Although Ben is well into his 18th month of life, he had his 18th month doctor appointment yesterday. He did great except for not being to keen on the doctor listening to his heart or looking in his ears and mouth. He was tired as well, so that was part of the reason for Ben's crankiness at the doctor's office.
He did great though. He weighed in at 24lbs 14 ounces, which was in the 25-50th percentile. The doctor though that was great since a lot of kids will fall below the curve since this is the age they are more mobile. Ben also is quite a tall little guy being 33 inches, which is in the 75-95th percentile! He is certainly catching up to his Mom's height. Ben also got the MMR shot and we were told that he wouldn't need any shots for a while. THANK GOD! Although I have never held him down or watched him get a shot, its really hard on me (his Mom) to hear him cry out while getting them. He is a trooper though. He was fine as soon as we left the doctor's office. Everything is on schedule with our little guy and he is doing everything that he should be doing. We just need to start weening him off the pacifier. Otherwise it will be more headache later on.
Ben is also doing great and is quite the energetic toddler. He loves to eat, chase Lucas and Joey around the house and dance to just about anything. Ben last week actually gave his Mom a kiss on the cheek without her asking for it! It was very sweet and I loved it.
I had to put the picture of him above on this post. It is Ben on a Sunday morning before church. His Grandmother bought him a suit for Christmas and I am determined to get some wear out of it. The look is priceless, because that is the look that says either "What are you doing" or "I am about to get into something I shouldn't."
Ben is just the apple of my eye and his parents love him very very much. We love you Benny!
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