I wanted to say Merry Christmas to my little boy, my wonderful husband and to all of our friends and family. This year has been wonderful and I can't help but feel so blessed and lucky to have everything that I do.
My little boy, my Ben is the absolute joy to our lives. He fills each day with such sweetness and love. Nothing beats getting those hugs, wet kisses and giggles. Ben is the most beautiful and miraculous thing that has ever happened to me and I am so thankful that God has given him to me. My Ben, my pumpkin (one day you will hate that nickname), I love you more then words can ever express. I am so proud of you and so in love with the beautiful creature that you are.
I can't wait until tomorrow to see your eyes widen at the new toys that will be under YOUR tree (yes it is your tree my love) and relish in the blessing of you and the birth of Jesus.
Merry Christmas my dear son and to everyone out there.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
A Day in the Life of Ben's World

I decided to put a little schedule in what Ben does every day (on average). I think it will be fun for both Ben to look back on some day. So here it goes!
Ben wakes up usually wanting a paci and a blanket. He is known to throw off blankets during the night and usually wants to be covered up on the cold winter mornings.
Ben wakes up for the day. His Mom goes downstairs first to get the prepared sippy cup of milk out the fridge and then get his thirsty little self out of the crib. He usually walks around in the morning making his rounds to his parents room where he points out the fan, to the kids bathroom to see his Mom and if there is anything reachable on the counter for him to grab, and then to his room for whatever cool toys there are to play with or to do a paci exchange. After his Mom leaves the house for work, he sits with his Dad and eats apple jacks or a bananas depending what we have in the house.
Ben gets dropped of at day care by his Dad. To date his Mom has not done a drop off. I would honestly feel too guilty to even after all these months! Ben typically gets to eat another breakfast upon his arrival.
Ben eats his lunch at day care. His lunch could range from grilled cheese, chicken nuggests, italian meat balls to pizza.
Ben takes his nap for two hours (hopefully). He still sleeps in a crib at day care and has not yet transitioned to the cot.
Ben gets another snack at day care. Usually its animal crackers or fresh veggies or mini rice cakes.
Ben is picked up from day care. He always has a smile on his face when his Mom comes into the room and wants to be promptly picked up. After a quick summary on how his day went from the teachers we head home.
As soon as we enter the house. His Mom hands him his milk and snack (he usually is quite thirsty) right away. Mom is a smart cookie and stops at the house for five minutes to let the dogs out and get his snack together so there is less stress and easily a drink on hand since Ben wants it right away. Then we play tag, parachute, read books and be silly.
Ben's Dad comes home. Lucas and Joey greet him with lots of barks and jumping, while Ben runs up to his Dada pointing at him and calling out his name. Ben is greeted by Dada with a big hug and a kiss. Mom gives Dad the low down of what happened in both Ben and her day. We usually also have dinner around this time as well since Ben is a hungry boy. If he's hungry enough he will become inpatient and point to his high chair wanting up and then wants food. After dinner he plays some more, drinks milk and wants books read to him.
Ben gets prayer and goes night night. Ben has to have a blanket, his dog, lights completely turned off and his mobile (yes he still has it and loves it) turned on with a paci in his mouth. Sometimes he wakes up and needs to be put down again, but for the most part he is tired (so are his parents) and he will fall asleep pretty quick.
Ben Update

Ben is now 17 months old and is quite the busy little guy! He's tall enough to reach door handles and loves pulling on them. Ben is quite an eater, but doesn't like most meats. His favorite foods are french fries, rice (fried or white), egg rolls, apple jacks, bananas and gold fish. He isn't drinking out of bottles anymore and is a master of the sippy cup. This boy loves his milk! He will also drink out of a straw with assistance from one of his parents. Ben's favorite toy is his stuffed poodle (we have two thank God just in case), his wind up musical clock (the boy LOVES clocks), balls and blocks. At this point he understands more words then he can speak like milk, snack, close the door, paci and night night, but he does say words like Dada, dog, clock, tree, duck and sometimes Mama (usually when he is upset or wants something). He has funny little quirks like pulling fuzz off anything fuzzy rather it be soft clothing items, stuffed animals, carpet, etc., and loves feeling the fuzz on his face. He often hands over fuzz for his parents or to other people he likes. At least he shares! Ben also LOVES books. He really likes the ones that are touch and feel. He especially likes if there is something soft in the book like fake fur or yarn since he thinks that is new fuzz to try out on his face. He will sit with you at any time (has to be in the lap) to look over a book. Sometimes he isn't patient and wants to turn the page before you have a chance to read everything. His favorite books are B is for Bear, Catholic Prayers, Brown Bear Brown Bear and his picture animal book. Ben is also getting into Elmo. Every time he sees an Elmo book, towel (we have bath towels), toy, etc., he points to him. He doesn't do that for all things, so I am guessing that is his favorite character. He recently (this week actually) started using his little Caps hockey stick to hit balls. At first he tried to hit his stick with the basketball, but decided that was too heavy, then used a medium sized ball, which was too heavy and finally decided a tennis ball was practical for hockey. His Dad and I looked on smiling and wondered if someday he'll have as much love for the game as we do.
Since it is the Christmas season, Ben has a new love for Christmas trees. I think he tries to say tree at times. Any time he sees a tree he will point to it and want to see it. He's very good about being gentle with trees. At his home, he will point to the tree, clap and often go up and touch it. I was a little worried that he might try to pull on it but he is quite gentle. Often times when we tell him "nice", he will pet the tree (in his own toddler way) as if he is petting a dog.
Ben is just a delight to his family. He is a busy guy and full of energy. He is a happy guy that loves to laugh, be tickled and play. His Mom and Dad feel very blessed to have this little miracle in our lives. I love you Benny!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanksgiving Fun
Thanksgiving was a blast this year! The entire family (Nagypapa and Nagymama included)went to Aunt Amy's house for Thanksgiving this year, which was a bit different then years past when we went to Gettysburg, but it was great. Being around family for Thanksgiving is what it is all.
Ben, James and I arrived early so that the two cousins could play, eat lunch and nap. That was the plan anyways. Ben had other plans for his parents. He decided to nap before we left his house and so once it was time to lay Ty and Ben down for their naps, Ben refused. It was fine though as Ben explored the play areas of the house and got to play with all of Ty's toys.
Ben and Ty Playing
After nap time was over, the boys played some more and then it was time to sit down for the Thanksgiving Feast. Ben really enjoyed the pumpkin muffins, stuffing and corn. He did not really like the turkey or sweet potatoes. I am sure that turkey will be one of his favorites one day, but for now he is anti-meat and pro-carbs (so is his cousin by the way). As for sweet potatoes, we will see. His face really said how much he detested the taste, but thats fine with me. His Mommy doesn't care much for them either.
After dinner there was of course more play. The boys were enjoying going through the ottoman of toys as well as sitting in it. It was okay by Uncle Eric to do this, so it was okay by Mom. After a bit of playing we all went downstairs to the media room and the boys danced to Abba's Mama Mia song. Both boys LOVE Abba and we caught some great video and pictures of the little monkeys. It was too too cute.
The Cousins Playing with Nagypapa and Nagymama
Playing in the Ottoman
Busting Some Moves
After a bit of dancing it was time to see Ben's other Grandma so she could see him. Once we arrived, we were all too full to eat, but enjoyed each others company. Ben loved chasing Sonya and Vicki, playing the piano and pointing out the fans in the apartment. Around 8:30 it was time to leave as it was two hours past Ben's usual bed time and his parents feared pressing their luck much longer.
The next day was black Friday. We didn't get up early to do any holiday shopping, but we did go out to see the Reston Parade. Our little family went last year, but this year Aunt Amy, Uncle Eric, Ty, Nagypapa and Nagymama all decided to go. It was a lot of fun seeing all the floats and the cousins expressions as characters and dancing ballerinas would go by. Soon enough it was lunch time and together we all went to the American Tap Room for a bite to eat. The boys did great with their lunch. Ty wasn't into his fruit cup side, so Ben graciously ate all of his honeydew fruit for him. What are cousins for anyways?
The Parade
In all it was a great two days of family bonding. The boys had a great time playing and watching each other. The family was together to share the holiday experience and my little boy and nephew celebrated their second Thanksgiving. I can't believe how big they have both gotten!
Ben, James and I arrived early so that the two cousins could play, eat lunch and nap. That was the plan anyways. Ben had other plans for his parents. He decided to nap before we left his house and so once it was time to lay Ty and Ben down for their naps, Ben refused. It was fine though as Ben explored the play areas of the house and got to play with all of Ty's toys.
Ben and Ty Playing
After nap time was over, the boys played some more and then it was time to sit down for the Thanksgiving Feast. Ben really enjoyed the pumpkin muffins, stuffing and corn. He did not really like the turkey or sweet potatoes. I am sure that turkey will be one of his favorites one day, but for now he is anti-meat and pro-carbs (so is his cousin by the way). As for sweet potatoes, we will see. His face really said how much he detested the taste, but thats fine with me. His Mommy doesn't care much for them either.
After dinner there was of course more play. The boys were enjoying going through the ottoman of toys as well as sitting in it. It was okay by Uncle Eric to do this, so it was okay by Mom. After a bit of playing we all went downstairs to the media room and the boys danced to Abba's Mama Mia song. Both boys LOVE Abba and we caught some great video and pictures of the little monkeys. It was too too cute.
The Cousins Playing with Nagypapa and Nagymama
Playing in the Ottoman
Busting Some Moves
After a bit of dancing it was time to see Ben's other Grandma so she could see him. Once we arrived, we were all too full to eat, but enjoyed each others company. Ben loved chasing Sonya and Vicki, playing the piano and pointing out the fans in the apartment. Around 8:30 it was time to leave as it was two hours past Ben's usual bed time and his parents feared pressing their luck much longer.
The next day was black Friday. We didn't get up early to do any holiday shopping, but we did go out to see the Reston Parade. Our little family went last year, but this year Aunt Amy, Uncle Eric, Ty, Nagypapa and Nagymama all decided to go. It was a lot of fun seeing all the floats and the cousins expressions as characters and dancing ballerinas would go by. Soon enough it was lunch time and together we all went to the American Tap Room for a bite to eat. The boys did great with their lunch. Ty wasn't into his fruit cup side, so Ben graciously ate all of his honeydew fruit for him. What are cousins for anyways?
The Parade
In all it was a great two days of family bonding. The boys had a great time playing and watching each other. The family was together to share the holiday experience and my little boy and nephew celebrated their second Thanksgiving. I can't believe how big they have both gotten!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Ben's Walking Shoes

Yesterday, Ben got his first real pair of walking shoes. My Mom offered to pay for the first pair of shoes for both my nephew and Ben, so as soon as Ben started really walking, I took up her offer.
Ben, my Mom and I were at Fair Oaks Mall shopping around in the later part of the afternoon yesterday and decided to make a stop at Stride Rite. There were lots of shoes to choose from, but I had an idea of what I wanted to get Ben. I didn't want to deal with laces, something sturdy and that matched with most of his fall outfits. I settled on a brown shoe that looks so cute on him. The picture hardly does any justice as it just looks adorable on my little guy. Ben's foot measured out to be a whooping 5 1/2.
As soon as Ben got his little shoes on, he was off. Since we had to leave to go home for dinner, I allowed Ben to lead the way out of the mall (with some guidance)and just loved listening to him giggle the whole way out. He just loves his new found freedom and shoes!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Family Day
This past Saturday, I challenged my husband to plan a family day. Typically weekends are planned out by none other then yours truely. Therefore, I let him call the shots on our little family date.
After a mid morning/afternoon nap James took the family out to lunch at Jackson's in Reston Town Center. It was a fabulous lunch and my new favorite restaurant. Its expensive, but soooooooooo over the top yummy. Everything I have had there has been delicious. Ben actually ate a good lunch too. He hasn't been eating meals that great, so I welcome every bite I can get into him. It was his first time trying grouper and he loved it. He ate almost his entire kid plate!
Next James decided that we should head over to Reston Zoo. We last went to Reston Zoo for Ben's first birthday. Ben was in awe of the animals, but didn't walk yet and didn't have too much interaction with them. Since Ben has become more mobile and he just loves to feed his dogs snacks, James thought this would be a hit. Ben LOVED it! James purchased a bucket of feed for Ben and Ben (with the help of his parents) feed all the sheeps and goats in the feeding barn. Afterwards we headed to the wagon ride and made friends with a camel. The camels were very friendly, but I was certainly afraid that they would spit on us. At one point, James told me to turn around and the camels head was literally inside the wagon and we were two inches from each other nose to nose. I screamed! I was pretty embarassed about being so scared, but I wasn't expecting it and the other passengers in the car got a good laugh.
In all it was a GREAT family day. I will have to get James to plan more of these outings!
Ben couldn't stop staring at the monkeys
At the Feeding Barn
The Wagon Ride
This was the camel that was two inches from my face
Okay this girl was crazy
My new FAVORITE Photo
After a mid morning/afternoon nap James took the family out to lunch at Jackson's in Reston Town Center. It was a fabulous lunch and my new favorite restaurant. Its expensive, but soooooooooo over the top yummy. Everything I have had there has been delicious. Ben actually ate a good lunch too. He hasn't been eating meals that great, so I welcome every bite I can get into him. It was his first time trying grouper and he loved it. He ate almost his entire kid plate!
Next James decided that we should head over to Reston Zoo. We last went to Reston Zoo for Ben's first birthday. Ben was in awe of the animals, but didn't walk yet and didn't have too much interaction with them. Since Ben has become more mobile and he just loves to feed his dogs snacks, James thought this would be a hit. Ben LOVED it! James purchased a bucket of feed for Ben and Ben (with the help of his parents) feed all the sheeps and goats in the feeding barn. Afterwards we headed to the wagon ride and made friends with a camel. The camels were very friendly, but I was certainly afraid that they would spit on us. At one point, James told me to turn around and the camels head was literally inside the wagon and we were two inches from each other nose to nose. I screamed! I was pretty embarassed about being so scared, but I wasn't expecting it and the other passengers in the car got a good laugh.
In all it was a GREAT family day. I will have to get James to plan more of these outings!
Ben couldn't stop staring at the monkeys

At the Feeding Barn

The Wagon Ride

This was the camel that was two inches from my face

Okay this girl was crazy

My new FAVORITE Photo

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Lots of Little Updates
I can't believe I have been slacking on writing about the most beautiful thing in life, but I am back to talk about my wonderful son. Since the the last Ben post, Halloween has come and gone, November is officially here, we had an historical presidential election and my son has learned how to dance.
Halloween was on a Friday this year, so this meant getting out a bit early (to beat the other parents home) to pick up Ben from day care and head home for an afternoon of fun. We played, sang and he showed me (by pointing and saying) where the dogs were. I am glad he keeps track of them. Someone has to. Once Ben's Dad got home we all had a quick dinner because soon enough it would be Trick or Treat time! Ben was tired after dinner as usual, but I was determined to dress him in his costume and take him out trick or treating. So with a little resistance, I dressed him in his overly cute indian brave costume complete with a feather headband, got the same pumpkin pail I used as a kid, and headed out the door and left Ben's Dad in charge of handing out candy. Ben started walking a while ago, but not steadily enough to go walking around the neighborhood, so I got to carry him. He got heavy quick. After I walked up about a million stairs and made a complete trip around the block, I was done and so was Ben. Thanks Ben for being such a early sleeper! Ben's Dad was sitting outside giving candy and I handed Ben off to be put to bed and I took over the candy passing out until Ben's Dad got back. All in all it was a success. Lots of candy, a short outing to get candy and back home before 7.
I also can not believe that it is November already! Literally it was just a few months ago when we were all sitting on the beach as a family enjoying the warm sun and the ocean breeze. I also can't believe that my little man is turning 16 months old this Saturday. Time has seriously needs to slow down.
I couldn't write a post in Ben's blog without mentioning the presidential election. I can't say that I am 100% happy with the elected President since he supports unmentionable things being okay in terms of unborn babies, but I like his demeanor and charismatic personality. I hope that he will lead the people of this economic problem America has been facing and make a better tomorrow for my son. I can't get passed the baby thing, but it wasn't like I was in huge favor of the other candidate either. I just hope this President does our country right. I believe people have higher expectations of him then most elected Presidents generally have. Maybe he will be the JFK of my son's generation. We shall see.
On a different note, last night (on election night), my son learned how to dance. He used to do his usual side to side sway while sitting down, but he can now dance as a walking silly guy. Perhaps it was the sugar we gave him, as he ate his first candy bar, a Kit Kat, but it was hilarious. Ben will do his baby run from one side of the room to another and do some pivot turn. He loves dancing to Abba just like his cousin Ty. I am sure one day he might be mortified that I wrote about him liking Abba, but he does. So to the future love of his life, Ben liked Abba when he was 15 months old!
Halloween was on a Friday this year, so this meant getting out a bit early (to beat the other parents home) to pick up Ben from day care and head home for an afternoon of fun. We played, sang and he showed me (by pointing and saying) where the dogs were. I am glad he keeps track of them. Someone has to. Once Ben's Dad got home we all had a quick dinner because soon enough it would be Trick or Treat time! Ben was tired after dinner as usual, but I was determined to dress him in his costume and take him out trick or treating. So with a little resistance, I dressed him in his overly cute indian brave costume complete with a feather headband, got the same pumpkin pail I used as a kid, and headed out the door and left Ben's Dad in charge of handing out candy. Ben started walking a while ago, but not steadily enough to go walking around the neighborhood, so I got to carry him. He got heavy quick. After I walked up about a million stairs and made a complete trip around the block, I was done and so was Ben. Thanks Ben for being such a early sleeper! Ben's Dad was sitting outside giving candy and I handed Ben off to be put to bed and I took over the candy passing out until Ben's Dad got back. All in all it was a success. Lots of candy, a short outing to get candy and back home before 7.

I also can not believe that it is November already! Literally it was just a few months ago when we were all sitting on the beach as a family enjoying the warm sun and the ocean breeze. I also can't believe that my little man is turning 16 months old this Saturday. Time has seriously needs to slow down.
I couldn't write a post in Ben's blog without mentioning the presidential election. I can't say that I am 100% happy with the elected President since he supports unmentionable things being okay in terms of unborn babies, but I like his demeanor and charismatic personality. I hope that he will lead the people of this economic problem America has been facing and make a better tomorrow for my son. I can't get passed the baby thing, but it wasn't like I was in huge favor of the other candidate either. I just hope this President does our country right. I believe people have higher expectations of him then most elected Presidents generally have. Maybe he will be the JFK of my son's generation. We shall see.
On a different note, last night (on election night), my son learned how to dance. He used to do his usual side to side sway while sitting down, but he can now dance as a walking silly guy. Perhaps it was the sugar we gave him, as he ate his first candy bar, a Kit Kat, but it was hilarious. Ben will do his baby run from one side of the room to another and do some pivot turn. He loves dancing to Abba just like his cousin Ty. I am sure one day he might be mortified that I wrote about him liking Abba, but he does. So to the future love of his life, Ben liked Abba when he was 15 months old!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Family Things with Ben
I thought about making a little list of all the things Ben's parents want to do with him as he grows. Obviously some things we want to do more then once like going to the zoo, but I thought a nice list would be something fun to look back on.
Disney World
Capitals Game
Redskins Game (Dad can take him to this)
Pumpkin Patch
Cox's Farm
Polar Express Train Experience
Thomas Train Experience
Baltimore Aquarium
Crayola Factory
Ice Show
Baseball game
Brighton Beacn
A Beach
Visit Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Boyd's Bear Store
Swim in the Pacific Ocean
Deep Sea Fishing
See a sleeping Volcano (Mommy is too afraid of live ones)
Walk on the Great Wall of China
Lion Country Safari
Luray Caverns
Botanical Gardens
Central Park
A Broadway Play
Air and Space Museum and Udvar-Hazy Center
White House
Sea World/Miami Aquarium
Colonial Williamsburg
Hershey Park
Skiing (James can do this)
Eat in the Disney castle
The Pekar Hungarian Village
Munich Germany to see the Clock
The Tower of London
A Castle
Scuba Diving
Archery Range
A Cruise
Treesort in Takilma, Oregon
Yellowstone National Park
The Grand Canyon
Tweetsie Railroad
Gem Mine
A Civil War Battlefield
Niagara Falls
Statue of Liberty
Times Square
*Visit all 50 states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware,Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, District of Columbia.
*Visit the following countries: Austria, China, England, Germany, Hungary, Italy,Russia
*Visit most of the continents: Asia,North America, Europe and Australia
Disney World
Capitals Game
Redskins Game (Dad can take him to this)
Cox's Farm
Polar Express Train Experience
Thomas Train Experience
Baltimore Aquarium
Crayola Factory
Ice Show
Baseball game
Visit Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Boyd's Bear Store
Swim in the Pacific Ocean
Deep Sea Fishing
See a sleeping Volcano (Mommy is too afraid of live ones)
Walk on the Great Wall of China
Lion Country Safari
Botanical Gardens
Central Park
A Broadway Play
Air and Space Museum and Udvar-Hazy Center
White House
Sea World/Miami Aquarium
Colonial Williamsburg
Hershey Park
Skiing (James can do this)
Eat in the Disney castle
The Pekar Hungarian Village
Munich Germany to see the Clock
The Tower of London
A Castle
Scuba Diving
Archery Range
A Cruise
Treesort in Takilma, Oregon
Yellowstone National Park
The Grand Canyon
Tweetsie Railroad
Gem Mine
A Civil War Battlefield
Niagara Falls
Statue of Liberty
Times Square
*Visit all 50 states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware,
*Visit the following countries: Austria, China, England, Germany, Hungary, Italy,Russia
*Visit most of the continents: Asia,
Monday, October 13, 2008
Ben Took More Steps!!!
On Saturday October 11th, Ben walked a few more steps! His parents went to a cousin's wedding, so Erin and Katie watched him while his parents could attend. When we came back to get him that evening, Ben walked at least ten whole steps to his parents! We were very excited and happy for him. Erin and Katie informed us that to their surprise that Ben walked almost ten steps that day while at a baby shower. Ever since then Ben has been walking more and more. He will get frustrated on the slowness of the walk, stop, and then will crawl to get places faster, but he is on his way!
Monday, October 6, 2008
25 Things That Make Our Family Happy
I was inspired by another blog to write 25 things that make each of the Goldlust Family members happy. I think it gives an inside look to our family and what makes us have a better day.
Ben's List
1. Cuddles with Mom and Dad
2. Bananas
3. Getting to touch/pet one of the dogs
4. Drinking his bottles
5. Singing "Are You Driving"
6. Going out and about (bumming as my Mom would put it)
7. Taking walks in the stroller
8. Wrestling with Daddy
9. Bath time
10. Throwing balls down the steps
11. Being tossed in the air.
12. Seeing Mommy pick him up from day care
13. Lots of kisses and tickles (corn on the cob kiss)
14. Discovering (yet again) the drum stick from the Bee Bop Band toy
15. Walking across the room in his walker
16. Blankets, especially the soft ones
17. Pacifiers
18. Going up the stairs (a rare occurrence)
19. Reading stories
20. Watching the propeller on his Mickey toy.
21. Seeing his Dad come home
22. Being able to touch things he is pointing too
23. Playing peek a boo
24. Clapping his hands
25. His parents clapping for him when he does something good or achieves something.
James's List
1. Seeing his son and wife when he comes home (the reaction of Ben is precious)
2. Getting his back scratched
3. Getting a great new thing for our house (new furniture/something useful)
4. Kisses from his wife
5. Playing poker
6. Watching Caps games
7. Watching Redskins games
8. Playing on his PS3
9. A clean house
10. Seeing Ben learn a new thing
11. Watching Ben redo a learned thing (peek a boo, clapping hands, etc.,)
12. Ben pointing to him saying "Dada"
13. Getting a new car
14. Massages
15. Eating at a great restaurant
16. Playing softball
17. Hanging out with friends
18. Getting new clothes
19. Clean clothes folded so he doesn't have to search for them
20. Having one on one time with his wife
21. Sunflower seeds
22. Weekends
23. Miami
24. Winning money from a scratch off lotto ticket
25. Having meals prepared for him
Diana's List
1. Seeing Ben's little face the first thing in the morning
2. Seeing Ben's face when I pick him up from day care.
3. Seeing my husband walk through the door after work
4. Weekends
5. Shopping (mostly for Ben)
6. A clean house
7. New sheets on everyone's bed
8. James cooking for me
9. Getting my feet rubbed
10. Getting kisses from my husband
11. Getting hugs from my son
12. Seeing my son do a new thing
13. Seeing my son redo a thing he has already learned.
14. Eating out at restaurants
15. Seeing friends
16. Hanging out with family
17. Holidays
18. Seeing through my sons eyes when he sees something new or likes
19. Taking my son to new and fun things to do (Zoo, park, etc)
20. Vacation
21. Seeing Ben with his Grandparents
22. Watching Ben dance when I sing him a song
23. Hearing Ben laugh
24. My dogs
25. Having a loving home that I can go home to
Ben's List
1. Cuddles with Mom and Dad
2. Bananas
3. Getting to touch/pet one of the dogs
4. Drinking his bottles
5. Singing "Are You Driving"
6. Going out and about (bumming as my Mom would put it)
7. Taking walks in the stroller
8. Wrestling with Daddy
9. Bath time
10. Throwing balls down the steps
11. Being tossed in the air.
12. Seeing Mommy pick him up from day care
13. Lots of kisses and tickles (corn on the cob kiss)
14. Discovering (yet again) the drum stick from the Bee Bop Band toy
15. Walking across the room in his walker
16. Blankets, especially the soft ones
17. Pacifiers
18. Going up the stairs (a rare occurrence)
19. Reading stories
20. Watching the propeller on his Mickey toy.
21. Seeing his Dad come home
22. Being able to touch things he is pointing too
23. Playing peek a boo
24. Clapping his hands
25. His parents clapping for him when he does something good or achieves something.
James's List
1. Seeing his son and wife when he comes home (the reaction of Ben is precious)
2. Getting his back scratched
3. Getting a great new thing for our house (new furniture/something useful)
4. Kisses from his wife
5. Playing poker
6. Watching Caps games
7. Watching Redskins games
8. Playing on his PS3
9. A clean house
10. Seeing Ben learn a new thing
11. Watching Ben redo a learned thing (peek a boo, clapping hands, etc.,)
12. Ben pointing to him saying "Dada"
13. Getting a new car
14. Massages
15. Eating at a great restaurant
16. Playing softball
17. Hanging out with friends
18. Getting new clothes
19. Clean clothes folded so he doesn't have to search for them
20. Having one on one time with his wife
21. Sunflower seeds
22. Weekends
23. Miami
24. Winning money from a scratch off lotto ticket
25. Having meals prepared for him
Diana's List
1. Seeing Ben's little face the first thing in the morning
2. Seeing Ben's face when I pick him up from day care.
3. Seeing my husband walk through the door after work
4. Weekends
5. Shopping (mostly for Ben)
6. A clean house
7. New sheets on everyone's bed
8. James cooking for me
9. Getting my feet rubbed
10. Getting kisses from my husband
11. Getting hugs from my son
12. Seeing my son do a new thing
13. Seeing my son redo a thing he has already learned.
14. Eating out at restaurants
15. Seeing friends
16. Hanging out with family
17. Holidays
18. Seeing through my sons eyes when he sees something new or likes
19. Taking my son to new and fun things to do (Zoo, park, etc)
20. Vacation
21. Seeing Ben with his Grandparents
22. Watching Ben dance when I sing him a song
23. Hearing Ben laugh
24. My dogs
25. Having a loving home that I can go home to
Monday, September 29, 2008
Ben Is Getting There!
This weekend Ben started his journey to another baby milestone. He began standing on his own while playing with toys for a few seconds at a time, and he managed to take a few steps!
Ben's parents (after seeing he could stand) decided that why not try to see if he would walk to either one of us? So we tried, by having one parent sit on the couch while another one of us sat on the floor, stand Ben up (brace him) and he would take a few steps to one of his parents! We did try to sit further and further apart, but this attempt was unsuccessful as Ben would take a few steps, reach out his hands and topple over. Each time Ben took those few precious steps to one of his parents, he would giggle like crazy. Perhaps its all the clapping his parents would do every time he did it, or maybe he was just proud of his little self, but it was very very cute!
Ben also discovered a new way to use one of his walking toys, by actually using it to walk. Typically this toy was used to just play with all the little knobs, rollers and shapes, but not anymore! Ben would walk by using his little toy across the room, run into a piece of furniture, we would turn him around around and then we would repeat this process over and over again. Ben had a ball doing this. He was so proud of himself and had the biggest baby grin the entire time.
Ben (in my opinion) isn't deemed a walker yet, but he certainly is on his way! I am so proud of you my little man!
Ben's parents (after seeing he could stand) decided that why not try to see if he would walk to either one of us? So we tried, by having one parent sit on the couch while another one of us sat on the floor, stand Ben up (brace him) and he would take a few steps to one of his parents! We did try to sit further and further apart, but this attempt was unsuccessful as Ben would take a few steps, reach out his hands and topple over. Each time Ben took those few precious steps to one of his parents, he would giggle like crazy. Perhaps its all the clapping his parents would do every time he did it, or maybe he was just proud of his little self, but it was very very cute!
Ben also discovered a new way to use one of his walking toys, by actually using it to walk. Typically this toy was used to just play with all the little knobs, rollers and shapes, but not anymore! Ben would walk by using his little toy across the room, run into a piece of furniture, we would turn him around around and then we would repeat this process over and over again. Ben had a ball doing this. He was so proud of himself and had the biggest baby grin the entire time.
Ben (in my opinion) isn't deemed a walker yet, but he certainly is on his way! I am so proud of you my little man!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Ben's Dad Becomes A Citizen!
Although Ben wasn't involved in the process of his Dad obtaining his citizenship, this is a new milestone for the entire Goldlust family.
Yesterday, James had an interview appointment with the USCIS in Fairfax, VA at 9:30. Around 9:50 his name was called to meet with his interviewer. Although I am telling this information second hand, I wanted to include much of my husband's monumental day as possible. When James entered the interviewer room, was asked a series of interview questions like "What is the color of the flag, how many stars are in the flag, who is the current President, etc.,". James answered the questions flawlessly. At the end of the interview, as James waited nervously, the interviewer cleared him to continue to the Oath Ceremony so he could obtain his naturalization papers.
James called telling the news and we were both overjoyed. I was even more overjoyed that I was able to see him swear in as a citizen. We both thought that perhaps the interviewer (if certified) would swear him in, but I was even more happy I could see this event take place personally. I quickly got the okay from my boss allowing me to leave early and high tailed it to Fairfax.
I reached the location around 11:00 and ate a quick bite at a local deli with James. Afterwards around 11:40 we walked across the street to be at the immigration office for the 11:45 time frame. Even though the Oath Ceremony was not to take place until 12:45, they asked everyone to be there an hour early.
The waiting area inside the immigration office to me resembled the DMV. It had several counters were officials would call up numbers for awaiting immigrants to discuss paperwork or other various details of their status. Around 12:45 a large crowd gathered at one end of the waiting area, and we figured thats where everyone was gathering for the Oath Ceremony. Instead, this was the area where they divided up the citizens per their A# to verify information on their naturalization papers and to sign it before the ceremony, as well as receive a white packet with a number written on it. Using the last three digits of your A# number, you either got in a line that was for 0-300 or 300-600. James's last three digits were 105.
After James reviewed and sign his document, we were then sent to a line where we would go to the second floor for the ceremony. Once we were escorted to the second floor to the ceremony room, the immigrants were assigned seats according the the number on their packet. James was seat #9. Family and friends were sent to the back of the room. We sat there and waited, and waited. Apparently the office was having technical difficulties of some sort. We all guess they had a problem with the printer printing out all the naturalization papers. During our waiting time, James came to the back to talk with me and another Russian we befriended. We both looked inside the packet and inside there was a book containing the history of the US, a booklet with The Bill of Rights, and a signed letter of congratulations from the President with The White House stationary. Then finally at 2:30 the ceremony began.
One by one each of the immigrants receiving their citizenship would stand up and say what country they were from. Mostly there were people immigrating from India, South Korea or El Salvador, but there were a few from Russia. Following that section of the ceremony, the Director put in a video of President George W. Bush congratulating and welcoming all the new citizens to the United States. Then another video was put on that basically resembled a slide show of different photos of the US, with "Proud to Be and American" playing in the background. After the two videos were finished, the Director would call up each individual, hand them their naturalization paper and shake their hand. It was a great memorable event and I was so happy I could be apart of it.
I do have to add while waiting for the ceremony to begin and seeing my husband sitting rows ahead of me, I couldn’t help but reflect during the ceremony everyone in the room is even more so connected with the majority people in the US, because at some time or another each of our family members went through a similar process of becoming an American. It made me reflect on my great grandparents and grandparent's immigration to the US and although some of it has changed through the years, the process is a long and difficult one, but once you are there, you are just there.
On a personal note to my husband:
Congrats baby. I am so proud of you and I am so glad that this stage of our lives is finally complete.
Yesterday, James had an interview appointment with the USCIS in Fairfax, VA at 9:30. Around 9:50 his name was called to meet with his interviewer. Although I am telling this information second hand, I wanted to include much of my husband's monumental day as possible. When James entered the interviewer room, was asked a series of interview questions like "What is the color of the flag, how many stars are in the flag, who is the current President, etc.,". James answered the questions flawlessly. At the end of the interview, as James waited nervously, the interviewer cleared him to continue to the Oath Ceremony so he could obtain his naturalization papers.
James called telling the news and we were both overjoyed. I was even more overjoyed that I was able to see him swear in as a citizen. We both thought that perhaps the interviewer (if certified) would swear him in, but I was even more happy I could see this event take place personally. I quickly got the okay from my boss allowing me to leave early and high tailed it to Fairfax.
I reached the location around 11:00 and ate a quick bite at a local deli with James. Afterwards around 11:40 we walked across the street to be at the immigration office for the 11:45 time frame. Even though the Oath Ceremony was not to take place until 12:45, they asked everyone to be there an hour early.
The waiting area inside the immigration office to me resembled the DMV. It had several counters were officials would call up numbers for awaiting immigrants to discuss paperwork or other various details of their status. Around 12:45 a large crowd gathered at one end of the waiting area, and we figured thats where everyone was gathering for the Oath Ceremony. Instead, this was the area where they divided up the citizens per their A# to verify information on their naturalization papers and to sign it before the ceremony, as well as receive a white packet with a number written on it. Using the last three digits of your A# number, you either got in a line that was for 0-300 or 300-600. James's last three digits were 105.
After James reviewed and sign his document, we were then sent to a line where we would go to the second floor for the ceremony. Once we were escorted to the second floor to the ceremony room, the immigrants were assigned seats according the the number on their packet. James was seat #9. Family and friends were sent to the back of the room. We sat there and waited, and waited. Apparently the office was having technical difficulties of some sort. We all guess they had a problem with the printer printing out all the naturalization papers. During our waiting time, James came to the back to talk with me and another Russian we befriended. We both looked inside the packet and inside there was a book containing the history of the US, a booklet with The Bill of Rights, and a signed letter of congratulations from the President with The White House stationary. Then finally at 2:30 the ceremony began.
One by one each of the immigrants receiving their citizenship would stand up and say what country they were from. Mostly there were people immigrating from India, South Korea or El Salvador, but there were a few from Russia. Following that section of the ceremony, the Director put in a video of President George W. Bush congratulating and welcoming all the new citizens to the United States. Then another video was put on that basically resembled a slide show of different photos of the US, with "Proud to Be and American" playing in the background. After the two videos were finished, the Director would call up each individual, hand them their naturalization paper and shake their hand. It was a great memorable event and I was so happy I could be apart of it.
I do have to add while waiting for the ceremony to begin and seeing my husband sitting rows ahead of me, I couldn’t help but reflect during the ceremony everyone in the room is even more so connected with the majority people in the US, because at some time or another each of our family members went through a similar process of becoming an American. It made me reflect on my great grandparents and grandparent's immigration to the US and although some of it has changed through the years, the process is a long and difficult one, but once you are there, you are just there.
On a personal note to my husband:
Congrats baby. I am so proud of you and I am so glad that this stage of our lives is finally complete.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
OBX 2008
Last week, our little family headed to OBX. It was Ben's second vacation and our first time visiting OBX. It was also the first time we vacationed with my girls (Erin, Katie, Anna) and their families. In total we had nine adults, two children and four babies.
Before the trip we were very nervous about hurricanes. It was September, so it was prime hurricane season and two hurricanes were circulating in the Atlantic (Hanna and Ike). After a VERY rainy Saturday, we left on Sunday (as planned) and had a uneventful ride down there. Actually the car ride down was GREAT! Ben took a few naps and it was certainly an easier and faster ride then going to Miami. On the road, we called up the Blankenship's and Katie and figured out we were only a few minutes ahead of them. We decided to stop right by the NC/VA border to have lunch. We all ate a NC style lunch and let the babies stretch their legs. I also spotted Corduroy bear in the gift shop area, so I had to purchase Ben one of my favorite books AND the bear that went with it.
After everyone reached the house and unpacked, the women left the children with the men while we did our grocery shopping for all the food, snacks and drinks we needed. After three carts, $550 worth of groceries, and a few remarks of calling each other "Sister Wives" and getting a few oddball looks, we headed back to the house. Thus started the week long fiesta.
The first night was uneventful. Everyone was a little tired from the ride. Even the babies went down without much trouble. I believe we probably played a few games here and there, but basically did nothing.
On Monday morning, we all headed to the beach (obviously at different times). Ben wasn't too sure what to make of it. He was a great sport and with a little coaxing from his Mom, he walked or crawled around in the sand and let some water splash up on his legs.
After a morning at the beach, Ben was ready for a nice nap and thankfully feel asleep in his little pack and play with no problem. This was the FIRST time Ben took a nap in a pack in play or crib without falling asleep on his Mom or Dad first.
On Tuesday, we headed to the beach again. Ben got a little more used to it and decided to play a bit in the sand by picking it up and rubbing it all over him. He also tried to eat it, but Mommy obviously wouldn't let him. Instead she gave him a few snacks she packed since he wanting to eat something.
Wednesday was uneventful as it rained most of the day so everyone basically stayed inside the house. I believe after the kiddos went to bed, we all played a version of the Newly Wed game curtosy of Katie. After a few hysterical and memorable moments, the points added up and the Goldlust Family won! How about that?!?
Thursday, I believe we headed to the beach again. We always would venture out in the morning before it got too hot. Ben did even better that day and wanted to actually go towards the water! We didn't stay too long as it was really windy, but had a great time of it.
Later that day we went to a nearby lighthouse in Corolla. Daddy decided to go up the lighthouse steps to take some great photos. Mommy was not about to carry Ben up all those flights of steps nor be up so high with a baby and a small railing, so we stayed behind and enjoyed the scenery. I am glad I didn't go because after seeing the photos and the design of the staircases, I would of had a heart attack. Did I mention that Mommy has a fear of heights?
After a long, fun but exhausting week, we all checked out on Sunday and made our way home. Ben was again a trooper for the five hour trip home, and thankfully we all went to bed a little early that night.
Before the trip we were very nervous about hurricanes. It was September, so it was prime hurricane season and two hurricanes were circulating in the Atlantic (Hanna and Ike). After a VERY rainy Saturday, we left on Sunday (as planned) and had a uneventful ride down there. Actually the car ride down was GREAT! Ben took a few naps and it was certainly an easier and faster ride then going to Miami. On the road, we called up the Blankenship's and Katie and figured out we were only a few minutes ahead of them. We decided to stop right by the NC/VA border to have lunch. We all ate a NC style lunch and let the babies stretch their legs. I also spotted Corduroy bear in the gift shop area, so I had to purchase Ben one of my favorite books AND the bear that went with it.
After everyone reached the house and unpacked, the women left the children with the men while we did our grocery shopping for all the food, snacks and drinks we needed. After three carts, $550 worth of groceries, and a few remarks of calling each other "Sister Wives" and getting a few oddball looks, we headed back to the house. Thus started the week long fiesta.
The first night was uneventful. Everyone was a little tired from the ride. Even the babies went down without much trouble. I believe we probably played a few games here and there, but basically did nothing.
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On Monday morning, we all headed to the beach (obviously at different times). Ben wasn't too sure what to make of it. He was a great sport and with a little coaxing from his Mom, he walked or crawled around in the sand and let some water splash up on his legs.
After a morning at the beach, Ben was ready for a nice nap and thankfully feel asleep in his little pack and play with no problem. This was the FIRST time Ben took a nap in a pack in play or crib without falling asleep on his Mom or Dad first.
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On Tuesday, we headed to the beach again. Ben got a little more used to it and decided to play a bit in the sand by picking it up and rubbing it all over him. He also tried to eat it, but Mommy obviously wouldn't let him. Instead she gave him a few snacks she packed since he wanting to eat something.
Wednesday was uneventful as it rained most of the day so everyone basically stayed inside the house. I believe after the kiddos went to bed, we all played a version of the Newly Wed game curtosy of Katie. After a few hysterical and memorable moments, the points added up and the Goldlust Family won! How about that?!?
Thursday, I believe we headed to the beach again. We always would venture out in the morning before it got too hot. Ben did even better that day and wanted to actually go towards the water! We didn't stay too long as it was really windy, but had a great time of it.
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Later that day we went to a nearby lighthouse in Corolla. Daddy decided to go up the lighthouse steps to take some great photos. Mommy was not about to carry Ben up all those flights of steps nor be up so high with a baby and a small railing, so we stayed behind and enjoyed the scenery. I am glad I didn't go because after seeing the photos and the design of the staircases, I would of had a heart attack. Did I mention that Mommy has a fear of heights?
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After a long, fun but exhausting week, we all checked out on Sunday and made our way home. Ben was again a trooper for the five hour trip home, and thankfully we all went to bed a little early that night.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Labor Day Weekend
This past weekend, our family celebrated a three day weekend due to the Labor Day holiday. It was fantastic, busy and fun with lots of family bonding.
On Saturday, Ben, Daddy and Mommy went to Eclips Kids Hair Salon for Ben's FIRST HAIR CUT! He did great! He sat on the chair (propped with a bench to make him higher) and got his hair trimmed with no fuss! Ms. Jenny cut his hair and although his parents are huge critics, we accomplished the hair cut with no tears. It was a success! At the end of the hair cut we got Ben's first cut locks and a certificate. Afterwards, we went to Cheesecake Factory to celebrate. Ben ate bits and pieces of his Mom and Dad's food and was a very good baby. Following lunch, Ben and his parents went to Babies R'Us for some much needed baby items and in search for a light weight umbrella stroller. Ben needed to get an umbrella stroller to tote to the beach and so Nagypapa and Nagymama could have a stroller at their house for when the Grand children come over to visit. We found an exceptional stroller due to Ben's Dad being the great shopper he is.
On Sunday, Ben had a bit of cabin fever and wanted to leave the house. We decided to head to Georgetown since his Daddy had heard of a Cupcake store that had recently opened. When we arrived, the store was not yet open so we went to the Georgetown mall and had a bite to eat. Afterwards, we went to the store and bought several cupcakes for the family, Nagypapa and Nagymama and Aunt Amy and Uncle Eric. Since we all couldn't wait to take a bite of these famous cupcakes, we decided to have a few in the car. Ben sampled a bit of a chocolate cupcake and loved it!
Later that day, Ben and his parents went to his Nagypapa and Nagymama's house for the Annual Neighborhood Block Party. This party had taken place ever since Ben's Mom was a little girl and many of the same neighbors she had while growing up still lived in the same houses. It was a fantastic event, as Ben was very much admired and adored. Ben even ate a full hamburger patty! He was one hungry kid!
On Labor Day, Ben spent the morning and early afternoon at home. His parents were pretty tired from the busy weekend and wanted a relaxing day. Around noon, Aunt Amy called to invite the Goldlust family over for a Labor Day cook out. We arrived around 3:30 and let the boys play. Ben loved playing with Hally by chasing her around the house and allowing her to lick him as much as she wanted. Soon it was time for dinner and Ben ate with gusto. His parents learned that Ben loved canned carrots. The adults all agreed that Ben ate at least half the can! After dinner, Aunt Amy thought it would be fun to take the kids to the local park. The Ashburn Park was wonderful! It had plenty of room to run, lots of swings and lots of playground equipment. The boys had a great time going down slides and swinging on the swings. Ben loved the swings most of all. At one point, Ben started falling asleep in the swing, so that meant it was time to go home. When his Mommy took him out of the swing, Ben cried for the longest time as he wanted to seemingly stay in the swing forever.
On Saturday, Ben, Daddy and Mommy went to Eclips Kids Hair Salon for Ben's FIRST HAIR CUT! He did great! He sat on the chair (propped with a bench to make him higher) and got his hair trimmed with no fuss! Ms. Jenny cut his hair and although his parents are huge critics, we accomplished the hair cut with no tears. It was a success! At the end of the hair cut we got Ben's first cut locks and a certificate. Afterwards, we went to Cheesecake Factory to celebrate. Ben ate bits and pieces of his Mom and Dad's food and was a very good baby. Following lunch, Ben and his parents went to Babies R'Us for some much needed baby items and in search for a light weight umbrella stroller. Ben needed to get an umbrella stroller to tote to the beach and so Nagypapa and Nagymama could have a stroller at their house for when the Grand children come over to visit. We found an exceptional stroller due to Ben's Dad being the great shopper he is.
On Sunday, Ben had a bit of cabin fever and wanted to leave the house. We decided to head to Georgetown since his Daddy had heard of a Cupcake store that had recently opened. When we arrived, the store was not yet open so we went to the Georgetown mall and had a bite to eat. Afterwards, we went to the store and bought several cupcakes for the family, Nagypapa and Nagymama and Aunt Amy and Uncle Eric. Since we all couldn't wait to take a bite of these famous cupcakes, we decided to have a few in the car. Ben sampled a bit of a chocolate cupcake and loved it!
Later that day, Ben and his parents went to his Nagypapa and Nagymama's house for the Annual Neighborhood Block Party. This party had taken place ever since Ben's Mom was a little girl and many of the same neighbors she had while growing up still lived in the same houses. It was a fantastic event, as Ben was very much admired and adored. Ben even ate a full hamburger patty! He was one hungry kid!
On Labor Day, Ben spent the morning and early afternoon at home. His parents were pretty tired from the busy weekend and wanted a relaxing day. Around noon, Aunt Amy called to invite the Goldlust family over for a Labor Day cook out. We arrived around 3:30 and let the boys play. Ben loved playing with Hally by chasing her around the house and allowing her to lick him as much as she wanted. Soon it was time for dinner and Ben ate with gusto. His parents learned that Ben loved canned carrots. The adults all agreed that Ben ate at least half the can! After dinner, Aunt Amy thought it would be fun to take the kids to the local park. The Ashburn Park was wonderful! It had plenty of room to run, lots of swings and lots of playground equipment. The boys had a great time going down slides and swinging on the swings. Ben loved the swings most of all. At one point, Ben started falling asleep in the swing, so that meant it was time to go home. When his Mommy took him out of the swing, Ben cried for the longest time as he wanted to seemingly stay in the swing forever.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
What a Cutie Pie!
I have to brag, because I am a Mom and I think my son is the most adorable thing that ever walked the planet.
This morning while getting ready for work, Ben was doing his usual routine by crawling around the upstairs while his Dad catches a few extra minutes of precious sleep. While getting ready he noticed a small blue plastic bowl that we took from the hospital when he was born. It was a perfect bowl to use while bathing him when he was a newborn and since it was no longer used for its original purpose, it thus became a baby toy. Anyways, Ben was looking at it and I decided to be silly and put the bowl on Ben's head as a hat. I laughed at how cute he was and in turn gave me the biggest grin that could melt anyone's heart. The bowl fell off Ben's head and he was wondering what had happened! He immediately took the bowl and put it back on his own head! He then looked at me for another laugh. I of course was rolling at the shear cuteness of what he just did. This is the same kid that refuses to wear a hat! He laughed and clapped as I laughed as he was so delighted to see his Mommy so happy.A few minutes later the bowl fell off and that ended that game. How cute is that!
Ben also is getting closer and closer to walking. He cruises great, but just hasn't made that leap. I have been helping him by trying to walk in front of him and holding his hands, but in the past he takes three steps and drops down to crawl. I never pressure him as every kid will eventually learn, but as a Mom I encourage each milestone. Today he started walking with me across the upstairs instead of taking three steps! Such progress! I told his Dad what he had done and we were both equally happy he is making such strides. I had to eventually leave for work. I badly wanted to stay home with Ben to see if he'd walk more with me, but Mommy had to go make some money. James later emailed me in the morning and said that although Ben did not want to walk with him, he did pull him up and Ben stood on his own for ten seconds. Even more progress!!! I am so happy for my little man! Way to go Ben! I can't wait to come home and give him a hundred little kisses and hugs for his achievement. Mom and Dad are so proud!
This morning while getting ready for work, Ben was doing his usual routine by crawling around the upstairs while his Dad catches a few extra minutes of precious sleep. While getting ready he noticed a small blue plastic bowl that we took from the hospital when he was born. It was a perfect bowl to use while bathing him when he was a newborn and since it was no longer used for its original purpose, it thus became a baby toy. Anyways, Ben was looking at it and I decided to be silly and put the bowl on Ben's head as a hat. I laughed at how cute he was and in turn gave me the biggest grin that could melt anyone's heart. The bowl fell off Ben's head and he was wondering what had happened! He immediately took the bowl and put it back on his own head! He then looked at me for another laugh. I of course was rolling at the shear cuteness of what he just did. This is the same kid that refuses to wear a hat! He laughed and clapped as I laughed as he was so delighted to see his Mommy so happy.A few minutes later the bowl fell off and that ended that game. How cute is that!
Ben also is getting closer and closer to walking. He cruises great, but just hasn't made that leap. I have been helping him by trying to walk in front of him and holding his hands, but in the past he takes three steps and drops down to crawl. I never pressure him as every kid will eventually learn, but as a Mom I encourage each milestone. Today he started walking with me across the upstairs instead of taking three steps! Such progress! I told his Dad what he had done and we were both equally happy he is making such strides. I had to eventually leave for work. I badly wanted to stay home with Ben to see if he'd walk more with me, but Mommy had to go make some money. James later emailed me in the morning and said that although Ben did not want to walk with him, he did pull him up and Ben stood on his own for ten seconds. Even more progress!!! I am so happy for my little man! Way to go Ben! I can't wait to come home and give him a hundred little kisses and hugs for his achievement. Mom and Dad are so proud!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
All About You
I decided to write this post, because even though Ben's parents try to remember each and every detail of Ben's life, as the years go by perhaps some of the memories we have now will be forgotten.
Right now Ben is 13 months old. I honestly can't believe time has gone by so quickly! It feels like yesterday he were still inside me and I was wondering and contemplating what he would look like, what his personality would be and how big he would be. Now he is a toddler full of energy, smiles and attitude : )
Here is my little list of things I want to remember about whats going on right now.
~ Ben has two favorite songs. One that he likes to be soothed by and another he likes to dance with. At any moment when he is upset or crying, he can be soothed by his Mom singing "Smile" to him. I fell in love with this song ever since I watched the movie "My Girl" when I was little. I thought it was a beautiful song and even found the lyrics to memorize it so I could one day sing it to my child. In turn he loves it. Another song he likes to dance too is somewhat silly. This is a song that actually plays from one of his toys. This toy basically resembles the steering wheel and dashboard of a car. It has the same melody of "Frère Jacques", but the lyrics were changed to this "Are you driving? Are you driving? On the road. On the road. Can you see the letter? Can you see the picture? On the road. On the road." Every time he hears that regardless if it is the toy singing it or his parents, Ben will casually rock back and forth with the melody. It is so cute!
~ Ben loves dog stuffed animals. I used to think we would have lots of bears in his stuffed animal collection, but no he likes dogs. I think he is partial since he has two living dogs for him to chase. He loves holding them while he goes to sleep by rubbing their ears and looking at their noses.
~Ben likes two types of meat. Beef and chicken. Everything else is okay if he is really hungry, but he has preferences!
~Ben at over a year old still wakes up like clock work around 6am or 6:30am every day. His Dad and I hope that once we invest in some dark out shades that we may get to sleep a little later on the weekends.
~Ben hates to stay inside for a long period of time. He craves going out and bumming around. Ben will let you know when he has cabin fever. I almost dread the colder months ahead. It won't be as easy taking him around the block for a walk.
~Ben right now, this week, this moment, is a Daddy's boy. It could change, but everything Daddy is okay by him. Its okay when Mom is around to help him out, but once his Dad comes home, his eyes are all on him!
~TMI, but Ben poops every morning like clock work. Luckily Mommy isn't there to change it. Thats Dad's job in the morning!
~So far Ben has three teeth on the top (the front ones) and four teeth on the bottom. This week I think he is working on some more.
~When Ben gets home from day care, he does not want to be put down. He wants to spend a moment in his Mom's arms, which means his Mom gets to do everything one handed.
~Ben's favorite toy right now (other then the singing car toy) is his Mickey Mouse ride toy. He loves the propellers that spin around and the fact that he can open and close the seat. I love stuffing small toys in the seat so he has the pleasure of emptying it out each day.
~For months Ben hated fruit. He only ate fruit at day care, which I think it was mainly due to peer pressure. Recently his Dad and I found out that he likes Honey Dew and Cantelope. Who would of guess? He thinks its the best thing on Earth!
~ Ben loves his teeth to be brushed with his baby tooth brush. He finds greater pleasure in that then sucking on a pacifier.
~ Ben likes to bite people right now. He bites his parents and his friends at day care. We love him despite of the teeth marks in our skin. We tell him not to bite us and he in turns laughs at his parents. He has no fear.
~ Speaking of no fear. Ben has not yet learned to go down the steps properly. There are two steps in our family room. Ben loves going head first down them. It makes everyone cringe.
~ Ben loves people clapping at him. I suppose who wouldn't? However, the expression on his face of pure glee and happiness while he looks at each person until they stop is priceless!
~ My son is part fish. He loves spending as much time in the water as possible. Once (while he was at his Nagymama's house) he had a total of three baths in one day! He really only needed one bath that day, but it doesn't hurt having a really clean kid.
~ Ben farts louder then his parents sometimes. Yup I said it. Its pretty impressive.
~ Ben recently learned how to play "duck" with Joey. Joey (the poodle) loves his rubber duck and is usually eager for anyone to throw his duck for him so he can chase it. Instead of throwing it (well sometimes he does), Ben will get the duck and hold it out for Joey. I think its sweet that not only does he share, but he also recognizes that it is the dog's favorite toy.
~ Ben loves coke cans. No matter where they are, he seeks them out to try and play with them. This equals out to his parents being really quick on their feet and great at playing "hide the coke can". I blame this behavior partially on his Godmother, who one day decided to put beans in a coke can and tape it up for the babies to play with. I still love her though.
~ Ben at a early age checks out women young and old. He doesn't give men the same double look. He isn't shy about staring at them either.
~ Ben hates getting dressed. If he could be naked all day I think he would love it. He screams every time his Dad and I dress him. It makes for fun mornings for his Dad. This also is the same for his diaper changes.
~ Maybe its because his Mom is usually is easier to get to, but if Ben's Dad and I are both home and sitting on the couch, and Ben has a poopy diaper, 9 times out of 10, Ben will head to his Mom. I feel the love.
~ Ben eats with gusto. He eats fast and usually a lot of food (he does have his moments though). When he is done, he will part out his food rations for the dogs. Thank God for the dogs that clean up my floor daily!
~ Some babies his age have grown out of bottles, but Ben isn't letting his bottle go any time soon. We have moved on to drinking sippy cups for a quick thirst quincher or during meal times, but sometimes he just wants that bottle.
~ Ever since Ben was three months old (maybe before), he has had an obsession with fans. He loves them! He will sit there and stare at them.
~ Ben hates hats. I hope he'll be better about hats when winter comes along. He detest anything on his head.
~ This is so gross, but I haven't seen my friends kids do this, so I thought I would share. If Ben has snot running down his nose, he will crawl up to the nearest person and wipe his nose on them. So far his Aunt, Dad, Nagymama and I have all been graced with "slug tracks" on our clothing.
~ Ben has yet to get a hair cut. His Mom would like to trim it a bit, so we shall see. There may be a post soon that says "Ben's First Hair Cut"
~ Ben loves sports. How do I know this? Ever since he was little if a Caps game or a Redskins game was playing he always takes a moment to watch. These sports are also effective in calming him down if he is upset about something.
~ Ben does not like olives. He put a olive in his mouth once thinking it would be something great and in turned cried until his Mom got it out of his mouth.
For now thats all I can think of. I am sure I have left some things out, so if something comes to mind, I may edit this post.
Right now Ben is 13 months old. I honestly can't believe time has gone by so quickly! It feels like yesterday he were still inside me and I was wondering and contemplating what he would look like, what his personality would be and how big he would be. Now he is a toddler full of energy, smiles and attitude : )
Here is my little list of things I want to remember about whats going on right now.
~ Ben has two favorite songs. One that he likes to be soothed by and another he likes to dance with. At any moment when he is upset or crying, he can be soothed by his Mom singing "Smile" to him. I fell in love with this song ever since I watched the movie "My Girl" when I was little. I thought it was a beautiful song and even found the lyrics to memorize it so I could one day sing it to my child. In turn he loves it. Another song he likes to dance too is somewhat silly. This is a song that actually plays from one of his toys. This toy basically resembles the steering wheel and dashboard of a car. It has the same melody of "Frère Jacques", but the lyrics were changed to this "Are you driving? Are you driving? On the road. On the road. Can you see the letter? Can you see the picture? On the road. On the road." Every time he hears that regardless if it is the toy singing it or his parents, Ben will casually rock back and forth with the melody. It is so cute!
~ Ben loves dog stuffed animals. I used to think we would have lots of bears in his stuffed animal collection, but no he likes dogs. I think he is partial since he has two living dogs for him to chase. He loves holding them while he goes to sleep by rubbing their ears and looking at their noses.
~Ben likes two types of meat. Beef and chicken. Everything else is okay if he is really hungry, but he has preferences!
~Ben at over a year old still wakes up like clock work around 6am or 6:30am every day. His Dad and I hope that once we invest in some dark out shades that we may get to sleep a little later on the weekends.
~Ben hates to stay inside for a long period of time. He craves going out and bumming around. Ben will let you know when he has cabin fever. I almost dread the colder months ahead. It won't be as easy taking him around the block for a walk.
~Ben right now, this week, this moment, is a Daddy's boy. It could change, but everything Daddy is okay by him. Its okay when Mom is around to help him out, but once his Dad comes home, his eyes are all on him!
~TMI, but Ben poops every morning like clock work. Luckily Mommy isn't there to change it. Thats Dad's job in the morning!
~So far Ben has three teeth on the top (the front ones) and four teeth on the bottom. This week I think he is working on some more.
~When Ben gets home from day care, he does not want to be put down. He wants to spend a moment in his Mom's arms, which means his Mom gets to do everything one handed.
~Ben's favorite toy right now (other then the singing car toy) is his Mickey Mouse ride toy. He loves the propellers that spin around and the fact that he can open and close the seat. I love stuffing small toys in the seat so he has the pleasure of emptying it out each day.
~For months Ben hated fruit. He only ate fruit at day care, which I think it was mainly due to peer pressure. Recently his Dad and I found out that he likes Honey Dew and Cantelope. Who would of guess? He thinks its the best thing on Earth!
~ Ben loves his teeth to be brushed with his baby tooth brush. He finds greater pleasure in that then sucking on a pacifier.
~ Ben likes to bite people right now. He bites his parents and his friends at day care. We love him despite of the teeth marks in our skin. We tell him not to bite us and he in turns laughs at his parents. He has no fear.
~ Speaking of no fear. Ben has not yet learned to go down the steps properly. There are two steps in our family room. Ben loves going head first down them. It makes everyone cringe.
~ Ben loves people clapping at him. I suppose who wouldn't? However, the expression on his face of pure glee and happiness while he looks at each person until they stop is priceless!
~ My son is part fish. He loves spending as much time in the water as possible. Once (while he was at his Nagymama's house) he had a total of three baths in one day! He really only needed one bath that day, but it doesn't hurt having a really clean kid.
~ Ben farts louder then his parents sometimes. Yup I said it. Its pretty impressive.
~ Ben recently learned how to play "duck" with Joey. Joey (the poodle) loves his rubber duck and is usually eager for anyone to throw his duck for him so he can chase it. Instead of throwing it (well sometimes he does), Ben will get the duck and hold it out for Joey. I think its sweet that not only does he share, but he also recognizes that it is the dog's favorite toy.
~ Ben loves coke cans. No matter where they are, he seeks them out to try and play with them. This equals out to his parents being really quick on their feet and great at playing "hide the coke can". I blame this behavior partially on his Godmother, who one day decided to put beans in a coke can and tape it up for the babies to play with. I still love her though.
~ Ben at a early age checks out women young and old. He doesn't give men the same double look. He isn't shy about staring at them either.
~ Ben hates getting dressed. If he could be naked all day I think he would love it. He screams every time his Dad and I dress him. It makes for fun mornings for his Dad. This also is the same for his diaper changes.
~ Maybe its because his Mom is usually is easier to get to, but if Ben's Dad and I are both home and sitting on the couch, and Ben has a poopy diaper, 9 times out of 10, Ben will head to his Mom. I feel the love.
~ Ben eats with gusto. He eats fast and usually a lot of food (he does have his moments though). When he is done, he will part out his food rations for the dogs. Thank God for the dogs that clean up my floor daily!
~ Some babies his age have grown out of bottles, but Ben isn't letting his bottle go any time soon. We have moved on to drinking sippy cups for a quick thirst quincher or during meal times, but sometimes he just wants that bottle.
~ Ever since Ben was three months old (maybe before), he has had an obsession with fans. He loves them! He will sit there and stare at them.
~ Ben hates hats. I hope he'll be better about hats when winter comes along. He detest anything on his head.
~ This is so gross, but I haven't seen my friends kids do this, so I thought I would share. If Ben has snot running down his nose, he will crawl up to the nearest person and wipe his nose on them. So far his Aunt, Dad, Nagymama and I have all been graced with "slug tracks" on our clothing.
~ Ben has yet to get a hair cut. His Mom would like to trim it a bit, so we shall see. There may be a post soon that says "Ben's First Hair Cut"
~ Ben loves sports. How do I know this? Ever since he was little if a Caps game or a Redskins game was playing he always takes a moment to watch. These sports are also effective in calming him down if he is upset about something.
~ Ben does not like olives. He put a olive in his mouth once thinking it would be something great and in turned cried until his Mom got it out of his mouth.
For now thats all I can think of. I am sure I have left some things out, so if something comes to mind, I may edit this post.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Today, while at work, I was scanning through photos on my family blog and from the picasa website where the Goldlust Family posts all of our photos. I realized that the most simple memories can remind me of things I may have forgotten. How wonderful to remind myself and others little events that made such a beautiful life, my sweet baby son. I think of those memories and each memory appears as if it was a photograph caught in time. This blog (as all other blogs) are dedicated to my son, but more specifically, how he came to be in this life.
I thought about the first time someone asked me what I wanted to be in life. I simply replied "A Mother". I knew at a very very young age how importance the vocation of motherhood was and knew that I wanted to partake in it.
I was a saver. I always stashed money away at each time I received my allowance or got money for a birthday. One day my parents found out I had $1200 in cash at the age of 11. They asked me what I wanted to do with it. I said, "Save it for my children's education".
The first time I met my beloved husband and Ben's father, we were both teenager in high school. I didn't care for him at the time, but I remembered him more so then my other boyfriend's friends at the time. He handed me a simple present, a McDonald's toy. I wish I still had it. My boyfriend at the time chucked it across the parking lot.
September 11, 2001. I remember being angry at James for calling my house and trying to get my boyfriend to come outside. I remember hugging him in saying I was sorry for being so cross. I remember the feel of his arms, the smell of his motorcycle jacket and the already loving embrace he gave me. He didn't now I would someday be his wife...
September 11, 2001. I remember someone asking me how many kids I wanted. I said a dozen. My boyfriend looked scared. James told me he'd give me that many.
I remember the first time, on a chilly summer night James asking me to marry him. I thought he was kidding and to get him home I joked a yes. I was dating someone else at the time. He took me seriously.
I remember the first time we kissed. I was scared, heart pounding but he gave me a kiss like no other ever had. It left my lips burning or maybe he ate hot sauce that day. There were definite sparks.
Your father used to sometimes go with me to college and wait for me outside of class. He hated doing it, but I loved seeing his face as soon as I escaped the classroom and then we would spend the evening together.
The day James asked me to marry him. He took me to the same park that he asked the first time. I got all embarassed and tried to hide myself in him. He told me to wait, got down on one knee and said something romantic and proposed. I said yes with two cops standing close by.
Both our college graduations. What a whirlwind! I had officially been to both of my husband's graduations, his high school and college.
June 10, 2006. I remember peeking through the corner of the basement steps at my husband walking to the front of the church from the priest's room.
June 10, 2006. I remember the expressions we both had on our faces when we saw each other while I was walking down the aisle.
The day I asked your father if he was ready to have a baby. We were both driving to work. His expression and him not trying to drive off the road was priceless. He was all for it though.
The day I told your father I was pregnant. I went to his car (as we had lunch practically everyday together back then). I handed him two blue booty shoes with bears on them. He looked at me, surprised and humbled.
The expression on your Dad's face when he heard your heartbeat for the first time. At that time I had yet to see him as surprised and that happy. His mouth was wide open from the amazement and hearing his child.
When we found out you were a boy. Who called it? Not the technician. Your father pointed out and could say nothing but "Boy! Boy! Boy!"
The day you were born. Your father was outstanding in coaching me the entire way. You peed on the nurse three times. Both your Dad and I teared up. The last time I saw your Dad that happy was his wedding day.
Sorry to add this little one. You pooping on your Dad is a great memory. He took such good care of us single handedly the first week with hardly any baby experience. He was so calm, collected and while he was changing your diaper, you shot out poop and it landed right on him!
The first time you smiled was at your Father. It was in Miami in a apartment we were renting for a week.
The first time you crawled we were right there with you at your Aunt's house.
Your first birthday party. Your Dad bent his head down near you while you were eating your cake and you took both of your cake/icing hands and smeared it all over his face.
The amazement and pride I see in your Dad's eye everytime you say "Dada".
I know I will have many wonderful snapshots as the years go by and you start growing up to be a kid and then into a man. I love you more then words could ever say. Your Father and I love you and are so in love with each other. You are my world, my every being, my purpose in this life. You are very much loved and just know your Mommy and Daddy are always always here for you.
I thought about the first time someone asked me what I wanted to be in life. I simply replied "A Mother". I knew at a very very young age how importance the vocation of motherhood was and knew that I wanted to partake in it.
I was a saver. I always stashed money away at each time I received my allowance or got money for a birthday. One day my parents found out I had $1200 in cash at the age of 11. They asked me what I wanted to do with it. I said, "Save it for my children's education".
The first time I met my beloved husband and Ben's father, we were both teenager in high school. I didn't care for him at the time, but I remembered him more so then my other boyfriend's friends at the time. He handed me a simple present, a McDonald's toy. I wish I still had it. My boyfriend at the time chucked it across the parking lot.
September 11, 2001. I remember being angry at James for calling my house and trying to get my boyfriend to come outside. I remember hugging him in saying I was sorry for being so cross. I remember the feel of his arms, the smell of his motorcycle jacket and the already loving embrace he gave me. He didn't now I would someday be his wife...
September 11, 2001. I remember someone asking me how many kids I wanted. I said a dozen. My boyfriend looked scared. James told me he'd give me that many.
I remember the first time, on a chilly summer night James asking me to marry him. I thought he was kidding and to get him home I joked a yes. I was dating someone else at the time. He took me seriously.
I remember the first time we kissed. I was scared, heart pounding but he gave me a kiss like no other ever had. It left my lips burning or maybe he ate hot sauce that day. There were definite sparks.
Your father used to sometimes go with me to college and wait for me outside of class. He hated doing it, but I loved seeing his face as soon as I escaped the classroom and then we would spend the evening together.
The day James asked me to marry him. He took me to the same park that he asked the first time. I got all embarassed and tried to hide myself in him. He told me to wait, got down on one knee and said something romantic and proposed. I said yes with two cops standing close by.
Both our college graduations. What a whirlwind! I had officially been to both of my husband's graduations, his high school and college.
June 10, 2006. I remember peeking through the corner of the basement steps at my husband walking to the front of the church from the priest's room.
June 10, 2006. I remember the expressions we both had on our faces when we saw each other while I was walking down the aisle.
The day I asked your father if he was ready to have a baby. We were both driving to work. His expression and him not trying to drive off the road was priceless. He was all for it though.
The day I told your father I was pregnant. I went to his car (as we had lunch practically everyday together back then). I handed him two blue booty shoes with bears on them. He looked at me, surprised and humbled.
The expression on your Dad's face when he heard your heartbeat for the first time. At that time I had yet to see him as surprised and that happy. His mouth was wide open from the amazement and hearing his child.
When we found out you were a boy. Who called it? Not the technician. Your father pointed out and could say nothing but "Boy! Boy! Boy!"
The day you were born. Your father was outstanding in coaching me the entire way. You peed on the nurse three times. Both your Dad and I teared up. The last time I saw your Dad that happy was his wedding day.
Sorry to add this little one. You pooping on your Dad is a great memory. He took such good care of us single handedly the first week with hardly any baby experience. He was so calm, collected and while he was changing your diaper, you shot out poop and it landed right on him!
The first time you smiled was at your Father. It was in Miami in a apartment we were renting for a week.
The first time you crawled we were right there with you at your Aunt's house.
Your first birthday party. Your Dad bent his head down near you while you were eating your cake and you took both of your cake/icing hands and smeared it all over his face.
The amazement and pride I see in your Dad's eye everytime you say "Dada".
I know I will have many wonderful snapshots as the years go by and you start growing up to be a kid and then into a man. I love you more then words could ever say. Your Father and I love you and are so in love with each other. You are my world, my every being, my purpose in this life. You are very much loved and just know your Mommy and Daddy are always always here for you.
Ben's First Movie Experience
On Friday, August 8, 2008 (8-8-08), Ben had his first movie experience and turned 13 months! Apparently, he must of started a family tradition of going to the drive in for a first movie. His Mommy's first movie was at a drive in and saw E.T. Ben not only got to see his first movie, but it was also a double feature ($7.50 for each adult). The theater in Stephen's City played 'Hancock' and 'Get Smart'.
Ben was really good at the drive in. There was no fussiness for being up so late. I think he rather enjoyed having the whole back of the van all prepped with pillows and blankets to snuggle in. Lately he has been all about Daddy, so he spent much of the first movie snuggling and hugging Daddy. It was okay for Mommy to be around too as she provided milk, snacks and quiet toys for him to play with. Mid way through the first movie, Ben feel asleep next to his Daddy's arms. Then midway through the second movie, Mommy feel asleep next to Ben. Daddy was the only one that was a real trooper and stayed awake for the entire thing and then drove us all home.
Ben with his Daddy

Back of the Van All Set Up!
Ben was really good at the drive in. There was no fussiness for being up so late. I think he rather enjoyed having the whole back of the van all prepped with pillows and blankets to snuggle in. Lately he has been all about Daddy, so he spent much of the first movie snuggling and hugging Daddy. It was okay for Mommy to be around too as she provided milk, snacks and quiet toys for him to play with. Mid way through the first movie, Ben feel asleep next to his Daddy's arms. Then midway through the second movie, Mommy feel asleep next to Ben. Daddy was the only one that was a real trooper and stayed awake for the entire thing and then drove us all home.
Ben with his Daddy

Back of the Van All Set Up!

Friday, August 8, 2008
Luray Caverns and Skyline Drive
On July 19th, the Goldlust family decided to take a nice drive out to the country and see Luray Caverns. When we arrived to the caverns after a beautiful and scenic drive the weather had got much hotter, so we were looking forward to escaping to the cool climate of the caves. The Goldlust's quickly bought tickets, got through a rather long line quite quickly and then Ben's Mommy proceeded to carry Ben down 70 stairs while Ben's Dad carried his stroller down. Thank God for Daddies!
The caves was beautiful and Ben looked around in awe. He was probably wondering what Mommy and Daddy were doing by taking him to such a weird looking place! The beauty of such a natural enviornment is hard to explain unless you have been there and although I will provide photos, it hardly does it justice.
Ben And Daddy

The Family

Ben and Mommy

After the hour or so long tour of the caves, Ben, Daddy and I headed to the Car Museaum. Ben's Dad LOVED looking at all the cars, but Ben was more interested in the ropes that surrounded the cars. I guess it will take a few years for him to gain some interest in them. At least it was free and fun to do.
The Ropes Ben Loved

Finally we decided to start heading home and instead of using the regular roads back to Centreville, we decided to take a more scenic drive down Skyline Drive. It was absolutely gorgeous! We stopped at several spots to look at the fantastic views while Ben slept soundly in the car. When Ben did wake up we took the opportunity to show him what he was missing. When setting him down for a photo (like all Mommies do), I looked before I sat him down to make sure no trash was on the stone wall. Needless to say I was shocked and screamed a bit when I saw a snake skin. Ben's Dad certainly had to take a look and of course a picture. Ben didn't care much about the view. He cared more about the motorcycles whizzing by. What a guy!
The Gorgeous View

The Sleeping Prince

A Photo Mommy Took

What A Ham!

Looking At The Motorcycles

Two Handsome Guys

So Cute!
The caves was beautiful and Ben looked around in awe. He was probably wondering what Mommy and Daddy were doing by taking him to such a weird looking place! The beauty of such a natural enviornment is hard to explain unless you have been there and although I will provide photos, it hardly does it justice.
Ben And Daddy

The Family

Ben and Mommy

After the hour or so long tour of the caves, Ben, Daddy and I headed to the Car Museaum. Ben's Dad LOVED looking at all the cars, but Ben was more interested in the ropes that surrounded the cars. I guess it will take a few years for him to gain some interest in them. At least it was free and fun to do.
The Ropes Ben Loved

Finally we decided to start heading home and instead of using the regular roads back to Centreville, we decided to take a more scenic drive down Skyline Drive. It was absolutely gorgeous! We stopped at several spots to look at the fantastic views while Ben slept soundly in the car. When Ben did wake up we took the opportunity to show him what he was missing. When setting him down for a photo (like all Mommies do), I looked before I sat him down to make sure no trash was on the stone wall. Needless to say I was shocked and screamed a bit when I saw a snake skin. Ben's Dad certainly had to take a look and of course a picture. Ben didn't care much about the view. He cared more about the motorcycles whizzing by. What a guy!
The Gorgeous View

The Sleeping Prince

A Photo Mommy Took

What A Ham!

Looking At The Motorcycles

Two Handsome Guys

So Cute!

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