I can not believe Halloween has already come and gone. Then again what happened to September and October? This year the family decided to celebrate Halloween by hanging out at Nagymama and Nagypapa's house. I was NOT about to have a repeat of last year where I carried Ben up and down a million townhouse stairs for two pieces of candy. Great for cardio...not great when you are not feeling your best. Plus it was nice having two extra people tell you how cute your son was and Ben really was ADORABLE.
This year, I fulfilled my Halloween costume dream by having Ben as Fievel from The American Tale. I honestly do not care what he is from now on, but he was finally old enough to sport a handmade costume made by his internet savy Mother and Nagymama. He may not know who he was (nor did he care about picking a costume this year) but his Mom did and get got plenty of "awww" before he even left the house.
Ben for whatever reason did NOT want his picture taken this year in his costume. I think between his Dad and I we took a dozen pictures and the best picture we got was the one I attached above.
After dinner and closer to seven we headed out to the neighbors houses many of who have known me since I was a kid. All smiled and laughed how cute Ben was. Ben got the Trick or Treat thing down quick because after the second house he knew what to do. He couldn't say "Trick or Treat" yet, but he certainly could walk (thank god) to each house and hold out his little pumpkin bucket. After almost a dozen houses and lots of walking, Ben was tired and his parents were ready to go back to Nagypapa and Nagymama's house. Ben emptied his loot on the kitchen table and went to town on the candy. Halloween only comes once a year so pigging out on some extra candy was fine by me. He got cut off after the seventh piece of candy though. I really did not want a sick child that night.
I think Ben had a great time this year. I was wondering if he would think that on the next day we could do the same thing all over again. Thankfully he did not try to pull that logic out. He certainly is growing up and he certainly has made Halloween special again.
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