Monday, September 14, 2009

Funny or Cute Stories Day

Usually at the end of each day Ben typically has done something really cute or funny. He certainly is quite the little entertainer! So, for is blog and for our memories I decided to write a few of them down.

Yesterday I was trying very hard to get Ben to speak different words. That little bugger can do it, but he's often stubborn like his parents are. While playing with a Sesame Street toy, he actually said "Oscar"! That is a hard word for him! However, while I was trying to get him to say "Elmo", which I'll probably regret teaching him that later, he said "Ella". Ella is his Godmother and Godfather's little girl and his little friend. Compliment or insult? I am not sure.

~Not So Funny Event~
The other day while Ben was trying to come over to me, he tripped on a toy. That part was not funny, but while he was crying out as he fell and the two seconds it took for for me to reach out to him he pooted every time he cried out. Cute and hilarious.

~Juice Box~
Ben typically is a milk or water drinker in our house. He on rare occasions gets juice. However, his Mommy decided after seeing a pack of Elmo juice boxes that she would get him some as a nice treat. Ben was watching a television program on the couch one afternoon and I decided to surprise him. He was quite surprised because as soon as he saw the juice box in my hand he started squealing in delight and clapping his hands. He was so happy about the juice box that Mommy even got a big hug for thanks.

~Discovering the Toilet~
While we were on a trip to Miami in the hotel room, Ben's daddy was mending a injured foot by putting an ice pack on it. Ben planned out his attack because in less then two seconds, Ben ran up to his Dad, took the ice pack, ran to the bathroom and tried to flush it. Thankfully the ice pack did not flush. It was the first and hopefully the last time he tries to flush something that should not go down the toilet.

Sort of cute but more of I wish I knew the reasoning behind it is, Ben loves to store cups (sippys and thermos) containers in the bathroom. He does not try to flush them, but he just likes putting them there. Maybe for storage if he decides he will use the bathroom? I have no idea.

I am sure I'll be posting more stories about Ben in the future. Stay tuned for more exciting tales. He certainly keeps our lives interesting!

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