So I will keep this short because I hate negative things on my little boys post, but we officially got suspended from his day care for thirty days due to a biting incident. Although I don't condone Ben biting...ever, I will say that it was provoked by another kid kicking the cot he was taking a nap in and him. VERY disappointed the teachers seeing this did not stop it sooner. I will also say that I am disappointed in the schools action on not meeting with me nor my husband and we will just be moving on to bigger and better things with a fresh new start.
As my Mom says, this will be a funny story in years to come. I am sure she is right. Right now we have our hands full with finding a new day care. Great Grandma (aka Gaga) is also coming to stay with us for a while to help out. She is truly and angel and Ben is certainly getting spoiled on his little December vacation from school.
I love you little guy. You really don't take crap from anyone and thats one thing I love about you.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The title of the post says it all, Ben has started a new addiction and it is an icy. Ben LOVES these things so much he has even learned how to open the bottom freezer, pull one out and come running with this beautiful grin to either James or myself. He is just ecstatic about the possibility of one of us caving and letting him eat one...or two. I also love the way Ben says "icy". It is one of the few very clear words he can say and there is NO question what that little boy means when he looks up at you with his beautiful green, puppy dog eyes full of question and asks, "Icy?" Most of the time his Dad or I will cave. We are a sucker for that little ball of energy.
Last night after his second icy and Ben wanted another one, his Dad told him, "You can have one tomorrow." Ben wasn't too happy with that remark, but he calmed down after a bit. This morning as Ben called out "down" so he could get out of his crib, I got him and went back to my bed not even half awake to lay down for a few more minutes. Typically Ben follows me in and will hand the remote over so he could watch his morning Sesame Street show (another addiction). Instead the little stinker ran down stairs as I dozed off again, grabbed himself an icy and a moment later I had a half opened icy shoved in my face. His Dad said he could have one "tomorrow"...I just didn't know it would be before 7 am. I bit though and let him have it. How could I resist such an enthusiastic face for something that would make my little guy so happy. So while I got ready in the bathroom, Ben ate his icy with gusto, sitting on his little stool with a big smile on his face. What a cutie pie.
Last night after his second icy and Ben wanted another one, his Dad told him, "You can have one tomorrow." Ben wasn't too happy with that remark, but he calmed down after a bit. This morning as Ben called out "down" so he could get out of his crib, I got him and went back to my bed not even half awake to lay down for a few more minutes. Typically Ben follows me in and will hand the remote over so he could watch his morning Sesame Street show (another addiction). Instead the little stinker ran down stairs as I dozed off again, grabbed himself an icy and a moment later I had a half opened icy shoved in my face. His Dad said he could have one "tomorrow"...I just didn't know it would be before 7 am. I bit though and let him have it. How could I resist such an enthusiastic face for something that would make my little guy so happy. So while I got ready in the bathroom, Ben ate his icy with gusto, sitting on his little stool with a big smile on his face. What a cutie pie.
Monday, November 2, 2009

I can not believe Halloween has already come and gone. Then again what happened to September and October? This year the family decided to celebrate Halloween by hanging out at Nagymama and Nagypapa's house. I was NOT about to have a repeat of last year where I carried Ben up and down a million townhouse stairs for two pieces of candy. Great for cardio...not great when you are not feeling your best. Plus it was nice having two extra people tell you how cute your son was and Ben really was ADORABLE.
This year, I fulfilled my Halloween costume dream by having Ben as Fievel from The American Tale. I honestly do not care what he is from now on, but he was finally old enough to sport a handmade costume made by his internet savy Mother and Nagymama. He may not know who he was (nor did he care about picking a costume this year) but his Mom did and get got plenty of "awww" before he even left the house.
Ben for whatever reason did NOT want his picture taken this year in his costume. I think between his Dad and I we took a dozen pictures and the best picture we got was the one I attached above.
After dinner and closer to seven we headed out to the neighbors houses many of who have known me since I was a kid. All smiled and laughed how cute Ben was. Ben got the Trick or Treat thing down quick because after the second house he knew what to do. He couldn't say "Trick or Treat" yet, but he certainly could walk (thank god) to each house and hold out his little pumpkin bucket. After almost a dozen houses and lots of walking, Ben was tired and his parents were ready to go back to Nagypapa and Nagymama's house. Ben emptied his loot on the kitchen table and went to town on the candy. Halloween only comes once a year so pigging out on some extra candy was fine by me. He got cut off after the seventh piece of candy though. I really did not want a sick child that night.
I think Ben had a great time this year. I was wondering if he would think that on the next day we could do the same thing all over again. Thankfully he did not try to pull that logic out. He certainly is growing up and he certainly has made Halloween special again.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Ben's Three Word Sentence
It is hockey season again and this family is LOVING it. Ben always has loved hockey. His third word (before Mama mind you) was "goal". The kid loves watching the players move around the ice in between his playing time and he surprised both his parents the other day with his first real sentence and said "Lets go Caps". Needless to say both his Dad and I were stunned but elated that Ben put three whole words into one sentence and even more fun he was talking about his favorite team when he did.
My little Ben is really growing up. I just can't believe in such a short amount of time how much one little person can grow. We still have our little temper tantrums (he has his Dad's stubborn side) but he really is an amazing, loveable little guy that just warms both his Dad and my heart.
Tomorrow will be Ben's FIRST out of school field trip to Cox Farms. How cool is that! His Dad and I took him a couple weeks back because this Mama wanted to see first hand Ben's reaction to all the animals, slides, etc., that the October Festival had to offer. He LOVED all the different slides and although they seemed pretty steep to me, he had no problem jumping on and sliding down laughing the entire way. He is certainly going to have a blast tomorrow. He is also going to get a HUGE thrill of riding the school bus for the first time. He points to the school's bus every time we leave day care and I am sure just doing that would thrill the little guy. He really does love anything and everything that does some sort of transportation.
My little Ben is really growing up. I just can't believe in such a short amount of time how much one little person can grow. We still have our little temper tantrums (he has his Dad's stubborn side) but he really is an amazing, loveable little guy that just warms both his Dad and my heart.
Tomorrow will be Ben's FIRST out of school field trip to Cox Farms. How cool is that! His Dad and I took him a couple weeks back because this Mama wanted to see first hand Ben's reaction to all the animals, slides, etc., that the October Festival had to offer. He LOVED all the different slides and although they seemed pretty steep to me, he had no problem jumping on and sliding down laughing the entire way. He is certainly going to have a blast tomorrow. He is also going to get a HUGE thrill of riding the school bus for the first time. He points to the school's bus every time we leave day care and I am sure just doing that would thrill the little guy. He really does love anything and everything that does some sort of transportation.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Funny or Cute Stories Day
Usually at the end of each day Ben typically has done something really cute or funny. He certainly is quite the little entertainer! So, for is blog and for our memories I decided to write a few of them down.
Yesterday I was trying very hard to get Ben to speak different words. That little bugger can do it, but he's often stubborn like his parents are. While playing with a Sesame Street toy, he actually said "Oscar"! That is a hard word for him! However, while I was trying to get him to say "Elmo", which I'll probably regret teaching him that later, he said "Ella". Ella is his Godmother and Godfather's little girl and his little friend. Compliment or insult? I am not sure.
~Not So Funny Event~
The other day while Ben was trying to come over to me, he tripped on a toy. That part was not funny, but while he was crying out as he fell and the two seconds it took for for me to reach out to him he pooted every time he cried out. Cute and hilarious.
~Juice Box~
Ben typically is a milk or water drinker in our house. He on rare occasions gets juice. However, his Mommy decided after seeing a pack of Elmo juice boxes that she would get him some as a nice treat. Ben was watching a television program on the couch one afternoon and I decided to surprise him. He was quite surprised because as soon as he saw the juice box in my hand he started squealing in delight and clapping his hands. He was so happy about the juice box that Mommy even got a big hug for thanks.
~Discovering the Toilet~
While we were on a trip to Miami in the hotel room, Ben's daddy was mending a injured foot by putting an ice pack on it. Ben planned out his attack because in less then two seconds, Ben ran up to his Dad, took the ice pack, ran to the bathroom and tried to flush it. Thankfully the ice pack did not flush. It was the first and hopefully the last time he tries to flush something that should not go down the toilet.
Sort of cute but more of I wish I knew the reasoning behind it is, Ben loves to store cups (sippys and thermos) containers in the bathroom. He does not try to flush them, but he just likes putting them there. Maybe for storage if he decides he will use the bathroom? I have no idea.
I am sure I'll be posting more stories about Ben in the future. Stay tuned for more exciting tales. He certainly keeps our lives interesting!
Yesterday I was trying very hard to get Ben to speak different words. That little bugger can do it, but he's often stubborn like his parents are. While playing with a Sesame Street toy, he actually said "Oscar"! That is a hard word for him! However, while I was trying to get him to say "Elmo", which I'll probably regret teaching him that later, he said "Ella". Ella is his Godmother and Godfather's little girl and his little friend. Compliment or insult? I am not sure.
~Not So Funny Event~
The other day while Ben was trying to come over to me, he tripped on a toy. That part was not funny, but while he was crying out as he fell and the two seconds it took for for me to reach out to him he pooted every time he cried out. Cute and hilarious.
~Juice Box~
Ben typically is a milk or water drinker in our house. He on rare occasions gets juice. However, his Mommy decided after seeing a pack of Elmo juice boxes that she would get him some as a nice treat. Ben was watching a television program on the couch one afternoon and I decided to surprise him. He was quite surprised because as soon as he saw the juice box in my hand he started squealing in delight and clapping his hands. He was so happy about the juice box that Mommy even got a big hug for thanks.
~Discovering the Toilet~
While we were on a trip to Miami in the hotel room, Ben's daddy was mending a injured foot by putting an ice pack on it. Ben planned out his attack because in less then two seconds, Ben ran up to his Dad, took the ice pack, ran to the bathroom and tried to flush it. Thankfully the ice pack did not flush. It was the first and hopefully the last time he tries to flush something that should not go down the toilet.
Sort of cute but more of I wish I knew the reasoning behind it is, Ben loves to store cups (sippys and thermos) containers in the bathroom. He does not try to flush them, but he just likes putting them there. Maybe for storage if he decides he will use the bathroom? I have no idea.
I am sure I'll be posting more stories about Ben in the future. Stay tuned for more exciting tales. He certainly keeps our lives interesting!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Busy Summer
I wanted to write another post for today as my posts have certainly been lacking lately! We have all had a busy summer with so many new and fun experiences. Ben is growing up so fast and he is turning from looking like my little baby to looking more and more like a kid. Although I miss the long cuddles, the lack of mobility (for various reasons) and his lack of verbal skills in not being able to tell his parents no, he certainly is becoming quite a cool little kid.
Ben is picking up his verbal skills left and right. What we once though to be a problem as he did not speak that much in the beginning, he is certainly making up for. He will say a new word just about everyday. He is still verbally quiet most of the time (just like his Father), he is a little bundle of energy just like his Mom and most little toddlers his age.
For a while Ben had a hitting/biting/pulling hair issue. It seriously went on for months. We spoke to his pediatrician, behavioral coaches at day care and read countless articles about how to stop this silly behavior of his. We did everything the experts told us to with time outs, talking to him, paying attention to the victim first then him, etc., What really changed his behavior one day was a thought by a behavioral coach at his school, which was to transition him a bit early to his next classroom with older kids. It worked! We have our shortcomings here and there as I am sure most toddlers have, but it seriously changed everything at day care and his home life. So for my future little man, in case your son and daughter has this same issue advice is to try out some new surroundings.
Ben as I said is just growing and growing. At his two year appointment he weighed in at 28lbs and 34 inches tall! He is in the 75th percentile for both. He loves going outside or in his words "side". He is also becoming quite the Daddy's boy as he typically sees his Daddy for all the fun, but Mom is good for all the lovies once in a while when he feels he needs it.
Ben's new love in life are cares. Anything that has to do with cars is fine in his book. Really anything with wheels or that moves is fine to him. He doesn't discriminate as he will even play with strollers at his little girl friends houses. He figures that is just another car. It is funny because if one of his girl friends tries to put a baby doll in that stroller, that baby gets taken out immediately. Boys!
Ben's summer has been a busy one. He has been to Colonial Beach, the D.C. Zoo (several times), Reston Zoo, Leesburg Zoo, tons of kid birthday parties, area events and Miami. He had a blast at all of them. Ben loves to dive in head first to where ever he goes. Typically if there is a group of people he is meeting he shys away at first, but quickly joins in with the fun. I believe Ben had most of his fun in Miami.
Miami is somewhere his Dada used to live, so going there is always a treat for the entire family. This year his Dad booked a hotel right on the beach so we could have easy access to it. Having a sand covered baby and walking a block to a hotel really isn't that fun. I believe his Dad paid $450 for a week including a family trip to Parrot Jungle.
On Ben's first day to the beach, we didn't dress him in his swimwear. Last year when he was in OBX, he had to slowly be introduced to the water. We figured since he loves playing in his Nagypapa and Nagymama's sandbox that he would have a great time with the sand. He surprised both his parents by not only loving the sand but running straight to the water. HE LOVED IT! He really couldn't get enough of it. The next day after a short trip to the beach, he surprised his Mom and Dad even more by jumping off the ledge of the pool to his Dad and holding his breath as he entered the water for a few seconds. Everyone at the pool was watching him and just couldn't believe this little baby was so gung ho with the whole thing. Thats our Ben!
Ben also loved spending lots of quality time with the family while being in Miami. He got to play with his cousin Leo. Both of them played so hard during a visit that the two took a four hour nap, which is unprecedented for both because a two hour nap is long for them now days. Ben and Leo loved playing on each other's ride on toys and eating up all of the yummy Russian food Ben's Great Grandma made for them. Ben also started a little bond with his Great Grandma, who on two occasions baby sat him while his parents had a little couple time. Really Great Grandma nearly insisted on seeing her Great Grandson, so we weren't going to deprive her of seeing her little Ben. Ben ate up lots of her good cooking, played hard and started calling her "Gaga". He couldn't quite say, "Baba", but we all knew what he meant. He also picked up a few Russian words (before the trip) and can say "one" and "bye" in Russian. YAY BEN!
Ben also while in Miami enjoyed a trip to Monkey Jungle and Parrot Jungle. Ben really loved seeing the monkeys at Monkey Jungle as his parents were able to feed the monkeys little raisins and cranberries. He just couldn't believe the monkeys were so close! Parrot Jungle was also an awesome time for him, a bit hot, but awesome. He loved watching for fifteen minutes one of the shows that had a white tiger, wolf and a skunk. We didn't stay for the entire show as he like most toddlers don't have that long of an attention span.
The trip was certainly a success and Ben was a trooper. He did great on the drive down and back with watching countless Sesame Street shows, eating up yummy snacks and getting new toys on the ride down. His parents can't wait to return to the Miami sun to spend more family time and see more relatives and friends.
I still can not believe how much my little baby has grown. I guess even when he's 62, he will still be my baby to me. Time certainly does fly, but we've really enjoyed our little man in our lives. Ben certainly has changed our lives and I feel lucky to be his Mom. Now we are looking forward to the Fall when hockey season will begin again, Halloween may be actually fun for him this year and all the fun Fall festivities that his Dad and Mom are lining up. We love you little man. You certainly make your parents proud!
Sick Benny!
Ben this week has been one sick little boy. What started as a cold/fever turned into scarlet fever, which basically is just a bad case of strep throat, rash on the face and overall rash on his body. It has meant for him very sleepless nights/cranky days, which has been certainly a lot of work and sleepless nights for his parents.
I hope you get better soon little man. I miss the smiley boy that you usually are.
I hope you get better soon little man. I miss the smiley boy that you usually are.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Birthday Fun!
I have been slacking here on posting, but lately work and home stuff has kept me busy. So here you go!
On Wednesday July 8th, Ben celebrated his second birthday! Where did the time go? I can't believe he is two already! His Dada and I took the day off work to be with him. We had a great time hanging out that day. We went to Frying Pan Park to see the animals, ate at McD (Ben loves that place) and finished up the day getting some cupcakes from a cupcake store at Fairfax Corner. Ben certainly loved his cupcake and wanted to also eat my cupcake as well! What a stinker : ) For his birthday, Ben got a cute little tricycle complete with a little storage container in the back, because we all know that Ben loves to store and stash his "treasures" in baskets and containers.
On July 11th, Ben celebrated his second birthday party with his friends and family. This year's theme was Sesame Street. We had some Sesame Street decor complete with a personalized sign made by Dada saying "Come and Play. It's Ben's Birthday" posted on our front door with Big Bird footprints (made by Nagymama)leading to the front door. There was Sesame Street music (courtesy of Dada) playing from the iphone player and a special Elmo cake made by Nagypapa. Ben got lots of wonderful presents, but he especially liked the birthday card he received from his Grandma that sang the theme song from Winnie The Pooh when you open the card. He carried it around the house for days. I haven't seen it in a while so he probably stashed it somewhere to play with at a later date.
I just can't believe two years have passed already. It sometimes feels like Ben has been with us forever because life really has not been the same since his debut two years ago. Then again, it seems like yesterday that he was this small little 6lb 5oz baby that slept hours on end and melted for hours in his Dad's or my arms. Now he is an energetic toddler who knows his own mind and does (or tries) what he wants to do. His Dada and I love our little man so much! Happy Birthday my little man!
On Wednesday July 8th, Ben celebrated his second birthday! Where did the time go? I can't believe he is two already! His Dada and I took the day off work to be with him. We had a great time hanging out that day. We went to Frying Pan Park to see the animals, ate at McD (Ben loves that place) and finished up the day getting some cupcakes from a cupcake store at Fairfax Corner. Ben certainly loved his cupcake and wanted to also eat my cupcake as well! What a stinker : ) For his birthday, Ben got a cute little tricycle complete with a little storage container in the back, because we all know that Ben loves to store and stash his "treasures" in baskets and containers.
On July 11th, Ben celebrated his second birthday party with his friends and family. This year's theme was Sesame Street. We had some Sesame Street decor complete with a personalized sign made by Dada saying "Come and Play. It's Ben's Birthday" posted on our front door with Big Bird footprints (made by Nagymama)leading to the front door. There was Sesame Street music (courtesy of Dada) playing from the iphone player and a special Elmo cake made by Nagypapa. Ben got lots of wonderful presents, but he especially liked the birthday card he received from his Grandma that sang the theme song from Winnie The Pooh when you open the card. He carried it around the house for days. I haven't seen it in a while so he probably stashed it somewhere to play with at a later date.
I just can't believe two years have passed already. It sometimes feels like Ben has been with us forever because life really has not been the same since his debut two years ago. Then again, it seems like yesterday that he was this small little 6lb 5oz baby that slept hours on end and melted for hours in his Dad's or my arms. Now he is an energetic toddler who knows his own mind and does (or tries) what he wants to do. His Dada and I love our little man so much! Happy Birthday my little man!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
He's Getting Big!
I always marvel at my little man and how big he has gotten. Over the weekend I saw a newborn being carried around by his Mom at church and it seems like yesterday that Ben was that little. Now he is certainly a full fledged, energetic toddler!
Yesterday Ben put another two words together! He shocked his Mom by saying "bye dog" to his poodles Lucas and Joey as we were headed out the door to day care. He just said it like it was no big deal. I guess he was saving up his words for his beloved doggies. I am so glad he is making strides in talking. He is certainly stubborn when it comes to that, which has worried me some, but I am sure in a years time this lack of talking thing will be something of the past.
Also yesterday, Ben's Dada decided to do some trimming on Ben's hair. Ben did NOT like it one bit. He screamed and yelled as if the poor kid was in pain. It was an okay job, but I think my husband and I both agreed that we will go to the barber shop next time. All I have to say is, I pity the barber and any customers that may be in the shop for his next hair cut. Ben has lungs like you wouldn't believe.
This morning my alarm (aka Ben) woke me up after being picked up out of the crib by his Dada by putting his favorite stuffed animals on top of my head. I had a sheep, a dinosaur and Grover all stacked up on top of my head. I guess he wanted me to hold them for later. It certainly was very cute though.
Also a new thing for this week is, I got Ben's first field trip permission form! I was shocked that an almost two year old was going on a field trip. He really isn't going anywhere outside of his school, but a traveling petting zoo called Squeals on Wheels is going to visit his school next month. I am sure he will be excited seeing all the animals! What a treat! They even have a sheep, which I am sure Ben will be head over heels for. He loves his animals!
Next month also starts the summer camp months at Ben's day care. Nothing really will change for him except for that every Wednesday will be water day! He will LOVE that. Good luck to the teachers having to deal with a classroom full of wet toddlers to change afterward. I am sure they are looking forward to that
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Sesame Place

I took off work very early that day and made it home while Ben was still napping at his day care. I quickly packed a bag for myself and Ben, loaded the car and together my husband and I headed to the day care to pick up our sleepy boy who had no idea what was in store for him that weekend. Once we picked up Ben, we started hitting traffic. Getting out of D.C. just about at any time on a Friday is horrendous, but we made it through rain, traffic, etc., and finally got to our hotel destination a little later then planned. It did not matter though, we were ready for the upcoming fun we were going to have. Ben was still unaware of what was going on, but was quite the trooper!
The next day was Saturday, which we had planned to take the two day passes and spend them at the park on both Saturday and Sunday. It was a little too early to go to the park as it opened at ten o'clock, so we decided to head to downtown Philadelphia for a while. We went and saw the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall (well we stayed outside of it) and then afterwards Ben and his Mommy ate their first Philly Cheese Steak at Pat's. Once it started getting closer to ten o'clock, we left the downtown area and headed to the Sesame Place theme park.
Ben right outside of "his" restaurant

As we arrived at the park, Ben with his little wondering eyes was very curious on where he was and WHAT was going on? We were not more then five minutes in the park when Ben saw Bert and Ernie walking down Main Street. His eyes literally bugged out of his head and he was SOOOO excited to see "his Bert". Ben loves Bert for some reason. Why he loves a semi cranky character I have no idea, but if he is happy with him then that is okay by me. Ben met Bert and Ernie by first pulling on Bert's nose. I guess he was wondering if he was real? Bert and Ernie were gracious and patient with Ben and Ben just ate it all up.
Ben Meeting Bert and Ernie

Afterwards, we headed off to see more of the park. We went on a couple of rides and played in a toddler play area that made out of soft gym mat and was in the shape of a circle. Ben LOVED that area. After a while, it was time for Ben's nap. We went back to the hotel and we all slept for around three hours. After we got up, we all headed back to Sesame Place and enjoyed the Sesame Rock n'Roll Parade (which Ben loved) and a couple more rides. Ben received a Bert doll that day.
Ben LOVING the play area!

The next day was our last day in Philadelphia. We packed up our bags, put on our bathing suites and headed to Sesame Place for our last day. At first we tried to get Ben into the water by taking him to a shallow kiddy pool. Ben did not want anything to do with that, as the water was still a bit too cold for him. So instead, Ben had a fantastic time playing on the different slides while his Dad had a blast on the different water slides. We also had to revisit the playground where Ben had so much fun the day before and just let him run all his energy off until it was time to go home. As we were heading out, it was a rather hot day out and so we headed in to a gift store. Ben seeing a furry blue guy grabbed him and wanted him for himself. The furry blue guy was Grover! Ben made his mind up and thankfully the toy did not cost too much, so our little guy was spoiled just a tad bit more.
We as a family had so much fun at Sesame Place. It certainly is a place we would all like to revisit again someday. Thanks to my husband for his fantastic surprise, he made yet another memorable occasion for his family.
Friday, May 29, 2009
My Benny
Yesterday, while walking around with his Mickey ride on toy, he turned around and waved goodbye to his Daddy. His Daddy in turned waved goodbye to him and then Ben blew a kiss to him! It was adorable. James has been working on giving goodbye kisses, but it was the first time he did it on his own little accord. Very cute Ben!
Ben is also getting so much better with his vocabulary. He is really trying to sound out a few more words here and there. He is still trying and is so close to saying "milk". Right now he more or less mouths out the sound of the letter "M". He is getting there!
Ben lately is also a blanket stealer and a blanket hog. Even though he has his own blanket, which I know is his favorite, he will steal yours if you have it on you. I am trying to teach him to share blankets because Mommy does not mind sharing her blanket. She just does not want it taken away. He is getting better at it. However, yesterday he also took both blankets (his and mine) and carried them to the center of the family room and sat down on them and watched television. Little stinker!
I am also beginning to believe that Ben is missing hockey as much as his Mom is. I can't stand to watch the Pens and since the Caps are out of the series, hockey games in our house have been sparse. Every now and then Ben will raise his little finger up in the air like Ovechkin does when he scores a goal (we did not teach him that) and say "goal". He really does love hockey. THANKFULLY we left a recording of a playoff game where the Caps won on our DVR. We turn that on every now and then to make our little hockey fan happy.
Ben is also becoming quite the little hoarder. He will collect things and more then likely really not want to share them. I don't know if its his age or what, but I have never seen a kid have so many "treasures" he wants to keep for himself. He will either stuff his Mickey ride on toy with things or a little shape sorter basket. I know kids his age aren't the best at sharing, but I have not seen them hoard things like he does. Its interesting to see what we deems valuable in his little world. I have found a number of odds and ends in his Mickey ride on toy from sippy cups with milk (thank god they were new), snacks, pacifiers, various blocks, things from his kitchen set, his dog's duck toys, etc., It is quite interesting. I can only imagine what will happen once he discovers his clothes have pockets.
Monday, May 18, 2009
My Ben
So many things have happened in Ben's little world since Easter. I can't believe Easter is over a month ago! Ben is continuing to grow and grow. It is amazing seeing the world through his beautiful little eyes.
Last week Ben was sick from Tuesday through Friday. At first the doctor thought it was a virus and at the second check up, it was discovered he had another ear infection and a type of baby strep throat. Poor guy! He was a real trooper and really didn't fuss much at all. He basically ate just apple sauce and mac and cheese all of last week, which is fine because I was glad he ate something! Although I hated for my little guy to feel under the weather, I was so glad to spend that time with him. We were great day time buds. He also figured out how to use his little hockey stick during the work week. He word position balls and wack at them with his stick. He certainly is a little hockey player in the making. He really loves his "goal" sport.
On Saturday morning (after we waited to see if Ben's temperature had broken), we all headed to the zoo for our annual family trip. Aunt Amy, Uncle Eric, Ty, Nagypapa and Nagymama were all there. The Goldlust family picked up Nagypapa and Nagymama in our van. We were a tad late due to traffic. Both Ben and Ty really loved the zoo and seeing all the animals. Ben's eyes were so wide when he saw the elephants! He also really loved looking at the monkeys. Both Ty and Ben were such well behaved little boys. I actually can't really remember either of them fussing at all, which in the world of a toddler is a hard thing not to happen for that many hours. Ben also wanted his Nagypapa over his Mom several times, which was quite sweet. He really has a wonderful bond with him. The zoo trip was a success all around and everyone had a great time.
After the zoo and a bit of rest, we headed to Grandma's house where we would meet Grandma's boyfriend Ricks family. They were all very nice people and really thought Ben was an amazing and cute little boy. It got late and both his parents forgot his pack n' play, but his Grandma wanted to try out the fold out couch to sleep on. His parents were a bit skeptical because Ben has never slept in a "big kid bed". Ben surprised us all and after just two goodnight kisses from Dada, he went right to sleep. He is getting to be such a big boy!
On Sunday morning, it was my turn to sleep in while Dada got up with Ben. Ben did really well on not waking up his Mom. Then when he heard me get up, he made a mad dash to me. His little eyes twinkled as he said "hi" (his new word) and then made kissing noises so he could give me a kiss. It really just warmed my heart and that just made my day.
I also wanted to note some other things Ben now does.
He has for a while on some parts but can show you his nose, head, ear, tongue, belly button, bum, feet and hands. To "show" his feet he will march in place and to "show" his hands he will rub them together.
Ben is also getting quite good at mastering a fork and spoon. Depending on what the meal is, he will be given one or the other. Some dishes are harder then others, but he makes the attempt to eat with his utensils before just diving in with his hands. However, if he is really hungry he will use both utensil and hands to feed himself at the same time.
Ben's current favorite story is "Brown Bear, Brown Bear". I can read that story to him eighteen million times a day. His Dad and I both know the story by heard without looking at the pages. Ben certainly loves to bed read too.
Another new thing that Ben does is, he loves pretending to talk on the telephone. He'll pick up a telephone from the receiver and babble into it like he is having a conversation. I guess he is mocking his Mom, because he never sees Dad on the phone. Thanks a lot kid : )
Last week Ben was sick from Tuesday through Friday. At first the doctor thought it was a virus and at the second check up, it was discovered he had another ear infection and a type of baby strep throat. Poor guy! He was a real trooper and really didn't fuss much at all. He basically ate just apple sauce and mac and cheese all of last week, which is fine because I was glad he ate something! Although I hated for my little guy to feel under the weather, I was so glad to spend that time with him. We were great day time buds. He also figured out how to use his little hockey stick during the work week. He word position balls and wack at them with his stick. He certainly is a little hockey player in the making. He really loves his "goal" sport.
On Saturday morning (after we waited to see if Ben's temperature had broken), we all headed to the zoo for our annual family trip. Aunt Amy, Uncle Eric, Ty, Nagypapa and Nagymama were all there. The Goldlust family picked up Nagypapa and Nagymama in our van. We were a tad late due to traffic. Both Ben and Ty really loved the zoo and seeing all the animals. Ben's eyes were so wide when he saw the elephants! He also really loved looking at the monkeys. Both Ty and Ben were such well behaved little boys. I actually can't really remember either of them fussing at all, which in the world of a toddler is a hard thing not to happen for that many hours. Ben also wanted his Nagypapa over his Mom several times, which was quite sweet. He really has a wonderful bond with him. The zoo trip was a success all around and everyone had a great time.
After the zoo and a bit of rest, we headed to Grandma's house where we would meet Grandma's boyfriend Ricks family. They were all very nice people and really thought Ben was an amazing and cute little boy. It got late and both his parents forgot his pack n' play, but his Grandma wanted to try out the fold out couch to sleep on. His parents were a bit skeptical because Ben has never slept in a "big kid bed". Ben surprised us all and after just two goodnight kisses from Dada, he went right to sleep. He is getting to be such a big boy!
On Sunday morning, it was my turn to sleep in while Dada got up with Ben. Ben did really well on not waking up his Mom. Then when he heard me get up, he made a mad dash to me. His little eyes twinkled as he said "hi" (his new word) and then made kissing noises so he could give me a kiss. It really just warmed my heart and that just made my day.
I also wanted to note some other things Ben now does.
He has for a while on some parts but can show you his nose, head, ear, tongue, belly button, bum, feet and hands. To "show" his feet he will march in place and to "show" his hands he will rub them together.
Ben is also getting quite good at mastering a fork and spoon. Depending on what the meal is, he will be given one or the other. Some dishes are harder then others, but he makes the attempt to eat with his utensils before just diving in with his hands. However, if he is really hungry he will use both utensil and hands to feed himself at the same time.
Ben's current favorite story is "Brown Bear, Brown Bear". I can read that story to him eighteen million times a day. His Dad and I both know the story by heard without looking at the pages. Ben certainly loves to bed read too.
Another new thing that Ben does is, he loves pretending to talk on the telephone. He'll pick up a telephone from the receiver and babble into it like he is having a conversation. I guess he is mocking his Mom, because he never sees Dad on the phone. Thanks a lot kid : )
Monday, April 13, 2009
Yesterday was Easter and man were we busy, but had so much fun as a family. Ben woke up his parents up at the usual early hour. We got dressed and headed downstairs. Ben was a bit surprised that the Easter bunny dropped by his house and paid him a visit giving him a few puzzles, a book, crayons, toys cars, kitchen stuff and a bunny. His look of surprised and "is that for me" was absolutely priceless. He really loved his pop up book and would of been happy with just that. After investigating all his toys, Ben then went on an Easter egg hunt in the house and did really well with his first egg hunt! He hunted like a pro.
Ben making his way down the steps Easter morning in his little baby boxers

What is this?

Is this all for me?

What is this Mommy?

Bens new favorite book

The Hunt is on!

Dada's job was to hold the basket and Ben was the retriever of the eggs.

Next the whole family went to church. Ben had a fantastic time running around the church hall. It was okay since there were very few people in there due to the holiday. After the 8 o'clock liturgy let out, all the kids of the parish went on an Easter egg hunt. Ben was grouped with the zero to six year old kids. He did fantastic! James took him (as it was also his first hunt) and together they made a great team. Nagymama also helped out as well. After the hunt, it was time to go to church. We tried to sit out on the pews but found very quickly that Ben would not sit there very still, so his Dad and I headed to the crying room. We didn't stay there very long either. Ben was tired and cranky from all the morning events (I can't blame him I was too), so we packed up and headed home early. You quickly learn as a parent that when you have a toddler that your schedule is their schedule and you just have to be flexible.
Ben and Dada at Church

Once we got home, Ben eventually went down for nap and his parents also took a nice nap as well. Ben (thankfully as it was getting late) woke his parents up at three and we all scurried around the house so we could get to his Nagypapa and Nagymama's house for the rest of the Easter festivities. Aunt Amy, Uncle Eric, Ty and Ty's other Grandparents were also at the house for the Easter celebration. Ben also had an Easter basket waiting for him, which was given by his Nagymama and Nagypapa. He got an Elmo shirt, a Peter Rabbit pop up book, a swim suit and top, and a little bit of candy. Aunt Amy also gave Ben a very soft purple bunny since she knows Ben loves fuzzy stuffed animals. The boys had a great time playing. The hot toy this week was the lawn mower which they both seem to want at the same time. Sharing at this time is not one of Ben's fortes. He will learn though.
Ben in his Easter attire

Once we all gobbled down a very nice traditional Easter meal with the family, we celebrated Nagymama's birthday. Her birthday was on April 9th. She got a few clothing items as well as a quilt rack from us. After that everyone wanted to go outside and decided we should do the Easter egg hunt with the boys. Nagymama hid the eggs while the boys got bundled up and waited very patiently inside. Once outside, both boys did extremely well with finding all the eggs. At one point Ty accidentally dumped out some of his Easter eggs from his basket. Ben spotted the eggs on the grass and made his way over to them. We all that perhaps Ben would like to put such a great find of eggs in his own basket, but promptly helped his cousin put back the eggs in Ty's basket. That was really sweet. What a thoughtful and helpful little guy! The egg hunt was a success and the boys spent a while afterward playing and having a great time outside.
Ben on the next hunt with Nagymama

Ben having a blast!

Ben in front of his Nagymama's "Easter Bonnet"

Someone found out there were treats in the eggs!

This just says the boys personality exactly. Ben is an excitable ball of energy. Ty likes to study his surroundings and is cautious just like his Mom was.

The night ended with a separate sink bath for both boys (thank you Nagymama) and some wrestling with the Dads. Ben really loves to wrestle his Dad and his Uncle Eric. He and his parents were both worn out by the time they got home and Ben quickly feel asleep a little after eight.
Happy Easter my little man! I love you!!!!!!!!
Ben making his way down the steps Easter morning in his little baby boxers
What is this?
Is this all for me?
What is this Mommy?
Bens new favorite book
The Hunt is on!
Dada's job was to hold the basket and Ben was the retriever of the eggs.
Next the whole family went to church. Ben had a fantastic time running around the church hall. It was okay since there were very few people in there due to the holiday. After the 8 o'clock liturgy let out, all the kids of the parish went on an Easter egg hunt. Ben was grouped with the zero to six year old kids. He did fantastic! James took him (as it was also his first hunt) and together they made a great team. Nagymama also helped out as well. After the hunt, it was time to go to church. We tried to sit out on the pews but found very quickly that Ben would not sit there very still, so his Dad and I headed to the crying room. We didn't stay there very long either. Ben was tired and cranky from all the morning events (I can't blame him I was too), so we packed up and headed home early. You quickly learn as a parent that when you have a toddler that your schedule is their schedule and you just have to be flexible.
Ben and Dada at Church
Once we got home, Ben eventually went down for nap and his parents also took a nice nap as well. Ben (thankfully as it was getting late) woke his parents up at three and we all scurried around the house so we could get to his Nagypapa and Nagymama's house for the rest of the Easter festivities. Aunt Amy, Uncle Eric, Ty and Ty's other Grandparents were also at the house for the Easter celebration. Ben also had an Easter basket waiting for him, which was given by his Nagymama and Nagypapa. He got an Elmo shirt, a Peter Rabbit pop up book, a swim suit and top, and a little bit of candy. Aunt Amy also gave Ben a very soft purple bunny since she knows Ben loves fuzzy stuffed animals. The boys had a great time playing. The hot toy this week was the lawn mower which they both seem to want at the same time. Sharing at this time is not one of Ben's fortes. He will learn though.
Ben in his Easter attire
Once we all gobbled down a very nice traditional Easter meal with the family, we celebrated Nagymama's birthday. Her birthday was on April 9th. She got a few clothing items as well as a quilt rack from us. After that everyone wanted to go outside and decided we should do the Easter egg hunt with the boys. Nagymama hid the eggs while the boys got bundled up and waited very patiently inside. Once outside, both boys did extremely well with finding all the eggs. At one point Ty accidentally dumped out some of his Easter eggs from his basket. Ben spotted the eggs on the grass and made his way over to them. We all that perhaps Ben would like to put such a great find of eggs in his own basket, but promptly helped his cousin put back the eggs in Ty's basket. That was really sweet. What a thoughtful and helpful little guy! The egg hunt was a success and the boys spent a while afterward playing and having a great time outside.
Ben on the next hunt with Nagymama
Ben having a blast!
Ben in front of his Nagymama's "Easter Bonnet"
Someone found out there were treats in the eggs!
This just says the boys personality exactly. Ben is an excitable ball of energy. Ty likes to study his surroundings and is cautious just like his Mom was.
The night ended with a separate sink bath for both boys (thank you Nagymama) and some wrestling with the Dads. Ben really loves to wrestle his Dad and his Uncle Eric. He and his parents were both worn out by the time they got home and Ben quickly feel asleep a little after eight.
Happy Easter my little man! I love you!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
A New First
Yesterday was a new first for me and for Ben. As I was carrying Ben up to the house after bringing him home from day care, a neighborhood kid asked me if Ben could come out and play. I was honestly a bit shocked and a bit surprised. He isn't even two yet and kids are wanting him to come out and play and by an older woman of four years old none the less. I politely told her that Ben had to go inside and eat some snack and that he was a bit too little yet.
I thought it was cute. Ben would obviously love to play outside, but at this age would care less if she was there or not. He plays on his own accord on what he sees fit. I guess this is just a small glimpse into what my future will look like. I just didn't think it would be so soon. His Dad was proud...the ladies are already knocking at the door for him.
I thought it was cute. Ben would obviously love to play outside, but at this age would care less if she was there or not. He plays on his own accord on what he sees fit. I guess this is just a small glimpse into what my future will look like. I just didn't think it would be so soon. His Dad was proud...the ladies are already knocking at the door for him.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Little Ben Update
Ben is well into his 20th month. I can not believe it. He is growing up so fast and is learning so quickly. I have one smart little cookie! Here is what has been going on!
~ Ben had his first school assembly yesterday. His Mom arrived way early and helped the teachers escort all the little kids to the assembly area. I was not aware that I was in the wrong classroom. When it came time to sing, all the kids froze and my little guy did not want to be with the rest of his class but rather with his Mom. That was okay by me! The director did inform me that the kids do know the song and hand movements but just not in front of a bunch of parents. The song was in Spanish, but I knew one word, which was eyes!
~ Ben has been a stitch lately. He is well on his way to becoming potty trained. The other day he looked at me, pointed to his butt and then pointed to where the diapers are kept. Apparently he had gone #2 in his pants and wanted the situation fixed. He has done this twice now, but not every time. It was pretty darn cute because he had the most adorable worried expression on his face when he informed me.
~ Ben also twice this week has told his parents that he wants to go to bed. On Monday he pointed to the stairs and whined and on Tuesday he just started going up the stairs to his room. I find this funny because his Dad as a little kid would also tell everyone he is going to sleep now and go to bed. Hopefully this little deal keeps up because the night time routine is EASY!
~Both Ben and Ty have also assumed that every time they go to their Nagypapa and Nagymama's house they MUST have a sink bath. Mostly they can wait until the dinner dishes are cleaned, but on one occasion Ben could not and would not wait. He howled for his little sink bath. The boys love sitting in the water with their green spatula and colorful measuring cups. Ben during his bath times (both at home and at his Nagypapa's house) loves to drink the water, put his face in the water by crouching over and most recently like to lay on his stomach in the water like he is trying to swim. After these sink baths, Nagymama usually has to change her shirt after these baths since both boys like splashing her with water.
~Ben continues to love being read to. I hope this keeps up as reading to him will really help him learn how to read and be a great reader. I love books. However, Mommy is a bit tired of reading B Is For Bear and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. She has both books memorized.
~Ben also really loves hockey. His new word is goal. He will put his little arm up in the air, point his finger and say "goal". He mimics Ovechkin. His Dad nor I taught him to do this. Every time he sees a Capitals game on he says "goal" even if the opposing team has the puck. Perhaps that why the Maple Leaf's won yesterday? Ben needs to stop cheering for both teams!
~Ben's favorite food right now still is macaroni and cheese and most recently he really loves blueberry muffins (thanks to part of my Dad's birthday meal). I can already predict what he will want my Mom to cook him for his birthday meal this year. I am happy about it as they are both some of my favorite too. I promise I am not pushing the food on the kid. He truly loves eating it up.
~Ben has also recently won the war of the pacifiers. He was just so miserable without it. He would literally just cry and cry. Finally both his parents broke down and gave in. It just wasn't worth it. Our lives have all been a little easier ever since.
~Ben most recently played at the local mall playground (Dulles). A lot of the kids were a bit too big to play on the playground. I honestly wish some times there was a playground enforcer for these things. However, he didn't care and ran with them like he was a big kid himself. He had no fear. That kid is fearless. I would be scared, but not Ben.
~One bad habit Ben has picked up lately is hitting. He likes to smack his parents and it is so not cool. Hopefully this is a VERY quick phase he is in and it will soon be over with. I am associating this phase with him not being able to express himself with words. I remember his biting phase ended as soon as he could walk, so I figure once he learns a few more words then this will end as well. For now there are many "talks" and time outs when this occurs.
~Ben gave his first (as far as his Mom knows) affectionate hug to a girl over the weekend. His little friend was Julie. They both have had play date ever since they have been born so he feels comfortable with her. Needless to say I was surprised as well as the other Moms in the room. Not that Ben is not a cuddly kind of little boy because he is, but we all have never seen him just go up and hug. It was truly priceless.
~I am already planning on Ben's second birthday party. I can't believe that I am already planning for another birthday. Slow down Ben! I am highly considering a Sesame Street theme birthday. Ben LOVES watching Sesame Street. His favorite characters are Elmo, Big Bird and Bert. Why he loves Bert, I don't know, but he always points to him. I personally think Bert is a little bit grouchy.
~Ben is also comfortably wearing size 2T shirts and some 2T pants. It honestly depends on pant to pant as some are longer then others. He also is wearing a size 4 Kirklands diaper and a size 6 1/2 size shoe.
~Ben's dislikes right now (okay today at this minute because it could change tomorrow to something he likes) is eating meat, not being able to go where ever he likes (he tries to run into the street at his Nagypapa and Nagymama's house), and the tops of broccoli. He actually prefers the stems. Go figure.
~Ben really likes to eat bananas, rice cakes (cheese), any sort of cookie, chocolate pudding, macaroni and cheese, hard and soft shelled tacos, pizza and McDonalds. I promise you he does eat some healthy food, but like most of us he prefers the rotten stuff! He also really loves to be read to, wrestle with his Dad in the evenings, climb into his parents bed, be sung to and go outside.
~Ben will also tell you at the dinner table that when he says "all done" that means you need to take the plate away from him or it will soon go on the floor. At least the kid gives you a warning. He then wants to be put down to go play. This is a tad problematic when we are eating dinner out. His Dad and I have learned to eat quickly and ask for the check as soon as we feel the end is near for Ben.
I think that just about sums up everything that is going on in my little man's world. It is such a big world to him and he really is the most happy little guy that loves just diving head first into everything. He really lights up my life. I love you my little pumpkin little.
~ Ben had his first school assembly yesterday. His Mom arrived way early and helped the teachers escort all the little kids to the assembly area. I was not aware that I was in the wrong classroom. When it came time to sing, all the kids froze and my little guy did not want to be with the rest of his class but rather with his Mom. That was okay by me! The director did inform me that the kids do know the song and hand movements but just not in front of a bunch of parents. The song was in Spanish, but I knew one word, which was eyes!
~ Ben has been a stitch lately. He is well on his way to becoming potty trained. The other day he looked at me, pointed to his butt and then pointed to where the diapers are kept. Apparently he had gone #2 in his pants and wanted the situation fixed. He has done this twice now, but not every time. It was pretty darn cute because he had the most adorable worried expression on his face when he informed me.
~ Ben also twice this week has told his parents that he wants to go to bed. On Monday he pointed to the stairs and whined and on Tuesday he just started going up the stairs to his room. I find this funny because his Dad as a little kid would also tell everyone he is going to sleep now and go to bed. Hopefully this little deal keeps up because the night time routine is EASY!
~Both Ben and Ty have also assumed that every time they go to their Nagypapa and Nagymama's house they MUST have a sink bath. Mostly they can wait until the dinner dishes are cleaned, but on one occasion Ben could not and would not wait. He howled for his little sink bath. The boys love sitting in the water with their green spatula and colorful measuring cups. Ben during his bath times (both at home and at his Nagypapa's house) loves to drink the water, put his face in the water by crouching over and most recently like to lay on his stomach in the water like he is trying to swim. After these sink baths, Nagymama usually has to change her shirt after these baths since both boys like splashing her with water.
~Ben continues to love being read to. I hope this keeps up as reading to him will really help him learn how to read and be a great reader. I love books. However, Mommy is a bit tired of reading B Is For Bear and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. She has both books memorized.
~Ben also really loves hockey. His new word is goal. He will put his little arm up in the air, point his finger and say "goal". He mimics Ovechkin. His Dad nor I taught him to do this. Every time he sees a Capitals game on he says "goal" even if the opposing team has the puck. Perhaps that why the Maple Leaf's won yesterday? Ben needs to stop cheering for both teams!
~Ben's favorite food right now still is macaroni and cheese and most recently he really loves blueberry muffins (thanks to part of my Dad's birthday meal). I can already predict what he will want my Mom to cook him for his birthday meal this year. I am happy about it as they are both some of my favorite too. I promise I am not pushing the food on the kid. He truly loves eating it up.
~Ben has also recently won the war of the pacifiers. He was just so miserable without it. He would literally just cry and cry. Finally both his parents broke down and gave in. It just wasn't worth it. Our lives have all been a little easier ever since.
~Ben most recently played at the local mall playground (Dulles). A lot of the kids were a bit too big to play on the playground. I honestly wish some times there was a playground enforcer for these things. However, he didn't care and ran with them like he was a big kid himself. He had no fear. That kid is fearless. I would be scared, but not Ben.
~One bad habit Ben has picked up lately is hitting. He likes to smack his parents and it is so not cool. Hopefully this is a VERY quick phase he is in and it will soon be over with. I am associating this phase with him not being able to express himself with words. I remember his biting phase ended as soon as he could walk, so I figure once he learns a few more words then this will end as well. For now there are many "talks" and time outs when this occurs.
~Ben gave his first (as far as his Mom knows) affectionate hug to a girl over the weekend. His little friend was Julie. They both have had play date ever since they have been born so he feels comfortable with her. Needless to say I was surprised as well as the other Moms in the room. Not that Ben is not a cuddly kind of little boy because he is, but we all have never seen him just go up and hug. It was truly priceless.
~I am already planning on Ben's second birthday party. I can't believe that I am already planning for another birthday. Slow down Ben! I am highly considering a Sesame Street theme birthday. Ben LOVES watching Sesame Street. His favorite characters are Elmo, Big Bird and Bert. Why he loves Bert, I don't know, but he always points to him. I personally think Bert is a little bit grouchy.
~Ben is also comfortably wearing size 2T shirts and some 2T pants. It honestly depends on pant to pant as some are longer then others. He also is wearing a size 4 Kirklands diaper and a size 6 1/2 size shoe.
~Ben's dislikes right now (okay today at this minute because it could change tomorrow to something he likes) is eating meat, not being able to go where ever he likes (he tries to run into the street at his Nagypapa and Nagymama's house), and the tops of broccoli. He actually prefers the stems. Go figure.
~Ben really likes to eat bananas, rice cakes (cheese), any sort of cookie, chocolate pudding, macaroni and cheese, hard and soft shelled tacos, pizza and McDonalds. I promise you he does eat some healthy food, but like most of us he prefers the rotten stuff! He also really loves to be read to, wrestle with his Dad in the evenings, climb into his parents bed, be sung to and go outside.
~Ben will also tell you at the dinner table that when he says "all done" that means you need to take the plate away from him or it will soon go on the floor. At least the kid gives you a warning. He then wants to be put down to go play. This is a tad problematic when we are eating dinner out. His Dad and I have learned to eat quickly and ask for the check as soon as we feel the end is near for Ben.
I think that just about sums up everything that is going on in my little man's world. It is such a big world to him and he really is the most happy little guy that loves just diving head first into everything. He really lights up my life. I love you my little pumpkin little.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Ben Having Fun AND Meeting Capitals Players
Ben has changed so much and done so many things from the last post, which was what only last week?!? Ben now can say a new word, which is "goal". He learned that while his Dad and I were watching a Capitals game on Sunday. He loves saying it now, even when the other team scored on us! Ouch! Ben also turned into my little helper this weekend. He loves to mock his Mom by brushing his hair when she is or attempting to brush his teeth when she is. While I was cleaning with a baby wipe, Ben decided he wanted to help too. He was cleaning everything with his little baby wipe from the window, floors and walls. It was so cute to watch him! He was really proud of himself. He has gotten to be such a big boy!
Below are some of my new favorite photos of Ben. The first two are of him when we found him stuck in Joey's cage. He thought since he was able to fit inside his friend Julie's dog cage a weekend before that he could fit inside this dog cage. He didn't put two and two together that the other dog cage is MUCH bigger then Joey's. At first James and I paid no mind to hearing Ben messing with the dog cages. Ben loves opening and shutting the doors. When we heard a little wimper, James went to see what was going on and called me over. We got a good laugh.

Ben also this weekend got to meet two Capitals players, Alexander Semin and Donald Brashear! We were all very excited. Ben was very very patient waiting to meet the two hockey players. We first meet Semin who hardly speaks any english. Semin was really happy about James speaking Russian to him and talked for a minute and he asked about Ben and what his name was. It was interesting to us that he was quite shy as he is a great hockey player. Next we all meet my favorite player, Donald Brashear. Brashear is known in the NHL as being a bit of a brute because he loves to fight. I believe he may have the leading penalty point in the NHL. James was holding Ben and the camera when one of the workers at the place asked if we would like a group photo. Of course we said yes! Brashear is also a Dad and took Ben from James's arms and put him on the table in front of him. Ben was not to thrilled and started to cry. Brashear sat there holding Ben and sticking his tongue out at him to try and get him to smile. The picture with Brashear says it all as Ben trys to whack him one. Go Ben! He has no fear against a known fighter. Thats my boy!

Below are some of my new favorite photos of Ben. The first two are of him when we found him stuck in Joey's cage. He thought since he was able to fit inside his friend Julie's dog cage a weekend before that he could fit inside this dog cage. He didn't put two and two together that the other dog cage is MUCH bigger then Joey's. At first James and I paid no mind to hearing Ben messing with the dog cages. Ben loves opening and shutting the doors. When we heard a little wimper, James went to see what was going on and called me over. We got a good laugh.
Ben also this weekend got to meet two Capitals players, Alexander Semin and Donald Brashear! We were all very excited. Ben was very very patient waiting to meet the two hockey players. We first meet Semin who hardly speaks any english. Semin was really happy about James speaking Russian to him and talked for a minute and he asked about Ben and what his name was. It was interesting to us that he was quite shy as he is a great hockey player. Next we all meet my favorite player, Donald Brashear. Brashear is known in the NHL as being a bit of a brute because he loves to fight. I believe he may have the leading penalty point in the NHL. James was holding Ben and the camera when one of the workers at the place asked if we would like a group photo. Of course we said yes! Brashear is also a Dad and took Ben from James's arms and put him on the table in front of him. Ben was not to thrilled and started to cry. Brashear sat there holding Ben and sticking his tongue out at him to try and get him to smile. The picture with Brashear says it all as Ben trys to whack him one. Go Ben! He has no fear against a known fighter. Thats my boy!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
A Little Ben Survey
Do you have any nicknames? Mostly just Ben, but my Dad and Grandma call me Benny and my Mom likes to call me Pumpky.
What is your favorite food(s)? I love to eat just about anything. My favorite foods are bananas, french fries (McDonalds especially)and fruit loops.
Do you have a toy that you can’t live without? I love my stuffed poodle a lot. I call him "Dog". I also love my shape sorter basket and try to stuff it with all sorts of things and some times I get frustrated that I can't fit everything in it that I want.
If you watch TV, what is your favorite show? I don't watch a lot of television. Usually I am too busy for things like that. I do love Sesame Street. My favorite episode was the Rock and Roll one because it had lots of clocks in it.
What is your favorite book? I love books and 99% of the time will sit down with anyone that will read one to me. My favorite is the touch/feel books and the Alpha Bug book. Mommy is great about making up all the sound effects for the Alpha Bug book and I laugh every time.
What words can you say? I love shouting Dada. I believe that is my favorite word. I can also say Mama, More (sounds a bit like Mama), clock, dog, and that. I know a lot more words then I can say. I follow directions like "where is your milk" and "go get your coat".
Have you started trying to use the potty? I am a tad interested in it. Mommy got two potty chairs for upstairs and downstairs. I will sometimes ask Mommy to sit on the potty with it and Mommy will always help me out with that. I am encouraged but I haven't made that leap yet.
Where do you sleep (big boy/girl bed or crib)? In my crib. I love my little crib and my sleep.
Do you still wake up in the middle of the night? What night would be complete without waking up in the middle of it? I don't stay up for long though. Typically I can not find my pacifier or I am uncomfortable. Mommy is a deep sleeper, so usually Daddy comes to the rescue.
What funny things make you laugh? I laugh at all sorts of things. I find myself very funny as well, but you can always make me laugh with a tickle or a parachute game.
What do you do that makes mommy laugh? When I am being overly cute like coming up to give her a hug and when I decide to give out my rare kisses.
Weight/Height? 24lbs 14 ounces and 33"
Shoe size? Size six
How many teeth do you have? I have lots of teeth! I have at least ten. My molars are still coming in.
What is your favorite thing to do? It depends on what day and the time really. I really love to go outside. I often ask Mommy and Daddy if I can go outside by getting my coat for them to put on me. I just like to be out and about. I also like to come home and play with my toys as well, and when I am tired I love my sleep time and have no problem going to sleep rather quickly.
What is your favorite food(s)? I love to eat just about anything. My favorite foods are bananas, french fries (McDonalds especially)and fruit loops.
Do you have a toy that you can’t live without? I love my stuffed poodle a lot. I call him "Dog". I also love my shape sorter basket and try to stuff it with all sorts of things and some times I get frustrated that I can't fit everything in it that I want.
If you watch TV, what is your favorite show? I don't watch a lot of television. Usually I am too busy for things like that. I do love Sesame Street. My favorite episode was the Rock and Roll one because it had lots of clocks in it.
What is your favorite book? I love books and 99% of the time will sit down with anyone that will read one to me. My favorite is the touch/feel books and the Alpha Bug book. Mommy is great about making up all the sound effects for the Alpha Bug book and I laugh every time.
What words can you say? I love shouting Dada. I believe that is my favorite word. I can also say Mama, More (sounds a bit like Mama), clock, dog, and that. I know a lot more words then I can say. I follow directions like "where is your milk" and "go get your coat".
Have you started trying to use the potty? I am a tad interested in it. Mommy got two potty chairs for upstairs and downstairs. I will sometimes ask Mommy to sit on the potty with it and Mommy will always help me out with that. I am encouraged but I haven't made that leap yet.
Where do you sleep (big boy/girl bed or crib)? In my crib. I love my little crib and my sleep.
Do you still wake up in the middle of the night? What night would be complete without waking up in the middle of it? I don't stay up for long though. Typically I can not find my pacifier or I am uncomfortable. Mommy is a deep sleeper, so usually Daddy comes to the rescue.
What funny things make you laugh? I laugh at all sorts of things. I find myself very funny as well, but you can always make me laugh with a tickle or a parachute game.
What do you do that makes mommy laugh? When I am being overly cute like coming up to give her a hug and when I decide to give out my rare kisses.
Weight/Height? 24lbs 14 ounces and 33"
Shoe size? Size six
How many teeth do you have? I have lots of teeth! I have at least ten. My molars are still coming in.
What is your favorite thing to do? It depends on what day and the time really. I really love to go outside. I often ask Mommy and Daddy if I can go outside by getting my coat for them to put on me. I just like to be out and about. I also like to come home and play with my toys as well, and when I am tired I love my sleep time and have no problem going to sleep rather quickly.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
18 Months
Although Ben is well into his 18th month of life, he had his 18th month doctor appointment yesterday. He did great except for not being to keen on the doctor listening to his heart or looking in his ears and mouth. He was tired as well, so that was part of the reason for Ben's crankiness at the doctor's office.
He did great though. He weighed in at 24lbs 14 ounces, which was in the 25-50th percentile. The doctor though that was great since a lot of kids will fall below the curve since this is the age they are more mobile. Ben also is quite a tall little guy being 33 inches, which is in the 75-95th percentile! He is certainly catching up to his Mom's height. Ben also got the MMR shot and we were told that he wouldn't need any shots for a while. THANK GOD! Although I have never held him down or watched him get a shot, its really hard on me (his Mom) to hear him cry out while getting them. He is a trooper though. He was fine as soon as we left the doctor's office. Everything is on schedule with our little guy and he is doing everything that he should be doing. We just need to start weening him off the pacifier. Otherwise it will be more headache later on.
Ben is also doing great and is quite the energetic toddler. He loves to eat, chase Lucas and Joey around the house and dance to just about anything. Ben last week actually gave his Mom a kiss on the cheek without her asking for it! It was very sweet and I loved it.
I had to put the picture of him above on this post. It is Ben on a Sunday morning before church. His Grandmother bought him a suit for Christmas and I am determined to get some wear out of it. The look is priceless, because that is the look that says either "What are you doing" or "I am about to get into something I shouldn't."
Ben is just the apple of my eye and his parents love him very very much. We love you Benny!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
A New Ben Update
Last week Ben reminded me that he was getting even older by transitioning to his new classroom at his day care. This classroom was for the 18 month to two year old classroom. I can't believe he can be in the same classroom as two years olds! Where did the time go? Where did my little baby that once slept hours in my arms disappear too? James and I certainly have come to realize we are now parents of a full fledged energetic toddler.
Ben is always busy from the moment he wakes up, to nap time and then when he goes to sleep for the night. In Ben's new classroom, they now sleep on cots instead of cribs. I have no idea how they manage to get kids his age to all sleep on their cots at one time, but more power to them. During the work week when his parents are busy making money, Ben is busy with arts and crafts, playing with different toys such as cars, babies, kitchen stuff and is also being taught spanish!
Once Ben comes home from day care, his routine is about the same. He request snack/milk when he enters the door. He greets his poodles and usually goes and finds his dog and a paci. Yesterday for the first time (and mind you I wasn't feeling well), Ben asked to go outside. It was only 33 degrees outside! I obliged (since Ben is so cute and all) and bundled him up and headed for the park. He walked the entire way there holding my hand. He really enjoyed himself. Once we were at the park we took a few turns going down the slide and then I took Ben to the swings. We only took a few turns on the swing when Ben wanted out and that's when I knew he was done being out in the cold, since I know my Ben cries like crazy under normal circumstances if he was taken away from the swing and would love to swing all day if possible. I took Ben home and warmed him up with some more milk and a cookie. If he was older I would of made him hot chocolate to warm him up but he was also busy doing other things like throwing balls, dancing with Elmo (his hokey pokey Elmo), and putting various items in his shape sorter basket.
I just can't get over the miracle of Ben and how fascinating it is to witness a little person grow so much in just one year. Last year he would easily flop over if he was sitting up and he was far less busy and into things. He would observe the world from where he was put, but now he observes the world in how he wants to explore it. I am so proud of him and so humbled by my experience of having such a precious creature in my life. I love you Benjamin Michael.
Ben is always busy from the moment he wakes up, to nap time and then when he goes to sleep for the night. In Ben's new classroom, they now sleep on cots instead of cribs. I have no idea how they manage to get kids his age to all sleep on their cots at one time, but more power to them. During the work week when his parents are busy making money, Ben is busy with arts and crafts, playing with different toys such as cars, babies, kitchen stuff and is also being taught spanish!
Once Ben comes home from day care, his routine is about the same. He request snack/milk when he enters the door. He greets his poodles and usually goes and finds his dog and a paci. Yesterday for the first time (and mind you I wasn't feeling well), Ben asked to go outside. It was only 33 degrees outside! I obliged (since Ben is so cute and all) and bundled him up and headed for the park. He walked the entire way there holding my hand. He really enjoyed himself. Once we were at the park we took a few turns going down the slide and then I took Ben to the swings. We only took a few turns on the swing when Ben wanted out and that's when I knew he was done being out in the cold, since I know my Ben cries like crazy under normal circumstances if he was taken away from the swing and would love to swing all day if possible. I took Ben home and warmed him up with some more milk and a cookie. If he was older I would of made him hot chocolate to warm him up but he was also busy doing other things like throwing balls, dancing with Elmo (his hokey pokey Elmo), and putting various items in his shape sorter basket.
I just can't get over the miracle of Ben and how fascinating it is to witness a little person grow so much in just one year. Last year he would easily flop over if he was sitting up and he was far less busy and into things. He would observe the world from where he was put, but now he observes the world in how he wants to explore it. I am so proud of him and so humbled by my experience of having such a precious creature in my life. I love you Benjamin Michael.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Ben's Second Christmas!
Ben and his parents had a fantastic Christmas. Ben woke up bright and early on Christmas Day wanting to do his usual routine, but as he would find out that today would not be a normal day in his little world. We all woke up as a family and headed downstairs to see what Santa brought little Ben. Ben was amazed by all the great new gifts and probably could of just been given one present and he would of been happy. The hit toy was his Sesame Street toy.
Ben Coming Down The Stairs Christmas Morning
Ben Seeing His Presents
Ben and Mommy with Ben's Favorite New Toy
After we opened all the presents, ate some breakfast and lounged for a while, the family headed over to Nagypapa and Nagymama's house. We opened a few gifts and Ben got a kitchen and a clock puzzle from his Nagypapa and Nagymama. Later his Aunt Amy, Uncle Eric, Ty and Ty's Grandparents joined us for some more present opening and Christmas dinner. The boys had a great time playing and inspecting each others toys. The day was fantastic and everyone had a wonderful time.
Ty and Ben with Their Presents
Ty and Ben with Nagypapa
Ty and Ben
Ben Coming Down The Stairs Christmas Morning
Ben Seeing His Presents
Ben and Mommy with Ben's Favorite New Toy
After we opened all the presents, ate some breakfast and lounged for a while, the family headed over to Nagypapa and Nagymama's house. We opened a few gifts and Ben got a kitchen and a clock puzzle from his Nagypapa and Nagymama. Later his Aunt Amy, Uncle Eric, Ty and Ty's Grandparents joined us for some more present opening and Christmas dinner. The boys had a great time playing and inspecting each others toys. The day was fantastic and everyone had a wonderful time.
Ty and Ben with Their Presents
Ty and Ben with Nagypapa
Ty and Ben
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