I decided to put a little schedule in what Ben does every day (on average). I think it will be fun for both Ben to look back on some day. So here it goes!
Ben wakes up usually wanting a paci and a blanket. He is known to throw off blankets during the night and usually wants to be covered up on the cold winter mornings.
Ben wakes up for the day. His Mom goes downstairs first to get the prepared sippy cup of milk out the fridge and then get his thirsty little self out of the crib. He usually walks around in the morning making his rounds to his parents room where he points out the fan, to the kids bathroom to see his Mom and if there is anything reachable on the counter for him to grab, and then to his room for whatever cool toys there are to play with or to do a paci exchange. After his Mom leaves the house for work, he sits with his Dad and eats apple jacks or a bananas depending what we have in the house.
Ben gets dropped of at day care by his Dad. To date his Mom has not done a drop off. I would honestly feel too guilty to even after all these months! Ben typically gets to eat another breakfast upon his arrival.
Ben eats his lunch at day care. His lunch could range from grilled cheese, chicken nuggests, italian meat balls to pizza.
Ben takes his nap for two hours (hopefully). He still sleeps in a crib at day care and has not yet transitioned to the cot.
Ben gets another snack at day care. Usually its animal crackers or fresh veggies or mini rice cakes.
Ben is picked up from day care. He always has a smile on his face when his Mom comes into the room and wants to be promptly picked up. After a quick summary on how his day went from the teachers we head home.
As soon as we enter the house. His Mom hands him his milk and snack (he usually is quite thirsty) right away. Mom is a smart cookie and stops at the house for five minutes to let the dogs out and get his snack together so there is less stress and easily a drink on hand since Ben wants it right away. Then we play tag, parachute, read books and be silly.
Ben's Dad comes home. Lucas and Joey greet him with lots of barks and jumping, while Ben runs up to his Dada pointing at him and calling out his name. Ben is greeted by Dada with a big hug and a kiss. Mom gives Dad the low down of what happened in both Ben and her day. We usually also have dinner around this time as well since Ben is a hungry boy. If he's hungry enough he will become inpatient and point to his high chair wanting up and then wants food. After dinner he plays some more, drinks milk and wants books read to him.
Ben gets prayer and goes night night. Ben has to have a blanket, his dog, lights completely turned off and his mobile (yes he still has it and loves it) turned on with a paci in his mouth. Sometimes he wakes up and needs to be put down again, but for the most part he is tired (so are his parents) and he will fall asleep pretty quick.
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