Here we are a few weeks before Ben's THIRD birthday! When did my baby get so big? He is growing up so quickly! Not only is he wearing a size 8 shoe, but he is also talking more and doing more big kid things.
Ben is making a lot of headway with the potty training thing. However the little bugger will only potty at day care and doesn't want to even try at home. At least he is slowly but surely getting it. I think it is more peer pressure, but I am certainly proud of him!
He is also speaking much more, but still is going through is speech classes. He still refuses to say his name or pronounce some words. He is also getting along much better behavioral wise and with some guidance does really great at LISTENING when I tell him to share or to wait until a toy is available to play with. His teacher the other day told me a classmate of his named Tyler decided to take a toy away from his friend he calls Nini. Ben intervened and gave the toy back to Nini and then got a toy that was similar for Tyler to play with. Talk about a great ref! I never knew, but I was pretty proud of him for doing that. He really is a sweet, loving and caring little boy.
I had a few funny stories that I wanted to share about Ben that happened over the past few weeks.
1)While I was driving Ben home from day care, Ben said, "I wanna drive". I told him he couldn't and that he would drive when he gets older. For goodness sakes he is not even THREE yet. He repeated, "I wanna drive." I decided to end the conversation saying, "I'm not teaching you to drive. Your Dad is going to do that." The little stinker replied with, "I want Dada." Oye.
2) Ben told me to be quiet while the cd player was playing the song Mascarade from Phantom of the Opera. Lol. I thought Mommy was the only one enjoying it.
3) During our trip to church during Memorial Day weekend...we were stopped by all the bikers heading to D.C. After seeing all the motorcycles Ben turns to me and says "I want a bike"
5) Once while Ben was missing his Dad. He saw a photo of him on my iPhone and kissed and hugged my phone saying "awwwww Dada". Lol so cute
6) Ben just ate a 3 egg cheese omlet by himself last weekend. What am I going to do when he is a teenager?
7)Ben lately his been afraid of wolves. Why? I have no idea...maybe the Three Little Pigs did it. I guess its a Russian thing. Anyways, yesterday I got his Star Wars bowl out to put some snack in it , he saw Chewbacca and said , "No, no no Wolf" while shaking his finger at it. I figured out why he wouldn't sleep in the expensive big boy bed...the Star Wars sheets are on it.
8) Ben apparantly thinks Lucas (my 6lb poodle) is a wolf. Not Joey..our other poodle who is bigger at a whooping 12lbs. How does Lucas even equate to anything like a wolf? He's resembles more of a sheep then a wolf. Then again...Lucas does howel a tune every now and then.
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