Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Its So Fun to be 3!!!

I can't say enough how much I love my little boy. He does the silliest things and sweetest things. He just makes me gush. It seems (knock on wood) that some of his less favorable behavior (biting and hitting) is behind us as his speech has literally exploded and is able to communicate with us more. We have just been so busy in the last few weeks since his birthday! We certainly aren't having a "lazy" summer this year!

Last Saturday Ben's Daddy decided to plan our Saturday morning and do something new as a family. Since I am usually the planner, I was very keen on giving someone else the task, especially if its something new to do as a family. Ben woke us up very early on Saturday and we lazily got out of bed, got ready and headed out to Rockville. There we went to a new donut shop called Fractured Prune where you can choose your own donut, its glaze and topping then it is made from scratch! It was so delicious!!! This is the only donut that has ever rivaled Krispy Kreme in my book, so you know that is huge. Ben loved his rainbow sprinkle and a had a few bites of his Dad's strawberry donut. After a rather sugary breakfast we headed across the street to Toy Kingdom. It was a cute toy store that had all kinds of things, but what I liked about it most is that the toys they sold weren't all the same toys you see in Toys R Us or Target. Surprisingly after Ben played with a doll house and at the train table, he didn't want anything so we all decided to continue our day with a little window shopping. We soon came across a little store called Ten Thousand Villages (something like that) and decided to go in. They had beautifully handcrafted items from all over the world made by villagers who through this organization was paid with fair wages. Ben then saw a beautiful hand painted wood school bus with little people inside and had to have it. His parents are softies, so we got it for him. It really brightened up his little day (even though he just had a yummy donut) and in turn it brightened up our day s well.

Later that same evening we went to a drive in. We haven't been to one in a while so I wasn't sure how Ben would handle it. HE LOVED IT. Not only did he get to stay up late, but he got to chow down on unhealthy (but very yummy) movie theater food and watch a movie. The theater was playing The Sorcerers Apprentice and the new Twilight Eclipse movie. Ben liked The Sorcerers Apprentice but was a bit scared of the pack of wolves scene. He has a strange fear of wolves! I explained to him that they are only on the screen and that they are not here in real life and reminded him that they are in Iraq (we figure we never will go there so its okay if the wolves go there). He was fine after that and passed out before the second movie began.

On Sunday we celebrated my birthday early since Ben's cousin is going into Potty Boot Camp next week. The boys loved playing together and got in a little mischief. Two three year old very silly boys are bound to do that. It was nice seeing them get along and it reminded me of how I was with my cousins when I was little...giggly and got into trouble quite often.

This week has been busy as well. Yesterday after I picked Ben up from day care another little boy was leaving day care as well with his Mom. He was saying hi to Ben and calling him his buddy. He turned to his Mom just as he as getting into the car and asked her "Mom can I have a little brother just like Ben?" His Mom reply was "...get in the car". HAHA! What a situation for his Mom to be put in! Its nice to know even the school age kids adore Ben and that he has lots of friends at his school. It warms my heart knowing how loved he is there.

Yesterday,I decided to have a slumber party with Ben. Typically I don't sleep with him unless he's sick (its just easier), but Ben's sweetness in asking me to lay down with him after we said his prayers was just something this softy of a Mom could not resist. I reward good behavior and his behavior really has been wonderful lately, so it was another reason to give Ben a once in a blue moon treat.

Once I told Ben we could have a slumber party, he was THRILLED. So much so that he took great care in making sure I had adequate blankets (yes my little three year old tried to cover me up) and held my hand to make sure I wouldn't slip away. I was soaking up the moment (as was he) until I was reminded I indeed have an "all boy" child. BRRRRRRRRRP! Ben had passed gas rather loudly. A moment passed by as we both paused in silence, he then turned to me and said "EWWWW Mama!!!!". WHAT?????? I decided to play along (despite the late hour) and call him out on it "Ewww Ben Ben!!!!" He giggled his little boy giggle and we went back and forth like that for a good few minutes...until we were busted. His Dad came in the room wondering what was going on and at such a late hour. We both giggled and I explained to him what was going on. He smiled, kissed us goodnight and went back to bed. I felt like a little kid at a sleep over and a parent coming in to tell us to "quit it". HAHA!

Today Ben is having water day at school (its a weekly thing on Tuesday during the summer). How I wish I could play with him right now instead of being stuck here at work. I wonder if he misses me at all? I miss him...which is why I usually write this blog when I'm at work : ) I just can't wait to see him. I miss you Ben!!!!

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