Saturday, January 9, 2010

Christmas 2009

The family celebrated yet another wonderful Christmas this year. It is so different looking at Christmas through a child's eyes in seeing all their wonder and excitement. Ben as usual woke us up bright and early on Christmas morning. We got dressed and headed downstairs to lots of wonderful gifts under the tree. Some were from Santa of course and some were from his Mom and Dad.

Ben started opening up several gifts which included a fisher price bus, doctor's kit, fire truck, etc., He is really into cars right now, so anything with wheels for Ben is AWESOME : ) Then I gave my helpful little man a present for his Dad to open. Ben handed the present off thinking perhaps this is for me (he still needed a little bit of help opening presents this year) and once his Dad unwrapped the present and he figured it wasn't for him...he took the toys he did open and left! I guess he thought all the presents under the tree were for him. What a stinker! He made out pretty well though : )

After a decent Christmas day nap the family headed to Nagypapa and Nagymama's house. He was greeted with kisses and hugs. In the family room Ben stopped to see that there was a big wheels bike, but quickly walked passed the bike to the sun room so he could get his usual toys (a doll house, people toys, and some cars) so he could set them up on the fire place to play. That was pretty amusing. He soon figured out that one of the cars (his nephew got an identical one too) was for him and played with it a bit. He also got a Mickey Mouse piano from his Nagypapa and Nagymama. Aunt Amy, Uncle Eric and Ty (Ben calls him "T") gave him a cute cd player and travel train set.

Once we ate through Christmas dinner it was time to go to Ben's other Grandma's house (aka Gaga) to visit her. He was quite excited to see his Gaga and GREAT Gaga....Uncle Rick was pretty cool too. Ben got a nice train set with a fire house (belongs with the town for the train set), a really cute little man suite and a waffle shirt. Ben really loved eating winter salad, which doesn't surprise me as it is his Dad's favorite (he seems to love lots of things his Dad likes).

I would say this Christmas was a hit. Ben really liked all his presents...though seemed a bit overwhelmed with everything as a whole that he received that day. I can't blame him...getting so many nice toys all at once would be a lot. I just loved his little excitement because seeing that just makes Christmas that much more enjoyable.

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