There is lots to write up since September on things going on with Benjamin. He has moved onto a bigger kid room (preschool YIKES), his vocabulary is taking off, he has a new love of movies and is becoming more and more independent. He also says and does the funniest things. He certainly keeps us entertained!
First Ben moved into a bigger kid classroom, the preschool room. YAY!!!! He still hasn't mastered the art of potty training, but that will come with time. He knows and I know he can do it. Its just a question of when he will actually have the drive to go ahead and take the plunge into the ultimate big kid leap. However, after a talk with the Director, it was decided that in order to help his speech that perhaps moving him into a class that has children who speak better would help him move along as well. Boy were we right! It certainly has taken off. Ben also really was ecstatic moving in with familiar friends including a blond hair boy named Garrett and Christian. Together they are known as the three musketeers. He is thriving and doing specatcular things. Just the other day Ben brought home some paperwork (pictured below) with traced out letter "A's". A few weeks ago he was having trouble making straight lines and with lots of concentration he certainly is able to do just as well as most of the older kids in his class. I am so proud of him!!!

Ben also is talking so much better then he used to. He can now pronounce a lot of "B" and "P" letters, where before it was difficult for him to sound out. His speech therapist Cheryl has really made huge strides with him and she will comment how cute it is to see Ben try so hard at the tasks she sets out for him. His reward for concentrating and working hard at his appointments is that he gets to use scissors and glue. I certainly have to be careful about scissor and glue usage at my house as we both want this incentive to keep continuing since it is working so well! u how
Another big thing in Ben's life is Spider Man. I think this is a bit of peer pressure as all the little boys in his class no matter what type of Spider Man merchandise is big stuff in their world. I can't tell you how many times I have been shown Spider Man shoes, back packs, gloves, action figures, shirts, etc., Ben has one of the prized possessions though, which is a Spider Man beanie that his Dad found him during a shopping trip. He really loves his hat and its so funny to see how proud of such a silly thing like a hat makes him puff up his little chest. Ben also is big time into Scooby Doo. This is just a Ben thing as I don't hear any of the boys talk about Scooby like Ben talks about Scooby. He literally loves watching the same cartoons over and over again. Another few movies that Ben likes to watch is Toy Story, Peter Pan and Return to Neverland. He LOVES Peter Pan and especially loves it when the alligator shows up to torture Captain Hook.
Short Stories About Ben
Ben also has a lot of cute stories that I just find so amusing. Tonight we were in Lowes Ben saw a manger scene with Jesus, Mary and Joseph. I explained their names and who they were in three year old terms also explaining that Mary is Jesus Mommy and Joseph is the Daddy (without getting too confusing). He looked at me perplexed and asked, "where is the Nagypapa?" How cute! I never thought about Jesus's grandparents, but Ben did!
The other day Ben also watched Star Wars for the first time. His conclusion was, that he wants to bea tup the bad guys. He thinks Jabba the Hut needs a bath and the droids are his favorite characters. He especially love C3PO.
Ben also thinks when he goes to a store and sees flowers that his Mommy should receive some! He is so thoughtful in so many ways, but when he thinks of others beside himself it certainly makes me proud! I also love receiving flowers from my favorite little gentleman!
Lately Ben sings a lot when he's in bed trying to go to sleep. He makes up words and songs so its not usually "Twinkle Star" or anything like that. Its interesting to see what he comes up with!
While watching the Musketeers with Ben one night, he told me his Dad can use a sword and fight with fire ( there was a scene with a torch). Never knew that about James! I asked Ben if his Dad was his hero and he said "yeah" like how could I not know. I agree. James is my hero too.

On the way home one night while we were out, Ben saw stars in the sky and called them twinkle stars.
On the way home from day care, I tried to call my Mom with the voice recognition hands free thing James got me. I tried several times asking for "Sally Pekarik" only to get a little voice in the back trying to parrot me but instead asked for "salad and carrots". I nearly died laughing!
Each night after prayers I talk with Ben about what we should be thankful for today. Usually its things like a beautiful day, playing outside, etc., The other night he told me what he was thankful for. He was thankful for Daddy, Rick, Gaga, Nagymama, Nagypapa, Mommy, Daddy (again)....and last but not least...Scooby Doo. LOL. I love his sweet little mind.I
was woken up one morning to Ben kissing my stomach saying "Hi baby". He's so sweet. It would of been a perfect morning if he didn't point out a minute later that one of the dogs peed on the floor.
During a open house at a police station in Reston, kids of all ages got to sit on a policeman's motorcycle. Tons of kids sat on it before him, but when Ben sat on it he turned the key and jerked the bike pulling the clutch (at least I think thats how you start a motorcycle). The bike jerked forward, but thankfully it was in neutral. It certainly surprised the cop who was standing right next to him. No other kid figured that one out, but leave it to Ben to know how to turn on a motorcyle at three!
One morning while I was driving Ben to school I told Ben that I loved him. He responds back, "No, I love YOU more Mama". He's said it before to me and has said it since, but I never get tired of hearing it.
Ben told me a story during his prayers of what he did at school that day. He told me Nora kissed him and he screamed. She must of left an impression because earlier he told me a house of his was hers.I was woken up one morning to Ben singing, "Rain, rain go away. Come back again some other day." It surprised both James and I, but we've read him the nursery rhyme book enough for him to know it!
One night when I was saying prayers with Ben, we ended with what we are thankful for that day such as playing outside, funny monkeys, etc.,Ben looks up & says, "Mommy, God so silly." I repeated to make sure I heard him right & he giggled a "yes" back. I love the mind of a child. I would never think God is silly, but I guess in a child's eye he can be. I wonder how many times God has been innocently described as silly?
I hear Ben cracking up so I come to investigate....only to fine James trying to get Ben to put on his shirt. He certainly has unexpected and funny ways to get the job done. Lol
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