Thursday, November 19, 2009


The title of the post says it all, Ben has started a new addiction and it is an icy. Ben LOVES these things so much he has even learned how to open the bottom freezer, pull one out and come running with this beautiful grin to either James or myself. He is just ecstatic about the possibility of one of us caving and letting him eat one...or two. I also love the way Ben says "icy". It is one of the few very clear words he can say and there is NO question what that little boy means when he looks up at you with his beautiful green, puppy dog eyes full of question and asks, "Icy?" Most of the time his Dad or I will cave. We are a sucker for that little ball of energy.

Last night after his second icy and Ben wanted another one, his Dad told him, "You can have one tomorrow." Ben wasn't too happy with that remark, but he calmed down after a bit. This morning as Ben called out "down" so he could get out of his crib, I got him and went back to my bed not even half awake to lay down for a few more minutes. Typically Ben follows me in and will hand the remote over so he could watch his morning Sesame Street show (another addiction). Instead the little stinker ran down stairs as I dozed off again, grabbed himself an icy and a moment later I had a half opened icy shoved in my face. His Dad said he could have one "tomorrow"...I just didn't know it would be before 7 am. I bit though and let him have it. How could I resist such an enthusiastic face for something that would make my little guy so happy. So while I got ready in the bathroom, Ben ate his icy with gusto, sitting on his little stool with a big smile on his face. What a cutie pie.

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