Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Little Ben Survey

Do you have any nicknames? Mostly just Ben, but my Dad and Grandma call me Benny and my Mom likes to call me Pumpky.

What is your favorite food(s)?
I love to eat just about anything. My favorite foods are bananas, french fries (McDonalds especially)and fruit loops.

Do you have a toy that you can’t live without?
I love my stuffed poodle a lot. I call him "Dog". I also love my shape sorter basket and try to stuff it with all sorts of things and some times I get frustrated that I can't fit everything in it that I want.

If you watch TV, what is your favorite show? I don't watch a lot of television. Usually I am too busy for things like that. I do love Sesame Street. My favorite episode was the Rock and Roll one because it had lots of clocks in it.

What is your favorite book? I love books and 99% of the time will sit down with anyone that will read one to me. My favorite is the touch/feel books and the Alpha Bug book. Mommy is great about making up all the sound effects for the Alpha Bug book and I laugh every time.

What words can you say? I love shouting Dada. I believe that is my favorite word. I can also say Mama, More (sounds a bit like Mama), clock, dog, and that. I know a lot more words then I can say. I follow directions like "where is your milk" and "go get your coat".

Have you started trying to use the potty? I am a tad interested in it. Mommy got two potty chairs for upstairs and downstairs. I will sometimes ask Mommy to sit on the potty with it and Mommy will always help me out with that. I am encouraged but I haven't made that leap yet.

Where do you sleep (big boy/girl bed or crib)? In my crib. I love my little crib and my sleep.

Do you still wake up in the middle of the night? What night would be complete without waking up in the middle of it? I don't stay up for long though. Typically I can not find my pacifier or I am uncomfortable. Mommy is a deep sleeper, so usually Daddy comes to the rescue.

What funny things make you laugh? I laugh at all sorts of things. I find myself very funny as well, but you can always make me laugh with a tickle or a parachute game.

What do you do that makes mommy laugh? When I am being overly cute like coming up to give her a hug and when I decide to give out my rare kisses.

Weight/Height? 24lbs 14 ounces and 33"

Shoe size? Size six

How many teeth do you have? I have lots of teeth! I have at least ten. My molars are still coming in.

What is your favorite thing to do? It depends on what day and the time really. I really love to go outside. I often ask Mommy and Daddy if I can go outside by getting my coat for them to put on me. I just like to be out and about. I also like to come home and play with my toys as well, and when I am tired I love my sleep time and have no problem going to sleep rather quickly.

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