Ben making his way down the steps Easter morning in his little baby boxers
What is this?
Is this all for me?
What is this Mommy?
Bens new favorite book
The Hunt is on!
Dada's job was to hold the basket and Ben was the retriever of the eggs.
Next the whole family went to church. Ben had a fantastic time running around the church hall. It was okay since there were very few people in there due to the holiday. After the 8 o'clock liturgy let out, all the kids of the parish went on an Easter egg hunt. Ben was grouped with the zero to six year old kids. He did fantastic! James took him (as it was also his first hunt) and together they made a great team. Nagymama also helped out as well. After the hunt, it was time to go to church. We tried to sit out on the pews but found very quickly that Ben would not sit there very still, so his Dad and I headed to the crying room. We didn't stay there very long either. Ben was tired and cranky from all the morning events (I can't blame him I was too), so we packed up and headed home early. You quickly learn as a parent that when you have a toddler that your schedule is their schedule and you just have to be flexible.
Ben and Dada at Church
Once we got home, Ben eventually went down for nap and his parents also took a nice nap as well. Ben (thankfully as it was getting late) woke his parents up at three and we all scurried around the house so we could get to his Nagypapa and Nagymama's house for the rest of the Easter festivities. Aunt Amy, Uncle Eric, Ty and Ty's other Grandparents were also at the house for the Easter celebration. Ben also had an Easter basket waiting for him, which was given by his Nagymama and Nagypapa. He got an Elmo shirt, a Peter Rabbit pop up book, a swim suit and top, and a little bit of candy. Aunt Amy also gave Ben a very soft purple bunny since she knows Ben loves fuzzy stuffed animals. The boys had a great time playing. The hot toy this week was the lawn mower which they both seem to want at the same time. Sharing at this time is not one of Ben's fortes. He will learn though.
Ben in his Easter attire
Once we all gobbled down a very nice traditional Easter meal with the family, we celebrated Nagymama's birthday. Her birthday was on April 9th. She got a few clothing items as well as a quilt rack from us. After that everyone wanted to go outside and decided we should do the Easter egg hunt with the boys. Nagymama hid the eggs while the boys got bundled up and waited very patiently inside. Once outside, both boys did extremely well with finding all the eggs. At one point Ty accidentally dumped out some of his Easter eggs from his basket. Ben spotted the eggs on the grass and made his way over to them. We all that perhaps Ben would like to put such a great find of eggs in his own basket, but promptly helped his cousin put back the eggs in Ty's basket. That was really sweet. What a thoughtful and helpful little guy! The egg hunt was a success and the boys spent a while afterward playing and having a great time outside.
Ben on the next hunt with Nagymama
Ben having a blast!
Ben in front of his Nagymama's "Easter Bonnet"
Someone found out there were treats in the eggs!
This just says the boys personality exactly. Ben is an excitable ball of energy. Ty likes to study his surroundings and is cautious just like his Mom was.
The night ended with a separate sink bath for both boys (thank you Nagymama) and some wrestling with the Dads. Ben really loves to wrestle his Dad and his Uncle Eric. He and his parents were both worn out by the time they got home and Ben quickly feel asleep a little after eight.
Happy Easter my little man! I love you!!!!!!!!
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