he can do it. Its just a question of when he will actually have the drive to go ahead and take the plunge into the ultimate big kid leap. However, after a talk with the Director, it was decided that in order to help his speech that perhaps moving him into a class that has children who speak better would help him move along as well. Boy were we right! It certainly has taken off. Ben also really was ecstatic moving in with familiar friends including a blond hair boy named Garrett and Christian. Together they are known as the three musketeers. He is thriving and doing specatcular things. Just the other day Ben brought home some paperwork (pictured below) with traced out letter "A's". A few weeks ago he was having trouble making straight lines and with lots of concentration he certainly is able to do just as well as most of the older kids in his class. I am so proud of him!!!

Another big thing in Ben's life is Spider Man. I think this is a bit of peer pressure as all the little boys in his class no matter what type of Spider Man merchandise is big stuff in their world. I can't tell you how many times I have been shown Spider Man shoes, back packs, gloves, action figures, shirts, etc., Ben has one of the prized possessions though, which is a Spider Man beanie that his Dad found him during a shopping trip. He really loves his hat and its so funny to see how proud of such a silly thing like a hat makes him puff up his little chest. Ben also is big time into Scooby Doo. This is just a Ben thing as I don't hear any of the boys talk about Scooby like Ben talks about Scooby. He literally loves watching the same cartoons over and over again. Another few movies that Ben likes to watch is Toy Story, Peter Pan and Return to Neverland. He LOVES Peter Pan and especially loves it when the alligator shows up to torture Captain Hook.
Short Stories About Ben
Ben also has a lot of cute stories that I just find so amusing. Tonight we were in Lowes Ben saw a manger scene with Jesus, Mary and Joseph. I explained their names and who they were in three year old terms also explaining that Mary is Jesus Mommy and Joseph is the Daddy (without getting too confusing). He looked at me perplexed and asked, "where is the Nagypapa?" How cute! I never thought about Jesus's grandparents, but Ben did!
The other day Ben also watched Star Wars for the first time. His conclusion was, that he wants to bea tup the bad guys. He thinks Jabba the Hut needs a bath and the droids are his favorite characters. He especially love C3PO.
Ben also thinks when he goes to a store and sees flowers that his Mommy should receive some! He is so thoughtful in so many ways, but when he thinks of others beside himself it certainly makes me proud! I also love receiving flowers from my favorite little gentleman!
Lately Ben sings a lot when he's in bed trying to go to sleep. He makes up words and songs so its not usually "Twinkle Star" or anything like that. Its interesting to see what he comes up with!
While watching the Musketeers with Ben one night, he told me his Dad can use a sword and fight with fire ( there was a scene with a torch). Never knew that about James! I asked Ben if his Dad was his hero and he said "yeah" like how could I not know. I agree. James is my hero too.

On the way home one night while we were out, Ben saw stars in the sky and called them twinkle stars.
On the way home from day care, I tried to call my Mom with the voice recognition hands free thing James got me. I tried several times asking for "Sally Pekarik" only to get a little voice in the back trying to parrot me but instead asked for "salad and carrots". I nearly died laughing!
Each night after prayers I talk with Ben about what we should be thankful for today. Usually its things like a beautiful day, playing outside, etc., The other night he told me what he was thankful for. He was thankful for Daddy, Rick, Gaga, Nagymama, Nagypapa, Mommy, Daddy (again)....and last but not least...Scooby Doo. LOL. I love his sweet little mind.
I was woken up one morning to Ben kissing my stomach saying "Hi baby". He's so sweet. It would of been a perfect morning if he didn't point out a minute later that one of the dogs peed on the floor.
During a open house at a police station in Reston, kids of all ages got to sit on a policeman's motorcycle. Tons of kids sat on it before him, but when Ben sat on it he turned the key and jerked the bike pulling the clutch (at least I think thats how you start a motorcycle). The bike jerked forward, but thankfully it was in neutral. It certainly surprised the cop who was standing right next to him. No other kid figured that one out, but leave it to Ben to know how to turn on a motorcyle at three!

One morning while I was driving Ben to school I told Ben that I loved him. He responds back, "No, I love YOU more Mama". He's said it before to me and has said it since, but I never get tired of hearing it.

One night when I was saying prayers with Ben, we ended with what we are thankful for that day such as playing outside, funny monkeys, etc.,Ben looks up & says, "Mommy, God so silly." I repeated to make sure I heard him right & he giggled a "yes" back. I love the mind of a child. I would never think God is silly, but I guess in a child's eye he can be. I wonder how many times God has been innocently described as silly?
I hear Ben cracking up so I come to investigate....only to fine James trying to get Ben to put on his shirt. He certainly has unexpected and funny ways to get the job done. Lol

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Dear Alexis
Dear Alexis,
My sweet little girl, we have already been on such a wonderful journey together. Life keeps your Mommy certainly busy with taking care of your brother and doing day to day things, but you already have made your little presence known by kicks and little flutters. I have yet to formally meet you face to face, but already I'm in love with knowing God is giving me another blessing, you.
I wanted to let you know your Daddy and I choose your name as we both think it is beautifully feminine but also strong. We want to raise our daughter and our son to be strong, independent, intelligent, God loving, people loving and family loving people. Our hopes for you is that you are ultimately happy and healthy. Whatever dreams and goals you have for yourself someday, we'll be behind you 100% lifting you up and supporting as much as we possibly can.
My beautiful daughter, know that you are so very much loved and have been wanted for such a long time. Your Daddy and I spend our evenings with his hand on my belly feeling you kick and move about. We talk about your future, our family outings that we want to attend with you and your Daddy already jokes about what you are NOT allowed to wear.
Your Daddy has such a beautiful, soft heart and I know you'll have him wrapped around your finger in no time. He jokes about the girly things he'll get to do with you and he certainly will have no qualms about doing it either. He also comments on the fact that if his little girl chooses to play hockey, she'll be the one out on the ice with pink laces on her skates. My only fear for you my sweet girl based on my own experience, is to NOT have your Daddy do your hair. Maybe he will learn how to make a pony tail, but just know to leave hair dos to your Mommy until you learn how.
Your brother is so excited about your arrival. I don't know if he knows exactly how much you'll rock his world, but I am so excited to see the type of fun sibling relationship you two will have. I'm sure you'll have your arguments and I am sure you'll have days you'll want to kill each other. However knowing you two will be there for each other warms my heart. He always knew you were a girl from the very beginning. I would ask this little three year old if he was going to have a brother or a sister and he never deviated from his confident answer of "swister". It was as if God whispered in his ear letting him know your of your arrival.
My dear sweet pea, even though it didn't matter if I was having a girl or a boy, having a someone on my team after having an all male household for so long is pretty amazing. I dream of all the things we'll get to do together. I hope that our relationship blooms into the relationship I have with my own Mom. I want you to know that you can always come to me no matter what the subject is and I'll be here for you with a listening ear. I won't always like the things you do, but I will always love you and I will always be here for you. My wish is that you are confident about the girl you are and about the woman you will someday become. Don't ever let anyone decide who you are. You decide that for yourself. You are in charge of paving your own road in life. Don't let anyone or anything get in your way. Follow your dreams and think with both your heart and your mind.
I love you princess!
My sweet little girl, we have already been on such a wonderful journey together. Life keeps your Mommy certainly busy with taking care of your brother and doing day to day things, but you already have made your little presence known by kicks and little flutters. I have yet to formally meet you face to face, but already I'm in love with knowing God is giving me another blessing, you.
I wanted to let you know your Daddy and I choose your name as we both think it is beautifully feminine but also strong. We want to raise our daughter and our son to be strong, independent, intelligent, God loving, people loving and family loving people. Our hopes for you is that you are ultimately happy and healthy. Whatever dreams and goals you have for yourself someday, we'll be behind you 100% lifting you up and supporting as much as we possibly can.
My beautiful daughter, know that you are so very much loved and have been wanted for such a long time. Your Daddy and I spend our evenings with his hand on my belly feeling you kick and move about. We talk about your future, our family outings that we want to attend with you and your Daddy already jokes about what you are NOT allowed to wear.
Your Daddy has such a beautiful, soft heart and I know you'll have him wrapped around your finger in no time. He jokes about the girly things he'll get to do with you and he certainly will have no qualms about doing it either. He also comments on the fact that if his little girl chooses to play hockey, she'll be the one out on the ice with pink laces on her skates. My only fear for you my sweet girl based on my own experience, is to NOT have your Daddy do your hair. Maybe he will learn how to make a pony tail, but just know to leave hair dos to your Mommy until you learn how.
Your brother is so excited about your arrival. I don't know if he knows exactly how much you'll rock his world, but I am so excited to see the type of fun sibling relationship you two will have. I'm sure you'll have your arguments and I am sure you'll have days you'll want to kill each other. However knowing you two will be there for each other warms my heart. He always knew you were a girl from the very beginning. I would ask this little three year old if he was going to have a brother or a sister and he never deviated from his confident answer of "swister". It was as if God whispered in his ear letting him know your of your arrival.
My dear sweet pea, even though it didn't matter if I was having a girl or a boy, having a someone on my team after having an all male household for so long is pretty amazing. I dream of all the things we'll get to do together. I hope that our relationship blooms into the relationship I have with my own Mom. I want you to know that you can always come to me no matter what the subject is and I'll be here for you with a listening ear. I won't always like the things you do, but I will always love you and I will always be here for you. My wish is that you are confident about the girl you are and about the woman you will someday become. Don't ever let anyone decide who you are. You decide that for yourself. You are in charge of paving your own road in life. Don't let anyone or anything get in your way. Follow your dreams and think with both your heart and your mind.
I love you princess!
It's A Girl!!!!
On Monday October 25th, my husband and I went in to the twenty week ultrasound (even though I was technically 18 weeks) to see our baby, make sure he/she is healthy and to HOPEFULLY find out the gender of the little person growing inside of me. I was so nervous and excited the night before about going to the ultrasound that I barely slept that night and was a bundle of nerves going into the appointment. THANK GOD I scheduled it for 9:30 in the morning. I would be a mess if I had to wait all day.
The technician we had was a very nice lady. I was glad for that because you never know who you may get walking in the door. You could get one negative tech on your hands or someone just having a bad day. She started right away first measuring my cervix, which I could thankfully empty out my bladder once she did those measurements. Next, she called in my husband so we could let the fun begin. If you have ever been pregnant, you know that each and every time you see or hear you baby it is one of the most reassuring sound/sight you will see. I then told the technician my apprehension of my baby being shy and not being able to find out the gender. She gave me a reassuring smile and told me we would find that. It did not matter to me if the baby was a boy or a girl. I didn't dream of having one versus the other. I just wanted a healthy baby and to just know.
She took about a million photos of the baby that day. The heart measured around 150 beats per minute. The baby weighed in at eight ounces. My due date didn't even change (due March 28th). Then we got the big news. She told us, "its a girl!" We were silent for a few seconds. It wasn't a disappointed silence or a angry silence. It was a "Um, what?" silence. Obviously we knew we could have either one but I guess since we have a boy we were kind of shocked/surprised. I smiled. A tear streamed down my face. I was going to have a little girl. My husband smiled at me as our eyes met. Our little Ben had been right all along. He was going to have a sister. My husband and I joked during the rest of the ultrasound about different things like her playing hockey and that she'd be the cute little girl out there with pink laces on her skates. It was a fun experience and I walked away still a little stunned, but glowing. My baby was healthy and the fear of not being able to find out quickly dissipated into thinking "girl".
The shock of it all is still wearing in even after telling the world what we were having. I think having lived in an all male household with even the dogs being boys is maybe why I'm so perplexed that there will be another female in the house besides me. I don't really distinguish doing girl things vs. boy things with my son, but I know there will be a time when things may change to doing more boy stereotypical things with my son versus girl stereotypical things that I will do with my daughter. Maybe she'll like the American Girl dolls and want to have a girly tea party when she gets a little older. I doubt my son in a few years will really be interested in playing dress up the dollies with Mom and having dainty tea parties. He would always be invited though! I also can't very well dress up my son in little hair bows and ribbons and the same goes for my girl in not being able to dress her up in little old man suits, but she will certainly rock out hockey jerseys! Both will have a lot of similarities in the way of being taught, how to act, etc., I want my girl to be just as independent as my little boy is. I want my boy to know how to do just as many little domesticated duties as my girl will know how to do. I also will encourage sports and academics. In all, I want to raise my children to be healthy, independent, God and people loving, educated individuals.
The technician we had was a very nice lady. I was glad for that because you never know who you may get walking in the door. You could get one negative tech on your hands or someone just having a bad day. She started right away first measuring my cervix, which I could thankfully empty out my bladder once she did those measurements. Next, she called in my husband so we could let the fun begin. If you have ever been pregnant, you know that each and every time you see or hear you baby it is one of the most reassuring sound/sight you will see. I then told the technician my apprehension of my baby being shy and not being able to find out the gender. She gave me a reassuring smile and told me we would find that. It did not matter to me if the baby was a boy or a girl. I didn't dream of having one versus the other. I just wanted a healthy baby and to just know.
She took about a million photos of the baby that day. The heart measured around 150 beats per minute. The baby weighed in at eight ounces. My due date didn't even change (due March 28th). Then we got the big news. She told us, "its a girl!" We were silent for a few seconds. It wasn't a disappointed silence or a angry silence. It was a "Um, what?" silence. Obviously we knew we could have either one but I guess since we have a boy we were kind of shocked/surprised. I smiled. A tear streamed down my face. I was going to have a little girl. My husband smiled at me as our eyes met. Our little Ben had been right all along. He was going to have a sister. My husband and I joked during the rest of the ultrasound about different things like her playing hockey and that she'd be the cute little girl out there with pink laces on her skates. It was a fun experience and I walked away still a little stunned, but glowing. My baby was healthy and the fear of not being able to find out quickly dissipated into thinking "girl".
The shock of it all is still wearing in even after telling the world what we were having. I think having lived in an all male household with even the dogs being boys is maybe why I'm so perplexed that there will be another female in the house besides me. I don't really distinguish doing girl things vs. boy things with my son, but I know there will be a time when things may change to doing more boy stereotypical things with my son versus girl stereotypical things that I will do with my daughter. Maybe she'll like the American Girl dolls and want to have a girly tea party when she gets a little older. I doubt my son in a few years will really be interested in playing dress up the dollies with Mom and having dainty tea parties. He would always be invited though! I also can't very well dress up my son in little hair bows and ribbons and the same goes for my girl in not being able to dress her up in little old man suits, but she will certainly rock out hockey jerseys! Both will have a lot of similarities in the way of being taught, how to act, etc., I want my girl to be just as independent as my little boy is. I want my boy to know how to do just as many little domesticated duties as my girl will know how to do. I also will encourage sports and academics. In all, I want to raise my children to be healthy, independent, God and people loving, educated individuals.
We Are Pregnant!

First Photo 8 Weeks Old
I found out the Saturday before my birthday that I was pregnant. James and I just came home from a party and I decided...why not? Needless to say, I was shocked but ecstatic to see two VERY clear pink lines. I came downstairs and handed the test to my James. He at that point was used to seeing one liners even though we would squint in hopes of seeing a second line. He didn't need to squint. I can remember his face clear as day...surprised, almost a bit shocked from months prior and asked me "REALLY?!!!!!" We told Ben, but he really had no reaction at that point, which is expected of a three year old.That Sunday we told both of the parents. My parents picked me up for church, and unlike most days, I asked if they could come inside. James told them and they were so excited! I did let my Dad tell the priest. It was the Sunday that Ben thought Father John's name needed to be blessed like the sign of the cross, "Father, John, Holy Spirit" instead of "Father, Son, Holy, Spirit". Later that evening we told my James'sMom and her boyfriend. The boyfriend got it when James said that Ben was going to have a brother or a sister. James'sMom initially thought we were just telling her we were trying, and was so excited to hear that we were actually pregnant.
Ben is the sweetest little guy of them all about this pregnancy. In the past few months he has become accustomed to knowing that Mommy has a baby in her belly. He even thinks he has a baby in his belly too sometimes too. We talk about the baby. He tells me how he's going to be nice to the baby and share, although he did state that he would NOT share his bath toys. That is fine with me for a while since the two won't be sharing baths initially. He also told me he would share his old crib and points out that the nursery is the baby's room and his room is the one next to it. He even makes it a point now to say "hi" to other babies when we are out in public.
I will also say, that neither his Dad nor I care what sex the baby is. I think most people are a little surprised to hear that, but honestly we just want a healthy baby. If we have another boy, then great because we know boys and Ben will have a brother. If we have a girl, then great because we will get another type of experience raising a girl and Ben will have a sister. However, when we have asked Ben if he is going to have a brother or a sister, he always replies with "swister". He has never deviated from that. I have told him a sister means a girl and a brother is a boy, but he is adamant that it is a girl. So we will see if my little predictor is correct when we hopefully find out at the end of October.
Lastly, I thought maybe I would feel different when I got the sonogram (pictured above). I have already experienced sonograms with my first pregnancy and even though I obviously think this baby is a miracle and it is such a blessing, I almost thought I would be used to it. What a silly notion! The moment I saw my baby, my heart fluttered and I could not stop tearing up. Hearing the heart beat (a steady 170 bpm) was amazing. It was the first time I got a glimpse of my baby, my second child, my Ben's sibling. I was in complete awe and truly humbled.
Babies will come when they want to and honestly, even with all the stress and new beginnings going on in my life, it was the perfect timing. There are some hurdles to jump and new things to figure out, but life is forever changing and I'm so happy that God has blessed me with another child, a sibling for my son. This pregnancy has been hard with feeling nausea and having multiple migraines in my first trimester, but it has also humbled me too. I would rather feel healthy in some respect, but I almost am glad that I don't feel terribly well because for me its a sign the baby is fine. It certainly is a completely different pregnancy then what I experienced with my first, but it is still just as amazing and pretty awesome.
Thank you God. I could never thank you enough for all the blessings you have given me.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
I love you Ben
Everyday Ben is doing something new and fun. Sometimes he gets into a little mischief, but that is almost expected having a three year old little boy. He constantly reminds me though how precious life is and how simple things can make you so darn happy.
Ben's speech is drastically improving and I could not be prouder. There are still the occasional babbles of excitement or when he's playing that no one but him understands, but its fun sometimes pretending that I have the ability to translate that thought. However, lately he's been able to say a real sentence and its nothing short but wonderful. Its either "I love you Mommy" or "I love you Dada". Whats more magical about him saying it, is that it isn't always prompted and sometimes he will just say it out of the blue. Talk about a mothers heart nearly weeping every time I hear him say such a sweet thing. I can never get enough "I love you Mommy" throughout the day. It is always so special to hear it.
Ben has also become quite the care taker! He loves to help if you give him a task like feeding the dogs, watering the plants or picking something up for either his Dad or I. He still needs some work in the clean up his own toys department, but he'll get there. Over the weekend, I asked Ben if he wouldn't mind getting me a wipe (which equals a tissue in his language), he proudly walked over and got some toilet paper. I was quite relieved not to get a 20 sheet wipe, but also wanted to encourage him to figure out some things like getting toilet paper (hello potty training) all by himself. He knew I needed to blow my nose, but he would not let me have the toilet paper! He wanted to hold the tissue just like I would for him and for me to blow my nose in it! It certainly cracked me up. I pretended too (who wants Mommy boogers anyways) and later got myself my own wipe.
Ben also (much to his dismay if he ever reads this blog) had his first BM in the toilet at day care yesterday. We were all so proud! Its a huge accomplishment for a little guy to make because it can be quite scary to do that! However, his little grin of achievement when I gave him that high five and hug was what really made my day. He knew he accomplished something and was proud to have that accomplishment shared, even if this story will make him crawl into a ball when he's 16. Ben also is a bit of a stinker in the fact he will go potty in day care much more then he ever will at home! I can't put my finger on it other then he just wants to go along with the flow of the other kids doing their potty training business. He'll get there I am sure. Becoming a big kid certainly does take a lot of work!
Ben also had his first truly grubby bath yesterday. He played outside with the neighborhood kids (Maddie and James) and the three of them together really got messy. Between marker, sidewalk chalk and digging in the dirt...all three were due for a bath when their Moms took them inside. Ben had a fantastic time and I am so happy he has little friends he can play with that are so close by. I just haven't seen a bathtub with a ring of dirt around it since I was a kid! I knew he had fun though, but was exhausted because he was the one to tell me that he was ready to go inside. Imagine that!
My little guy certainly is the highlight of my days and I really couldn't be more proud of the little person he is becoming. He's outgoing and daring, but with that comes a sweet, caring sensitive little boy as well. I love you Benny!
Ben's speech is drastically improving and I could not be prouder. There are still the occasional babbles of excitement or when he's playing that no one but him understands, but its fun sometimes pretending that I have the ability to translate that thought. However, lately he's been able to say a real sentence and its nothing short but wonderful. Its either "I love you Mommy" or "I love you Dada". Whats more magical about him saying it, is that it isn't always prompted and sometimes he will just say it out of the blue. Talk about a mothers heart nearly weeping every time I hear him say such a sweet thing. I can never get enough "I love you Mommy" throughout the day. It is always so special to hear it.
Ben has also become quite the care taker! He loves to help if you give him a task like feeding the dogs, watering the plants or picking something up for either his Dad or I. He still needs some work in the clean up his own toys department, but he'll get there. Over the weekend, I asked Ben if he wouldn't mind getting me a wipe (which equals a tissue in his language), he proudly walked over and got some toilet paper. I was quite relieved not to get a 20 sheet wipe, but also wanted to encourage him to figure out some things like getting toilet paper (hello potty training) all by himself. He knew I needed to blow my nose, but he would not let me have the toilet paper! He wanted to hold the tissue just like I would for him and for me to blow my nose in it! It certainly cracked me up. I pretended too (who wants Mommy boogers anyways) and later got myself my own wipe.
Ben also (much to his dismay if he ever reads this blog) had his first BM in the toilet at day care yesterday. We were all so proud! Its a huge accomplishment for a little guy to make because it can be quite scary to do that! However, his little grin of achievement when I gave him that high five and hug was what really made my day. He knew he accomplished something and was proud to have that accomplishment shared, even if this story will make him crawl into a ball when he's 16. Ben also is a bit of a stinker in the fact he will go potty in day care much more then he ever will at home! I can't put my finger on it other then he just wants to go along with the flow of the other kids doing their potty training business. He'll get there I am sure. Becoming a big kid certainly does take a lot of work!
Ben also had his first truly grubby bath yesterday. He played outside with the neighborhood kids (Maddie and James) and the three of them together really got messy. Between marker, sidewalk chalk and digging in the dirt...all three were due for a bath when their Moms took them inside. Ben had a fantastic time and I am so happy he has little friends he can play with that are so close by. I just haven't seen a bathtub with a ring of dirt around it since I was a kid! I knew he had fun though, but was exhausted because he was the one to tell me that he was ready to go inside. Imagine that!
My little guy certainly is the highlight of my days and I really couldn't be more proud of the little person he is becoming. He's outgoing and daring, but with that comes a sweet, caring sensitive little boy as well. I love you Benny!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Its So Fun to be 3!!!
I can't say enough how much I love my little boy. He does the silliest things and sweetest things. He just makes me gush. It seems (knock on wood) that some of his less favorable behavior (biting and hitting) is behind us as his speech has literally exploded and is able to communicate with us more. We have just been so busy in the last few weeks since his birthday! We certainly aren't having a "lazy" summer this year!
Last Saturday Ben's Daddy decided to plan our Saturday morning and do something new as a family. Since I am usually the planner, I was very keen on giving someone else the task, especially if its something new to do as a family. Ben woke us up very early on Saturday and we lazily got out of bed, got ready and headed out to Rockville. There we went to a new donut shop called Fractured Prune where you can choose your own donut, its glaze and topping then it is made from scratch! It was so delicious!!! This is the only donut that has ever rivaled Krispy Kreme in my book, so you know that is huge. Ben loved his rainbow sprinkle and a had a few bites of his Dad's strawberry donut. After a rather sugary breakfast we headed across the street to Toy Kingdom. It was a cute toy store that had all kinds of things, but what I liked about it most is that the toys they sold weren't all the same toys you see in Toys R Us or Target. Surprisingly after Ben played with a doll house and at the train table, he didn't want anything so we all decided to continue our day with a little window shopping. We soon came across a little store called Ten Thousand Villages (something like that) and decided to go in. They had beautifully handcrafted items from all over the world made by villagers who through this organization was paid with fair wages. Ben then saw a beautiful hand painted wood school bus with little people inside and had to have it. His parents are softies, so we got it for him. It really brightened up his little day (even though he just had a yummy donut) and in turn it brightened up our day s well.
Later that same evening we went to a drive in. We haven't been to one in a while so I wasn't sure how Ben would handle it. HE LOVED IT. Not only did he get to stay up late, but he got to chow down on unhealthy (but very yummy) movie theater food and watch a movie. The theater was playing The Sorcerers Apprentice and the new Twilight Eclipse movie. Ben liked The Sorcerers Apprentice but was a bit scared of the pack of wolves scene. He has a strange fear of wolves! I explained to him that they are only on the screen and that they are not here in real life and reminded him that they are in Iraq (we figure we never will go there so its okay if the wolves go there). He was fine after that and passed out before the second movie began.
On Sunday we celebrated my birthday early since Ben's cousin is going into Potty Boot Camp next week. The boys loved playing together and got in a little mischief. Two three year old very silly boys are bound to do that. It was nice seeing them get along and it reminded me of how I was with my cousins when I was little...giggly and got into trouble quite often.
This week has been busy as well. Yesterday after I picked Ben up from day care another little boy was leaving day care as well with his Mom. He was saying hi to Ben and calling him his buddy. He turned to his Mom just as he as getting into the car and asked her "Mom can I have a little brother just like Ben?" His Mom reply was "...get in the car". HAHA! What a situation for his Mom to be put in! Its nice to know even the school age kids adore Ben and that he has lots of friends at his school. It warms my heart knowing how loved he is there.
Yesterday,I decided to have a slumber party with Ben. Typically I don't sleep with him unless he's sick (its just easier), but Ben's sweetness in asking me to lay down with him after we said his prayers was just something this softy of a Mom could not resist. I reward good behavior and his behavior really has been wonderful lately, so it was another reason to give Ben a once in a blue moon treat.
Once I told Ben we could have a slumber party, he was THRILLED. So much so that he took great care in making sure I had adequate blankets (yes my little three year old tried to cover me up) and held my hand to make sure I wouldn't slip away. I was soaking up the moment (as was he) until I was reminded I indeed have an "all boy" child. BRRRRRRRRRP! Ben had passed gas rather loudly. A moment passed by as we both paused in silence, he then turned to me and said "EWWWW Mama!!!!". WHAT?????? I decided to play along (despite the late hour) and call him out on it "Ewww Ben Ben!!!!" He giggled his little boy giggle and we went back and forth like that for a good few minutes...until we were busted. His Dad came in the room wondering what was going on and at such a late hour. We both giggled and I explained to him what was going on. He smiled, kissed us goodnight and went back to bed. I felt like a little kid at a sleep over and a parent coming in to tell us to "quit it". HAHA!
Today Ben is having water day at school (its a weekly thing on Tuesday during the summer). How I wish I could play with him right now instead of being stuck here at work. I wonder if he misses me at all? I miss him...which is why I usually write this blog when I'm at work : ) I just can't wait to see him. I miss you Ben!!!!
Last Saturday Ben's Daddy decided to plan our Saturday morning and do something new as a family. Since I am usually the planner, I was very keen on giving someone else the task, especially if its something new to do as a family. Ben woke us up very early on Saturday and we lazily got out of bed, got ready and headed out to Rockville. There we went to a new donut shop called Fractured Prune where you can choose your own donut, its glaze and topping then it is made from scratch! It was so delicious!!! This is the only donut that has ever rivaled Krispy Kreme in my book, so you know that is huge. Ben loved his rainbow sprinkle and a had a few bites of his Dad's strawberry donut. After a rather sugary breakfast we headed across the street to Toy Kingdom. It was a cute toy store that had all kinds of things, but what I liked about it most is that the toys they sold weren't all the same toys you see in Toys R Us or Target. Surprisingly after Ben played with a doll house and at the train table, he didn't want anything so we all decided to continue our day with a little window shopping. We soon came across a little store called Ten Thousand Villages (something like that) and decided to go in. They had beautifully handcrafted items from all over the world made by villagers who through this organization was paid with fair wages. Ben then saw a beautiful hand painted wood school bus with little people inside and had to have it. His parents are softies, so we got it for him. It really brightened up his little day (even though he just had a yummy donut) and in turn it brightened up our day s well.
Later that same evening we went to a drive in. We haven't been to one in a while so I wasn't sure how Ben would handle it. HE LOVED IT. Not only did he get to stay up late, but he got to chow down on unhealthy (but very yummy) movie theater food and watch a movie. The theater was playing The Sorcerers Apprentice and the new Twilight Eclipse movie. Ben liked The Sorcerers Apprentice but was a bit scared of the pack of wolves scene. He has a strange fear of wolves! I explained to him that they are only on the screen and that they are not here in real life and reminded him that they are in Iraq (we figure we never will go there so its okay if the wolves go there). He was fine after that and passed out before the second movie began.
On Sunday we celebrated my birthday early since Ben's cousin is going into Potty Boot Camp next week. The boys loved playing together and got in a little mischief. Two three year old very silly boys are bound to do that. It was nice seeing them get along and it reminded me of how I was with my cousins when I was little...giggly and got into trouble quite often.
This week has been busy as well. Yesterday after I picked Ben up from day care another little boy was leaving day care as well with his Mom. He was saying hi to Ben and calling him his buddy. He turned to his Mom just as he as getting into the car and asked her "Mom can I have a little brother just like Ben?" His Mom reply was "...get in the car". HAHA! What a situation for his Mom to be put in! Its nice to know even the school age kids adore Ben and that he has lots of friends at his school. It warms my heart knowing how loved he is there.
Yesterday,I decided to have a slumber party with Ben. Typically I don't sleep with him unless he's sick (its just easier), but Ben's sweetness in asking me to lay down with him after we said his prayers was just something this softy of a Mom could not resist. I reward good behavior and his behavior really has been wonderful lately, so it was another reason to give Ben a once in a blue moon treat.
Once I told Ben we could have a slumber party, he was THRILLED. So much so that he took great care in making sure I had adequate blankets (yes my little three year old tried to cover me up) and held my hand to make sure I wouldn't slip away. I was soaking up the moment (as was he) until I was reminded I indeed have an "all boy" child. BRRRRRRRRRP! Ben had passed gas rather loudly. A moment passed by as we both paused in silence, he then turned to me and said "EWWWW Mama!!!!". WHAT?????? I decided to play along (despite the late hour) and call him out on it "Ewww Ben Ben!!!!" He giggled his little boy giggle and we went back and forth like that for a good few minutes...until we were busted. His Dad came in the room wondering what was going on and at such a late hour. We both giggled and I explained to him what was going on. He smiled, kissed us goodnight and went back to bed. I felt like a little kid at a sleep over and a parent coming in to tell us to "quit it". HAHA!
Today Ben is having water day at school (its a weekly thing on Tuesday during the summer). How I wish I could play with him right now instead of being stuck here at work. I wonder if he misses me at all? I miss him...which is why I usually write this blog when I'm at work : ) I just can't wait to see him. I miss you Ben!!!!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Ben is THREE
Last Thursday, Ben had his third birthday! I can not believe my little guy turned three years old! For his birthday, his Mama as in years past took off work Thursday and Friday to spend with her little man. The weekend went by quickly, we all ended up with a cold but we had so much fun!
Thursday Ben woke his parents up at the crack of dawn and asked for cake. We told him he had to hold off for a while and once we had breakfast and got dressed, we headed to Toys R Us. Much to his Mom's dismay the toys she ordered well over a week and a half before that had not yet been delivered. Ben had not been to Toys R Us in quite a while so when we did arrive he ran over to the first bin that had a water toy in it. I think it was just because simply it was a toy and typically we are never at just a store that sells only toys. Ben then looked around, saw all the toys that surrounded him and screamed a delighted/elated scream of joy. We looked at so many toys for over an hour! Mostly we played in the power wheels section, but finally when it came down to deciding what Ben wanted...he choose a microwave and a car on the top of it that made it move. After we left, we started heading to Great Country Farm (a farm that neither him or I have been to) and on the way we stopped and ate at McDonald's . Ben certainly does love french fries! We had a wonderful time at Great Country Farm, but it was a little too warm. Ben loved nothing more but to run to all the different play houses and check them out.
That evening after a much needed nap, we ate Salisbury Steak (which Ben ate most of the meal) and his favorite veggie carrots. Finally Ben got what he was asking for all day and received his cake, a snicker ice cream cake. Ben loved it so much he had TWO pieces!
On Friday we continued Ben's Birthday extravaganza. We had made plans with his cousin to play at a nearby pool, which was another place we have never been to! It was the Volcano Island Waterpark in Sterling. While I knew Ben would play with the water a little bit, he has also got fearful of pools. I was delighted to see that they had a 1 1/2 foot pool area, as well as a separate pool. Ben surprised his Mom by not only playing in the water, but walking down the ramp of the pool to the 2 1/2 foot section and started dancing the music the lifeguards were playing. He also tried going down the slide a few times! Shocked me, but I was happy that even though he was still quite cautious, he was getting more comfortable with the water. That night we headed to Fairfax Corner and ate at the California Pizza kitchen and after dinner Ben played with all the other kids at the water fountain. Ben somehow managed NOT to get wet at the water fountain. He enjoyed nothing more to get close to the water and then run away from it. He had a blast!
Saturday was Ben's birthday party at the Loudoun Bounce House. We were quite concerned that Ben would not play in a room full of moon bounce type equipment because at his cousins birthday party a few weeks prior, he had NOTHING to do with the moon bounce his Aunt and Uncle had rented. Our worries were quickly put aside and Ben was already trying to run up a slide before we could take his shoes off. He was laughing hysterically at everything and was just very delighted. We had a great turn out with lots of Ben's little friends and I believe all the children including the adults had a fun time. Although we were pleased to have so many family and friends show up, seeing Ben's happy face and having the best time was all that we needed.

About an hour in to Ben's party, we decided to cut the cake. Ben's Nagypapa made a dog cake for Ben. I sat down Ben and everyone started singing Happy Birthday to him. He was so bashful at the thought of so much attention he hid his face and giggled. It was one of the best moments of his birthday weekend by far! Below is a picture of his reaction:

Ben's birthday weekend ended with a fun overnight to Nagypapa and Nagymama's house so his parents could attend a wedding. He didn't mind one bit as he loves nothing more but to spend time with some of his favorite people and in a house he feels is his second home. While I am still getting used to being a Mom of a three year old, but it has been wonderful so far! Happy Birthday my little man!
Thursday Ben woke his parents up at the crack of dawn and asked for cake. We told him he had to hold off for a while and once we had breakfast and got dressed, we headed to Toys R Us. Much to his Mom's dismay the toys she ordered well over a week and a half before that had not yet been delivered. Ben had not been to Toys R Us in quite a while so when we did arrive he ran over to the first bin that had a water toy in it. I think it was just because simply it was a toy and typically we are never at just a store that sells only toys. Ben then looked around, saw all the toys that surrounded him and screamed a delighted/elated scream of joy. We looked at so many toys for over an hour! Mostly we played in the power wheels section, but finally when it came down to deciding what Ben wanted...he choose a microwave and a car on the top of it that made it move. After we left, we started heading to Great Country Farm (a farm that neither him or I have been to) and on the way we stopped and ate at McDonald's . Ben certainly does love french fries! We had a wonderful time at Great Country Farm, but it was a little too warm. Ben loved nothing more but to run to all the different play houses and check them out.

On Friday we continued Ben's Birthday extravaganza. We had made plans with his cousin to play at a nearby pool, which was another place we have never been to! It was the Volcano Island Waterpark in Sterling. While I knew Ben would play with the water a little bit, he has also got fearful of pools. I was delighted to see that they had a 1 1/2 foot pool area, as well as a separate pool. Ben surprised his Mom by not only playing in the water, but walking down the ramp of the pool to the 2 1/2 foot section and started dancing the music the lifeguards were playing. He also tried going down the slide a few times! Shocked me, but I was happy that even though he was still quite cautious, he was getting more comfortable with the water. That night we headed to Fairfax Corner and ate at the California Pizza kitchen and after dinner Ben played with all the other kids at the water fountain. Ben somehow managed NOT to get wet at the water fountain. He enjoyed nothing more to get close to the water and then run away from it. He had a blast!
Saturday was Ben's birthday party at the Loudoun Bounce House. We were quite concerned that Ben would not play in a room full of moon bounce type equipment because at his cousins birthday party a few weeks prior, he had NOTHING to do with the moon bounce his Aunt and Uncle had rented. Our worries were quickly put aside and Ben was already trying to run up a slide before we could take his shoes off. He was laughing hysterically at everything and was just very delighted. We had a great turn out with lots of Ben's little friends and I believe all the children including the adults had a fun time. Although we were pleased to have so many family and friends show up, seeing Ben's happy face and having the best time was all that we needed.

About an hour in to Ben's party, we decided to cut the cake. Ben's Nagypapa made a dog cake for Ben. I sat down Ben and everyone started singing Happy Birthday to him. He was so bashful at the thought of so much attention he hid his face and giggled. It was one of the best moments of his birthday weekend by far! Below is a picture of his reaction:

Ben's birthday weekend ended with a fun overnight to Nagypapa and Nagymama's house so his parents could attend a wedding. He didn't mind one bit as he loves nothing more but to spend time with some of his favorite people and in a house he feels is his second home. While I am still getting used to being a Mom of a three year old, but it has been wonderful so far! Happy Birthday my little man!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Its June

Here we are a few weeks before Ben's THIRD birthday! When did my baby get so big? He is growing up so quickly! Not only is he wearing a size 8 shoe, but he is also talking more and doing more big kid things.
Ben is making a lot of headway with the potty training thing. However the little bugger will only potty at day care and doesn't want to even try at home. At least he is slowly but surely getting it. I think it is more peer pressure, but I am certainly proud of him!
He is also speaking much more, but still is going through is speech classes. He still refuses to say his name or pronounce some words. He is also getting along much better behavioral wise and with some guidance does really great at LISTENING when I tell him to share or to wait until a toy is available to play with. His teacher the other day told me a classmate of his named Tyler decided to take a toy away from his friend he calls Nini. Ben intervened and gave the toy back to Nini and then got a toy that was similar for Tyler to play with. Talk about a great ref! I never knew, but I was pretty proud of him for doing that. He really is a sweet, loving and caring little boy.
I had a few funny stories that I wanted to share about Ben that happened over the past few weeks.
1)While I was driving Ben home from day care, Ben said, "I wanna drive". I told him he couldn't and that he would drive when he gets older. For goodness sakes he is not even THREE yet. He repeated, "I wanna drive." I decided to end the conversation saying, "I'm not teaching you to drive. Your Dad is going to do that." The little stinker replied with, "I want Dada." Oye.
2) Ben told me to be quiet while the cd player was playing the song Mascarade from Phantom of the Opera. Lol. I thought Mommy was the only one enjoying it.
3) During our trip to church during Memorial Day weekend...we were stopped by all the bikers heading to D.C. After seeing all the motorcycles Ben turns to me and says "I want a bike"
5) Once while Ben was missing his Dad. He saw a photo of him on my iPhone and kissed and hugged my phone saying "awwwww Dada". Lol so cute
6) Ben just ate a 3 egg cheese omlet by himself last weekend. What am I going to do when he is a teenager?
7)Ben lately his been afraid of wolves. Why? I have no idea...maybe the Three Little Pigs did it. I guess its a Russian thing. Anyways, yesterday I got his Star Wars bowl out to put some snack in it , he saw Chewbacca and said , "No, no no Wolf" while shaking his finger at it. I figured out why he wouldn't sleep in the expensive big boy bed...the Star Wars sheets are on it.
8) Ben apparantly thinks Lucas (my 6lb poodle) is a wolf. Not Joey..our other poodle who is bigger at a whooping 12lbs. How does Lucas even equate to anything like a wolf? He's resembles more of a sheep then a wolf. Then again...Lucas does howel a tune every now and then.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Williamsburg Trip
The family is finally back after a week long trip to Williamsburg, Virginia. It certainly was quite a busy trip and Ben was really a trooper with all the activities we had planned on a daily basis. I am pretty proud of him!
We met up with Nagypapa and Nagymama Sunday at the Wyndham Patriots Place timeshare my Uncle gifted us. We went out for dinner and mostly relaxed discussing plans for the next day. Ben was absolutely thrilled exploring the new space, but I believe he was a little confused although happy that his Nagypapa and Nagymama were there.
On Monday we visited Colonial Williamsburg. I think Ben loved getting on the bus from the visitors center to the site and back the most, as riding a big bus (he is really into school buses) is just the coolest thing to him. He did enjoy running around the magazine and was quite interested in the large barrels that were located on the second floor of the building. Ben also really liked looking in the different buildings and running around in the garden that was behind the building that had all the spinning wheels (the name of that building is escaping me now). He also enjoyed seeing the horses and oxen. We didn't allow him to pet the oxen, but he did thoroughly enjoy petting the horses and was quite gentle with them. After lunch Ben was pretty exhausted so our little family headed back to the timeshare place while Nagypapa and Nagymama explored more of Williamsburg.
On Tuesday we headed back to Williamsburg to look at the hospital and some area shops. Ben was pretty unsure of the hospital and to be honest the hospital freaked me out a bit. The shops of course were fun to gander at, but as anyone that has a learn to look quickly at things.
Later that day after nap time we went to the indoor swimming pool. Ben surprised us after being such a fish in Miami to now being afraid of going into the water. We tried coaxing him and showing how safe he would be, but he wasn't having any of it. We decided that maybe he was too cold in the pool so we would try the hot top (without the bubbles) since it was just more warm then hot. He enjoyed that much more as it wasn't as massive and the steps were not as deep for him to step into. It just goes to show that toddlers frequently change their minds on what they like or what they don't like. I am not sure why he isn't liking pools as much right now, but hopefully with our summer pool passes we will get soon...he will soon be over his fears. We of course will take it slow. It could change again very easily.
On Wednesday we headed down to Norfolk. I loved seeing the water and Ben was quite impressed as we passed different water beds while we drove over the bridges and was pointing out all the different boats he saw. We took a tour of the Navy Base while we were there, which included another bus ride. Ben was quite happy riding the bus yet again! He loved looking at all the different destroyers and other various ships. He would point to them and call them "boats". After our tour we headed down to the harbor and had a delicious lunch outside. The weather was perfect and we even had a nearby quacking duck that Ben was enthralled with. After a quiet drive back and later that night, the entire family went to Christina Campbell's Tavern in Colonial Williamsburg. Ben was pretty good for such a nice sit down meal and I couldn't of been more proud of him.
On Thursday Amy and Ty were to arrive later in the afternoon, so we planned an easy morning/afternoon activity. We went to the outlets for a while and did a few other little things that each of us wanted to do. Once Amy and Ty arrived we headed out to the indoor pool once again. Ben still was not having us take him deep into the pool, but happily played with us on the first two steps. He's a boy that likes control! : )
Friday was an extremely fun day. We had planned to visit Busch Garden's with the entire family. The boys both really loved the Sesame Street portion of the park. I rode several rides with both my nephew and son. Both boys had the sweetest smiles and giggles as they explored all the different things to explore and do. Ben was star struck once again in meeting all the Sesame Street characters (Elmo, Big Bird, Grover, Zoe, Cookie Monster, Bert and Ernie) and loved hugging each and every one of them. His little smile in seeing each of them and how thrilled he was has not yet left my mind. After we explored the Sesame Street portion of the park it was time for lunch and we all agreed to eat in Germany. As we headed into the German section of the park, we found a quiet, serene balloon ride that the boys wanted to ride. My sister and I were both a little surprised that parents could not ride, so we let the boys ride together...alone. It was the first ride Ben has EVER rode alone and I was nervous. I think he liked having that bit of freedom riding alone and did perfect! Once we made it to Germany it was time for one of their shows. Both Ben and Ty were eyeballing the performance and probably wondering what the heck was going on, but were awesome sports and very attentive for two little toddler boys. After lunch we headed to the bi-plane ride, which both boys got on very nicely. Ben did not quite get the concept of pulling the stick up (or maybe he did and didn't want to) so his plane would go up in the air. He rode by himself in the allies plane #7. In the next ride he rode with his cousin so he could go up in the air. That was a mistake. He hated the height and cried most of the way. Poor guy! He does have some height fear, but it depends per situation. I felt badly, but I wouldn't of known unless we tried. Next we rode a boat ride, which Ben was not too keen on. He didn't cry on the ride but he was not thrilled either. We attributed to him being tired, so after a semi melt down our family decided to part with my sister, nephew and parents as we were going to take Ben back to the timeshare place to nap. We didn't even make it out of the park before he was passed out in his stroller, so instead of leaving we went back to the German food hall and let him nap peacefully. After his nap we met up with the rest of the family again and rode a few more rides. Ben really loved the train ride and did great on it. He did however require that his Dad or I hold his hand, which one of us was going to do anyways, but it was still sweet.
Saturday was our last day and man I think I was already exhausted from the long day before. We all decided to visit Jamestown. The boys really liked the Indian village. Ben LOVED running from house to house looking at all the different settings. Next we went to see the ships, but Ben was having no part on going on any of them. I am not sure why, but he was fearful so we didn't go. After everyone else explored the ships we went inside the fort. The boys both enjoyed looking at houses, but in my opinion I think they liked the stage area that held the cannons the most. Jamestown concluded our trip and made our way home escaping the hot, humid air to the comfort of our air conditioned cars.
Williamsburg was a lot of fun. It was certainly busy, but I think trips like this in showing Ben a new place he has never been too is important. I am sure we will be back someday as he gets older. I am glad to be home, but glad to have another set of wonderful memories to look back on.
We met up with Nagypapa and Nagymama Sunday at the Wyndham Patriots Place timeshare my Uncle gifted us. We went out for dinner and mostly relaxed discussing plans for the next day. Ben was absolutely thrilled exploring the new space, but I believe he was a little confused although happy that his Nagypapa and Nagymama were there.
On Monday we visited Colonial Williamsburg. I think Ben loved getting on the bus from the visitors center to the site and back the most, as riding a big bus (he is really into school buses) is just the coolest thing to him. He did enjoy running around the magazine and was quite interested in the large barrels that were located on the second floor of the building. Ben also really liked looking in the different buildings and running around in the garden that was behind the building that had all the spinning wheels (the name of that building is escaping me now). He also enjoyed seeing the horses and oxen. We didn't allow him to pet the oxen, but he did thoroughly enjoy petting the horses and was quite gentle with them. After lunch Ben was pretty exhausted so our little family headed back to the timeshare place while Nagypapa and Nagymama explored more of Williamsburg.
On Tuesday we headed back to Williamsburg to look at the hospital and some area shops. Ben was pretty unsure of the hospital and to be honest the hospital freaked me out a bit. The shops of course were fun to gander at, but as anyone that has a learn to look quickly at things.
Later that day after nap time we went to the indoor swimming pool. Ben surprised us after being such a fish in Miami to now being afraid of going into the water. We tried coaxing him and showing how safe he would be, but he wasn't having any of it. We decided that maybe he was too cold in the pool so we would try the hot top (without the bubbles) since it was just more warm then hot. He enjoyed that much more as it wasn't as massive and the steps were not as deep for him to step into. It just goes to show that toddlers frequently change their minds on what they like or what they don't like. I am not sure why he isn't liking pools as much right now, but hopefully with our summer pool passes we will get soon...he will soon be over his fears. We of course will take it slow. It could change again very easily.
On Wednesday we headed down to Norfolk. I loved seeing the water and Ben was quite impressed as we passed different water beds while we drove over the bridges and was pointing out all the different boats he saw. We took a tour of the Navy Base while we were there, which included another bus ride. Ben was quite happy riding the bus yet again! He loved looking at all the different destroyers and other various ships. He would point to them and call them "boats". After our tour we headed down to the harbor and had a delicious lunch outside. The weather was perfect and we even had a nearby quacking duck that Ben was enthralled with. After a quiet drive back and later that night, the entire family went to Christina Campbell's Tavern in Colonial Williamsburg. Ben was pretty good for such a nice sit down meal and I couldn't of been more proud of him.
On Thursday Amy and Ty were to arrive later in the afternoon, so we planned an easy morning/afternoon activity. We went to the outlets for a while and did a few other little things that each of us wanted to do. Once Amy and Ty arrived we headed out to the indoor pool once again. Ben still was not having us take him deep into the pool, but happily played with us on the first two steps. He's a boy that likes control! : )
Friday was an extremely fun day. We had planned to visit Busch Garden's with the entire family. The boys both really loved the Sesame Street portion of the park. I rode several rides with both my nephew and son. Both boys had the sweetest smiles and giggles as they explored all the different things to explore and do. Ben was star struck once again in meeting all the Sesame Street characters (Elmo, Big Bird, Grover, Zoe, Cookie Monster, Bert and Ernie) and loved hugging each and every one of them. His little smile in seeing each of them and how thrilled he was has not yet left my mind. After we explored the Sesame Street portion of the park it was time for lunch and we all agreed to eat in Germany. As we headed into the German section of the park, we found a quiet, serene balloon ride that the boys wanted to ride. My sister and I were both a little surprised that parents could not ride, so we let the boys ride together...alone. It was the first ride Ben has EVER rode alone and I was nervous. I think he liked having that bit of freedom riding alone and did perfect! Once we made it to Germany it was time for one of their shows. Both Ben and Ty were eyeballing the performance and probably wondering what the heck was going on, but were awesome sports and very attentive for two little toddler boys. After lunch we headed to the bi-plane ride, which both boys got on very nicely. Ben did not quite get the concept of pulling the stick up (or maybe he did and didn't want to) so his plane would go up in the air. He rode by himself in the allies plane #7. In the next ride he rode with his cousin so he could go up in the air. That was a mistake. He hated the height and cried most of the way. Poor guy! He does have some height fear, but it depends per situation. I felt badly, but I wouldn't of known unless we tried. Next we rode a boat ride, which Ben was not too keen on. He didn't cry on the ride but he was not thrilled either. We attributed to him being tired, so after a semi melt down our family decided to part with my sister, nephew and parents as we were going to take Ben back to the timeshare place to nap. We didn't even make it out of the park before he was passed out in his stroller, so instead of leaving we went back to the German food hall and let him nap peacefully. After his nap we met up with the rest of the family again and rode a few more rides. Ben really loved the train ride and did great on it. He did however require that his Dad or I hold his hand, which one of us was going to do anyways, but it was still sweet.
Saturday was our last day and man I think I was already exhausted from the long day before. We all decided to visit Jamestown. The boys really liked the Indian village. Ben LOVED running from house to house looking at all the different settings. Next we went to see the ships, but Ben was having no part on going on any of them. I am not sure why, but he was fearful so we didn't go. After everyone else explored the ships we went inside the fort. The boys both enjoyed looking at houses, but in my opinion I think they liked the stage area that held the cannons the most. Jamestown concluded our trip and made our way home escaping the hot, humid air to the comfort of our air conditioned cars.
Williamsburg was a lot of fun. It was certainly busy, but I think trips like this in showing Ben a new place he has never been too is important. I am sure we will be back someday as he gets older. I am glad to be home, but glad to have another set of wonderful memories to look back on.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Benjamin Mikes
Just thought I would write a fun blog on why I LOVE Benjamin.
I love his beautiful, bright green eyes. I love that he reminds me so much of the way I was when I was little...a firecracker. I love that his expressions are often the same ones his Father gives me...confusion, worry, happiness and excitement. I love the way he makes a sound to kiss me and gives full body hugs. I love the way he puts his fingers in his mouth when he is in trouble or is unsure of something because it is so darn cute. I love that he loves dogs. I love that he is confident and will usually dive into an activity. I love his beautiful smile and the little laugh he does when he's so excited for something. I love the way he says "hello" and "yellow", as he reminds me of my Nagypapa (how he ended up with a two word yankee accent is beyond me). I love that he will choose fruits or veggies over pasta. I love the way he likes to help out. I love the relationship he has with my parents and my husband's Mom. I love the mischievous looks and the cute way he tries to ask for things he knows he isn't suppose to have. I love the way he prays and blesses himself. I love how caring he is towards others and how he thinks of doing that all by himself. My son is an amazing, beautiful, sweet, little individual who is so full of life. He amazes me every day and has taught me more things about life and the grace of God's hands then anything or anyone ever has. I love you little man.
I love his beautiful, bright green eyes. I love that he reminds me so much of the way I was when I was little...a firecracker. I love that his expressions are often the same ones his Father gives me...confusion, worry, happiness and excitement. I love the way he makes a sound to kiss me and gives full body hugs. I love the way he puts his fingers in his mouth when he is in trouble or is unsure of something because it is so darn cute. I love that he loves dogs. I love that he is confident and will usually dive into an activity. I love his beautiful smile and the little laugh he does when he's so excited for something. I love the way he says "hello" and "yellow", as he reminds me of my Nagypapa (how he ended up with a two word yankee accent is beyond me). I love that he will choose fruits or veggies over pasta. I love the way he likes to help out. I love the relationship he has with my parents and my husband's Mom. I love the mischievous looks and the cute way he tries to ask for things he knows he isn't suppose to have. I love the way he prays and blesses himself. I love how caring he is towards others and how he thinks of doing that all by himself. My son is an amazing, beautiful, sweet, little individual who is so full of life. He amazes me every day and has taught me more things about life and the grace of God's hands then anything or anyone ever has. I love you little man.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Weekend Fun
Last weekend was a busy weekend, but man was it fun! After I got over one horrendous migraine from the work week, it was time to have some together time and enjoy one another.
This weekend also marked another little milestone in Ben's life, which further proved that my baby is not suck a baby any longer.
During my migraine/days of feeling over medicated as medicine frequently does to me, Ben spent an evening at his Nagypapa and Nagymama's house so he could have some one on one quality time and his Dad could have a small break. As he usually does, he sleeps in my old twin bed at my parents house during over night visits. However, once he came home, he refused to sleep in his crib. Thankfully we had a guest bed that he was more then happy to sleep in. His Dad and I knew it was time to buy our little guy the bed we have both been eying for months.
On Saturday morning, we had a delicious breakfast at IHOP. Ben was finished with his meal, so to occupy him I gave him some of those half and halfs restaurants serve with coffee to stack. I remember that occupying me when I was a kid, so I figure it was a harmless activity. What I didn't know was that it explodes if you bite it. Thankfully there was a small partition that blocked most of the half and half splatter, but the people next to us did receive a few droplets on their face. They had no reaction other then just to sit there stunned. We were of course mortified and embarrassed. Obviously we made our apologies and shortly after we made our exit. Upon leaving, I laughed...and am still laughing at the explosion of half and half and those people's reactions. It is not something I necessarily want to relive again, but it was priceless.
After the half and half event, we headed to Potomac Mills to buy Ben's bed. He was thrilled with the bunk beds in the store and constantly wanted to go to the top bunks. Thankfully he calmed down after seeing the bed we wanted to purchase and got involved with the door and taking his stuffed dog in and out of the cabinet. Shortly after, we made the purchase and it is expected to be delivered on May 18th! I can't wait to see Ben's reaction when he sees his new bed all set up in his room. Many thanks goes out to his Nagymama and Nagypapa for buying the awesome Star Wars sheets (Ben's Dads choice) and to his Gaga who bought the mattresses. We have such generous and wonderful Grandparents! : )

On Sunday we had another event scheduled, which was to hear a 90 minute timeshare presentation so we could eventually cash in our 3 day/2 night stay in Massanutten. Both James nor I have never been there, but the drive was beautiful and the grounds were pretty awesome. It reminded me of going to camp when I was a young kid with my Dad. There is just something about mountain air that just refreshes me. I will say that Ben was so awesome during the 90 minutes with our friendly sales rep even after seeing a huge playground a pool right outside of the building we kept going in and out of. I know that had to be hard on him. However, he earned his brownie points so afterward we all headed to the indoor water park and had a blast! We tried to get Ben to go down some of the small water slides (he was not old enough for the tube water slides), but he had no interest. He also did not care much for the lazy river, but in his defense I can see how it could look scary to him and he also did not care for water squirting on his head during the different parts of the river. He did thoroughly enjoy the toddler swimming area and we all spent most of our time there. His Dad and I did take turns checking out the bigger water slides, but in all it was a perfect family day and I can't wait to go back!
On another note Ben is learning more and more words each day. He can now say "yellow", which sounds more like "yell woah". It is too cute. He is also starting to form more words he already knows together like, "No more Dada" when he doesn't want anymore food instead of just saying "No".
Monday, April 5, 2010
Easter Weekend

Happy Easter! Ben had wonderful Easter and the entire weekend was filled with lots of outside time and family. It was so fun! It was also the first Easter (that I can remember) that had perfect weather! All Easters in the past usually required jackets and cold Easter egg hunts. Not this one though!
On Saturday morning Ben and I went to his Nagypapa and Nagymama's house to help partake in preparing for Sunday's Easter meal. The traditional meal has been passed through a few generations in my family and I always remembered Saturday being the prep day for the food when I was growing up. I figure that Ben should start helping as well so he and I could share some of those great memories together! Man did he have a blast! He helped make the beet relish (the grinder was used by my Nagypapa) and he took his job very seriously in helping stuff all the beets while his Nagypapa turned the handle. I made sure (as beets stain) that we had a junky shirt on and its a good thing I did too! There was a lot of beet mess, but it wouldn't be the same if there wasn't any. Next Ben helped make the paska by dumping the pre-measured ingredients into the kitchen aide. He loved watching the mixer mix everything together. Then after his Dad came with lunch we started dying Easter eggs for the first time. Ben really got into it and dyed almost all of the 24 boiled eggs. He colored some with the wax crayon and usually preferred the red dye. However, Ben seeing this beautiful dye also thought it was going to be a yummy drink and tried to eat some of it. Not good! Obviously I corrected him that it was not a drink so we continued dying the rest of the eggs. After the egg dying, Ben and I went back home for a nap (which was much needed).
After we (yes I said we) woke up, the entire family made plans to see Gaga and Uncle Rick. We travled to their house in Vienna, picked them up and headed to Clemyjontri Park. Ben absolutely loves this park as do I because there are all sorts of slides, climbing equipment, etc., that he can play on. It was the first time Gaga and Uncle Rick went to this park and they had a blast playing with Ben as well. After we were all tired and hungry we headed to Herndon and ate pizza at small Greek restaurant. Ben was so patient waiting for his food and I couldn't be more proud of how well he behaved the entire day! Thats my little angel!
On Easter morning Ben woke his Dad and I bright and early (per usual). We both got dressed quickly and headed down the stairs. Ben did not remember it was Easter (he will soon enough) and saw that the Easter Bunny had paid a visit to his house. He got bubbles, egg light up wand, stickers, sidewalk chalk shaped like eggs, hot wheel cars and an vintage house (he loves houses). He certainly made out like crazy! The Easter Bunny also hid a few eggs around the dining area, which were filled with Ben's favorite snack (goldfish). Ben had a great time hunting for all the goldfish filled eggs. After the egg hunt, it was time for breakfast. Ben wanted egg cheese (scambled egg with american cheese). He had a bit of that and then wanted cereal. Ben certainly loves to eat and always has an appetite. After breakfast was done, we all got ready, picked my parents up and headed to church.
Once we were at church and the first liturgy was over, it was time for the kids Easter egg hunt. Ben did pretty darn well (with the help of his Dad, Mom and Nagymama). He found about six eggs, which were a lot then some of the other poor kids that found just a few. We had some time before the next liturgy began so we went back into the hall and opened all his eggs to find yummy treats. Man did he get spoiled with those! After liturgy was over, we dropped Nagypapa and Nagymama back at their house and went home for Ben's nap. However, he did not take a nap but his Mom did! After I woke up we then headed back to Nagypapa and Nagymama's house. Ty, Uncle Eric and Amy Amy were already at the house when we arrived. Ty wanted to play outside and Ben wanted to see whatever Ty was doing as well (its the age), so he was not entirely interested in looking to the Easter basket his Nagymama prepared for him. He did get a lot of nice things including color on soap, candy, bathing suit wardrobe (shoes, shirt, hat, swimsuit) and a bear bath towel. Ty, Aunt Amy and Uncle Eric gave Ben a spider man bucket with some pretty cool dinosaur eggs filled with even more goodies.
The boys played a lot outside that day, which made it a little interesting in hiding eggs. Thankfully both wanted to swing on the swings, so while they were doing that Nagypapa and Nagymama hid some Easter eggs in the front yard. Both boys had a dozen to find and they both did really well! Aunt Amy took lots of photos of the boys and we all had a great time.

The Easter meal was delicious. The boys ate some, but not a lot. They are two so they were a little off their game that day and just wanted to play. Overall it was a fantastic Easter and we all had so much fun! Too bad we didn't have Monday off as well, because I certainly could of used it!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

The middle of March is here already and it is time for another update about Benjamin. He is growing like a weed everyday! He just got his first pair of Adidas shoes, which are a size 7 1/2. I had no idea it was so hard to find shoes in half sizes for kids! Ben is still wearing a lot of 2T clothing, but in many of his shirts he is already wearing size 3T. He must be built a lot like his Dad and just have a longer torso. This morning his teacher (Ms. Alexia) and I compared to notes and although I already knew my son is a great eater...I was astounded by how much he really eats! Yesterday he ate two bowls of cereal, six slices of orange, two chick patties, two helpings of veggies for lunch, a banana, three tacos, and a small cup of chips. He eats more then I do! I have no idea what we'll do when he is a teenager! His Nagymama wanted a kid that would eat and man did she wish a little too hard! Ben loves to eat his fruits and veggies and will often ask for seconds, which surprises his teacher as many of the other kids just pick at it in his class. I know Ben loves veggies because often he will hog the veggie serving plate after we all get our servings because he wants the last bits of it. I hope that lasts! His teacher is already thinking he'll be built like a football player with all his great, healthy eating habits! I have to agree and I am sure his Dad would be thrilled.
Ben is also having his first speech therapy session this Friday and I am really excited for him about that. It has been a long road to get all the tests, meetings, approvals and forms filled out, but it is finally happening for him. I met with his speech therapist (Ms. Kate) last week and she was wonderful. She is going to work on Ben's oral response as well as his oral speech. Unfortunately they only do the speech sessions during the school year, but when I asked about summer homework, his speech teacher was thrilled to death and told me "I love mothers like you. You really want to help him and are not just going through the motions." Of course I want to help Ben! She has no idea how much that statement meant to me. I almost cried because I've felt so much guilt not getting help for him sooner. For the first time I am excited about getting homework, because I know how much it will help my son. Let the homework and therapy begin! I will also say, since Ben's surgery his speech has improved a bit. This week he said, "apple" and "jacket" for the first time. It may be a little garbled, but he made sense of what he was trying to say. I am so thrilled for him.
Ben also has continued to be such a big help around the house. He loves to help his Mom and Dad. It is so cute seeing his pride written all over his face when he knows he did something great and helpful. Of course we praise him a lot for it. Lately he has helped his Mom bring in groceries from the car (he gets a very light and small bag), takes out the trash (again a small bag usually filled with HIS diapers), helps set the table, waters the plants, throws things away when asked, cleans up small spills, and helps cook/bake (his favorite thing), etc., He just loves to help and even though sometimes there is an extra step in having him help, I love that he does.
Since the warm weather has also FINALLY started to arrive, we have been playing a lot outside. Ben is loving the new side walk chalk I bought him and we have little artist drawings up and down our sidewalk. Ben also is IN LOVE with playing inside a play house at his school. He can't get enough of it and all the teachers comment how much Ben loves playing in there. Once when the kids were being called inside, Ben hid out being very quiet in his house. Obviously they knew someone was missing and easily found out it was Ben...and they knew where to look. Little stinker! His Uncle Danny did something similar once when he was a boy so it seems that our family thinks a lot alike!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Its February!
I honestly can't believe half of February is over with and soon we will be on to March! So much has happened since Ben's little surgery, so I thought I'd update his little blog.
The surgery went well. He is fully recovered now but it was not a fun experience for anybody. The morning of the surgery he did great. I was worried about him not getting anything to drink or eat, but it was so early he really didn't want anything and was still a bit tired. When his Dad and I took him back to the pre-op area he was more then happy to sit on the bed/stretcher, which surprised the heck out of me. The nurses were kind enough to put on a movie for him and he didn't cry a bit when they wheeled him back tot he operating area. I cried...he didn't. After the surgery is another story. The nurse called us back and we about trampled past her to get to our son...we could hear him crying as soon as we entered the post op area. He was out of it and honestly it was the saddest sight I have ever seen and hope to God I never have to see again. I cradled him in my arms and sang a soft melody to him, but he still cried. He cried hard and loud enough for the Chief of Anesthesiology to see what was going on. Poor kid. We took him home after we got the approval and he threw up...several times...on me...on himself and on a few blankets. Not fun...for either of us. He ended up settling down after a hour or so and I spent the next 48 hours spoiling him to death. Talk about feeling guilty, but I knew it was the best thing we could do for him. Parenting sure isn't easy...especially that day.
On the last day Saturday in January, we all went (per a Gaga invite from her friend) to the castle house off route 7. Deb, the hostess, absolutely fell in love with Ben. She wanted to cuddle up with him, but he would have none of that so she bribed him a bit with a water gun. He took it and tried squirting her with it, but really didn't get the hang of it unless he was helped, which I think was a blessing for everybody! It was a rather large party, but Deb gave us the free reign to basically go anywhere in the house that we would like. Ben took her up on it and ran around most of the 15,000 sq. ft. house and it was one day James and I were glad that we didn't have such a large house because honestly I don't think we could find him if we did. Ben loved climbing the long circular stairs, discovering the secret room in the library and running around all the different balconies and wearing his parents out. It was an awesome time and Ben was a bit tired (so were we) after the night was over.
Since then we have had another HUGE snow storm. I think its a record breaking snow storm for this area, but could be wrong. The first night the power went out and I was scared to death because we were suppose to have the heaviest snow fall that night and already had several inches fall. Hubby reassured me like he always does and I went to bed. Thankfully it we regained our electricity in the middle of the night (whew). I think Ben was surprised by the amount of snow we had the next day, but Ben wasn't phased by it at all when he went outside with his Dad all bundled up. He sure has that Ruski blood running strong through his veins. The snow was taller them him, but it did not stop him from climbing and then crawling through it. He came back in after an hour or so and I have never seen rosier cheeks or such a runny nose in my life. His Dad made him come in (because of how red he was)...Ben would of stayed out there for hours.
On Valentine's Day Ben went to church in the morning with Nagypapa and Nagymama while his Dad and I went to see Grease! It was pretty awesome as Ace Young played Danny and Taylor Hicks played Teen Angel. It was one of the most outstanding performances I have been to and I have been to a lot of plays! Later that day we met up with Ben at my parents house and his Aunt Amy, Uncle Eric and Ty were there. Ty and Ben exchanged a little present to each other and those two kids had a ball with one another. There was dancing, giggling, racing and silliness galore. Its awesome watching those two grow up together and I'm glad to see them get along so well with one another.
Ben is doing all sorts of wonderful things. He makes sure a prayer is said before every meal, but has not quite gotten the hang of fully blessing himself yet. He goes from Father to Son back to Father and Son. He attempts it, which is the first step and watching him fold his little hands in prayer is about the most adorable thing ever! Ben also is very much into cooking and tries to make all sorts of tasty meals from his little kitchen. We always get some sort of dish with a utensil. When I am making something I try to let him help out rather it be mixing or pouring something into a bowl. He takes those jobs VERY seriously. Ben has also become the plant water boy in our house and with his help, I finally have a plant that has mostly (thus far) survived the winter indoors.
Ben also likes things just so; not in a whiny way, but making sure that they are okay. For example, if his Dad has his foot sticking out of a blanket that is mostly covering him, Ben makes sure he covers that foot. If there are doors open upstairs in either my house or his Nagymama's house he makes sure they are closed (we don't have a preference FYI). He just is very exacting in many areas and it will be interesting to see what he grows up to be.
I also decided to throw in a funny story about Ben. I had bought him a baton that is filled with water and glitter. It is a mainly red and blue, so its not a pink and purple girly one. Uncle Rick (Gaga's boyfriend) saw that Ben had a baton and wondered what we were thinking. I don't stereotype girl toys vs. boy toys that much in my house, so I told him that boys could have a baton too and it wasn't girly. Just then Ben proved that he is in fact "all boy" and took the baton and swatted a ball with it like he was holding a hockey stick. Thats my boy!
Finally I just wanted to say that I can't believe I am so lucky to have such a wonderful son and an amazing husband to share my life with. Every morning I wake up to love, giggles, smiles and I go to bed with the same precious and priceless sweetness. I have to thank God for them every day and just am so in love with both of them. My little family is what makes my world go round and its why I fight so hard for the things that I want for them. Just wanted to say I love you James and Ben.
The surgery went well. He is fully recovered now but it was not a fun experience for anybody. The morning of the surgery he did great. I was worried about him not getting anything to drink or eat, but it was so early he really didn't want anything and was still a bit tired. When his Dad and I took him back to the pre-op area he was more then happy to sit on the bed/stretcher, which surprised the heck out of me. The nurses were kind enough to put on a movie for him and he didn't cry a bit when they wheeled him back tot he operating area. I cried...he didn't. After the surgery is another story. The nurse called us back and we about trampled past her to get to our son...we could hear him crying as soon as we entered the post op area. He was out of it and honestly it was the saddest sight I have ever seen and hope to God I never have to see again. I cradled him in my arms and sang a soft melody to him, but he still cried. He cried hard and loud enough for the Chief of Anesthesiology to see what was going on. Poor kid. We took him home after we got the approval and he threw up...several times...on me...on himself and on a few blankets. Not fun...for either of us. He ended up settling down after a hour or so and I spent the next 48 hours spoiling him to death. Talk about feeling guilty, but I knew it was the best thing we could do for him. Parenting sure isn't easy...especially that day.
On the last day Saturday in January, we all went (per a Gaga invite from her friend) to the castle house off route 7. Deb, the hostess, absolutely fell in love with Ben. She wanted to cuddle up with him, but he would have none of that so she bribed him a bit with a water gun. He took it and tried squirting her with it, but really didn't get the hang of it unless he was helped, which I think was a blessing for everybody! It was a rather large party, but Deb gave us the free reign to basically go anywhere in the house that we would like. Ben took her up on it and ran around most of the 15,000 sq. ft. house and it was one day James and I were glad that we didn't have such a large house because honestly I don't think we could find him if we did. Ben loved climbing the long circular stairs, discovering the secret room in the library and running around all the different balconies and wearing his parents out. It was an awesome time and Ben was a bit tired (so were we) after the night was over.
Since then we have had another HUGE snow storm. I think its a record breaking snow storm for this area, but could be wrong. The first night the power went out and I was scared to death because we were suppose to have the heaviest snow fall that night and already had several inches fall. Hubby reassured me like he always does and I went to bed. Thankfully it we regained our electricity in the middle of the night (whew). I think Ben was surprised by the amount of snow we had the next day, but Ben wasn't phased by it at all when he went outside with his Dad all bundled up. He sure has that Ruski blood running strong through his veins. The snow was taller them him, but it did not stop him from climbing and then crawling through it. He came back in after an hour or so and I have never seen rosier cheeks or such a runny nose in my life. His Dad made him come in (because of how red he was)...Ben would of stayed out there for hours.
On Valentine's Day Ben went to church in the morning with Nagypapa and Nagymama while his Dad and I went to see Grease! It was pretty awesome as Ace Young played Danny and Taylor Hicks played Teen Angel. It was one of the most outstanding performances I have been to and I have been to a lot of plays! Later that day we met up with Ben at my parents house and his Aunt Amy, Uncle Eric and Ty were there. Ty and Ben exchanged a little present to each other and those two kids had a ball with one another. There was dancing, giggling, racing and silliness galore. Its awesome watching those two grow up together and I'm glad to see them get along so well with one another.
Ben is doing all sorts of wonderful things. He makes sure a prayer is said before every meal, but has not quite gotten the hang of fully blessing himself yet. He goes from Father to Son back to Father and Son. He attempts it, which is the first step and watching him fold his little hands in prayer is about the most adorable thing ever! Ben also is very much into cooking and tries to make all sorts of tasty meals from his little kitchen. We always get some sort of dish with a utensil. When I am making something I try to let him help out rather it be mixing or pouring something into a bowl. He takes those jobs VERY seriously. Ben has also become the plant water boy in our house and with his help, I finally have a plant that has mostly (thus far) survived the winter indoors.
Ben also likes things just so; not in a whiny way, but making sure that they are okay. For example, if his Dad has his foot sticking out of a blanket that is mostly covering him, Ben makes sure he covers that foot. If there are doors open upstairs in either my house or his Nagymama's house he makes sure they are closed (we don't have a preference FYI). He just is very exacting in many areas and it will be interesting to see what he grows up to be.
I also decided to throw in a funny story about Ben. I had bought him a baton that is filled with water and glitter. It is a mainly red and blue, so its not a pink and purple girly one. Uncle Rick (Gaga's boyfriend) saw that Ben had a baton and wondered what we were thinking. I don't stereotype girl toys vs. boy toys that much in my house, so I told him that boys could have a baton too and it wasn't girly. Just then Ben proved that he is in fact "all boy" and took the baton and swatted a ball with it like he was holding a hockey stick. Thats my boy!
Finally I just wanted to say that I can't believe I am so lucky to have such a wonderful son and an amazing husband to share my life with. Every morning I wake up to love, giggles, smiles and I go to bed with the same precious and priceless sweetness. I have to thank God for them every day and just am so in love with both of them. My little family is what makes my world go round and its why I fight so hard for the things that I want for them. Just wanted to say I love you James and Ben.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Ben's Surgery Tomorrow
My beautiful boy is scheduled to have surgery tomorrow. He is getting tubes for his ears and his adenoids removed. While I am excited that he will be able to breathe and hear so much better, I am just a worried, fidgety Mom right now. Thankfully my work day is filled with writing up reports (that I have had to relook over several times after a few mistakes due to my scattered thoughts right now) and am glad that is keeping me somewhat busy.
Other then the VERY anticipated surgery coming up, I am just in awe of my son and his sweetness lately. He cares so much for everyone by doing things like putting food on our plates (we always serve him first), giving extra hugs for no real reason and just being the light of his Dads and my life.
I have one pretty cute story about Ben. Over the weekend we took him to his Nagypapa and Nagymama's to spend the night as his Dad and I were going to a party in the evening. I dropped him off and chatted with my parents for a bit. Ben was playing per usual and got in my old "Fred Flinstone" little tykes car. He pretended like he was going somewhere and said, "Bye Dina" to me! He called me by my first name! I giggled...shouldn't of done that and said "No I am Momma!" Little stinker! He smiled and said it again. I then told him, "I am your Mom. You are the only one that is able to call me by a very special name." He paid no mind to what I was saying and "rode away" in his little car. I came home to tell my husband what he had said and he could hardly believe it either. So its the first time (hopefully the last) that Ben called me by my first name. I was kind of proud of him though in some ways as he said another word and recognized I had another name other then Mom. I love him so very much. Ben always can make me smile. Love you sweetie!
Other then the VERY anticipated surgery coming up, I am just in awe of my son and his sweetness lately. He cares so much for everyone by doing things like putting food on our plates (we always serve him first), giving extra hugs for no real reason and just being the light of his Dads and my life.
I have one pretty cute story about Ben. Over the weekend we took him to his Nagypapa and Nagymama's to spend the night as his Dad and I were going to a party in the evening. I dropped him off and chatted with my parents for a bit. Ben was playing per usual and got in my old "Fred Flinstone" little tykes car. He pretended like he was going somewhere and said, "Bye Dina" to me! He called me by my first name! I giggled...shouldn't of done that and said "No I am Momma!" Little stinker! He smiled and said it again. I then told him, "I am your Mom. You are the only one that is able to call me by a very special name." He paid no mind to what I was saying and "rode away" in his little car. I came home to tell my husband what he had said and he could hardly believe it either. So its the first time (hopefully the last) that Ben called me by my first name. I was kind of proud of him though in some ways as he said another word and recognized I had another name other then Mom. I love him so very much. Ben always can make me smile. Love you sweetie!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
2010...thus far
Ben started a new day care on the 4th. The morning drop offs have been hard as it is a new environment, new teachers, new friends, etc., However I am told after a tearful goodbye (and a few tears once I reach the car) that Ben has a GREAT day. He is helpful, loves playing with the trucks and blocks, etc., On one occasion this week his teacher commented that he has just been in an eating frenzy! He must be on a growth spurt. She also told me how he really loves broccoli. I knew this as Ben LOVES veggies and will constantly hog the veggie serving plate at home during dinner. I hope this continues throughout his childhood. His teacher further told me how he ate his veggies, asked for more and since none of the other kids were eating their veggies that he ate them too. She said she has never seen a kid love veggies as much as Ben does and this lady has been doing day care for SIXTEEN years! Go BEN!
Ben also has been quite the considerate little boy lately. He loves helping his parents (if he's in the mood) by throwing things away or getting different objects when we ask for it. Lately he loves cooking in his little kitchen and will bring his Dad and I all sorts of different dishes, which ALWAYS comes with a utensil. It is interesting to see what we'll get. Sometimes we get a pan with a mushroom in it or a plate with a egg on it. On one occasion I had given Ben some M&Ms (which he loves) and not five minutes later he gave his Dad a frying pan of M&Ms to share! What a cutie : )
January looks to be a VERY busy month for us besides starting a new day care, we also had Ben checked out last month at the ENT (per his hearing tests) and it was discovered that Ben has a lot of fluid in both ears. It was decided that Ben will need tubes and possible adenoid removal. He has his pre-op scheduled for the 15th and his surgery will be on the 19th. I am not too nervous about getting his tubes in (I had it done three times as a kid) but am nervous about the adenoids. I shouldn't say that because I am just nervous in general about him having any surgery, but the adenoids I think are more of a worry. Right now I am not trying to think too much about it and I am sure come surgery day...there will be a lot of prayers and pacing until I get to see my little boy again. It will be for the best I am sure as he can't hear correctly, but I wish I could take his place instead of him to get anything done. I wish God designed Moms to undergo any pain for the sake of their child. Then again, I think most Moms would go through countless amounts of pain and never let their child know what pain is. I just feel badly for him, but optomistic.
On the 26th Ben will have his first visit and more of an intial speech test by a speech therapist. I am really encouraged that the assessment following his surgery (it just worked out that way) will really help his vobaulary. I can't wait to be able to understand my little boys needs and wants more. There is some things that I as a Mom can understand because I just know Ben, but to the rest of the world they would have no idea.
Ben also has been quite the considerate little boy lately. He loves helping his parents (if he's in the mood) by throwing things away or getting different objects when we ask for it. Lately he loves cooking in his little kitchen and will bring his Dad and I all sorts of different dishes, which ALWAYS comes with a utensil. It is interesting to see what we'll get. Sometimes we get a pan with a mushroom in it or a plate with a egg on it. On one occasion I had given Ben some M&Ms (which he loves) and not five minutes later he gave his Dad a frying pan of M&Ms to share! What a cutie : )
January looks to be a VERY busy month for us besides starting a new day care, we also had Ben checked out last month at the ENT (per his hearing tests) and it was discovered that Ben has a lot of fluid in both ears. It was decided that Ben will need tubes and possible adenoid removal. He has his pre-op scheduled for the 15th and his surgery will be on the 19th. I am not too nervous about getting his tubes in (I had it done three times as a kid) but am nervous about the adenoids. I shouldn't say that because I am just nervous in general about him having any surgery, but the adenoids I think are more of a worry. Right now I am not trying to think too much about it and I am sure come surgery day...there will be a lot of prayers and pacing until I get to see my little boy again. It will be for the best I am sure as he can't hear correctly, but I wish I could take his place instead of him to get anything done. I wish God designed Moms to undergo any pain for the sake of their child. Then again, I think most Moms would go through countless amounts of pain and never let their child know what pain is. I just feel badly for him, but optomistic.
On the 26th Ben will have his first visit and more of an intial speech test by a speech therapist. I am really encouraged that the assessment following his surgery (it just worked out that way) will really help his vobaulary. I can't wait to be able to understand my little boys needs and wants more. There is some things that I as a Mom can understand because I just know Ben, but to the rest of the world they would have no idea.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Christmas 2009
The family celebrated yet another wonderful Christmas this year. It is so different looking at Christmas through a child's eyes in seeing all their wonder and excitement. Ben as usual woke us up bright and early on Christmas morning. We got dressed and headed downstairs to lots of wonderful gifts under the tree. Some were from Santa of course and some were from his Mom and Dad.
Ben started opening up several gifts which included a fisher price bus, doctor's kit, fire truck, etc., He is really into cars right now, so anything with wheels for Ben is AWESOME : ) Then I gave my helpful little man a present for his Dad to open. Ben handed the present off thinking perhaps this is for me (he still needed a little bit of help opening presents this year) and once his Dad unwrapped the present and he figured it wasn't for him...he took the toys he did open and left! I guess he thought all the presents under the tree were for him. What a stinker! He made out pretty well though : )
After a decent Christmas day nap the family headed to Nagypapa and Nagymama's house. He was greeted with kisses and hugs. In the family room Ben stopped to see that there was a big wheels bike, but quickly walked passed the bike to the sun room so he could get his usual toys (a doll house, people toys, and some cars) so he could set them up on the fire place to play. That was pretty amusing. He soon figured out that one of the cars (his nephew got an identical one too) was for him and played with it a bit. He also got a Mickey Mouse piano from his Nagypapa and Nagymama. Aunt Amy, Uncle Eric and Ty (Ben calls him "T") gave him a cute cd player and travel train set.
Once we ate through Christmas dinner it was time to go to Ben's other Grandma's house (aka Gaga) to visit her. He was quite excited to see his Gaga and GREAT Gaga....Uncle Rick was pretty cool too. Ben got a nice train set with a fire house (belongs with the town for the train set), a really cute little man suite and a waffle shirt. Ben really loved eating winter salad, which doesn't surprise me as it is his Dad's favorite (he seems to love lots of things his Dad likes).
I would say this Christmas was a hit. Ben really liked all his presents...though seemed a bit overwhelmed with everything as a whole that he received that day. I can't blame him...getting so many nice toys all at once would be a lot. I just loved his little excitement because seeing that just makes Christmas that much more enjoyable.
Ben started opening up several gifts which included a fisher price bus, doctor's kit, fire truck, etc., He is really into cars right now, so anything with wheels for Ben is AWESOME : ) Then I gave my helpful little man a present for his Dad to open. Ben handed the present off thinking perhaps this is for me (he still needed a little bit of help opening presents this year) and once his Dad unwrapped the present and he figured it wasn't for him...he took the toys he did open and left! I guess he thought all the presents under the tree were for him. What a stinker! He made out pretty well though : )
After a decent Christmas day nap the family headed to Nagypapa and Nagymama's house. He was greeted with kisses and hugs. In the family room Ben stopped to see that there was a big wheels bike, but quickly walked passed the bike to the sun room so he could get his usual toys (a doll house, people toys, and some cars) so he could set them up on the fire place to play. That was pretty amusing. He soon figured out that one of the cars (his nephew got an identical one too) was for him and played with it a bit. He also got a Mickey Mouse piano from his Nagypapa and Nagymama. Aunt Amy, Uncle Eric and Ty (Ben calls him "T") gave him a cute cd player and travel train set.
Once we ate through Christmas dinner it was time to go to Ben's other Grandma's house (aka Gaga) to visit her. He was quite excited to see his Gaga and GREAT Gaga....Uncle Rick was pretty cool too. Ben got a nice train set with a fire house (belongs with the town for the train set), a really cute little man suite and a waffle shirt. Ben really loved eating winter salad, which doesn't surprise me as it is his Dad's favorite (he seems to love lots of things his Dad likes).
I would say this Christmas was a hit. Ben really liked all his presents...though seemed a bit overwhelmed with everything as a whole that he received that day. I can't blame him...getting so many nice toys all at once would be a lot. I just loved his little excitement because seeing that just makes Christmas that much more enjoyable.
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