Yesterday, Ben got his first real pair of walking shoes. My Mom offered to pay for the first pair of shoes for both my nephew and Ben, so as soon as Ben started really walking, I took up her offer.
Ben, my Mom and I were at Fair Oaks Mall shopping around in the later part of the afternoon yesterday and decided to make a stop at Stride Rite. There were lots of shoes to choose from, but I had an idea of what I wanted to get Ben. I didn't want to deal with laces, something sturdy and that matched with most of his fall outfits. I settled on a brown shoe that looks so cute on him. The picture hardly does any justice as it just looks adorable on my little guy. Ben's foot measured out to be a whooping 5 1/2.
As soon as Ben got his little shoes on, he was off. Since we had to leave to go home for dinner, I allowed Ben to lead the way out of the mall (with some guidance)and just loved listening to him giggle the whole way out. He just loves his new found freedom and shoes!
1 comment:
Hi Diane! Thanks for stopping by my blog. You are welcome to visit anytime!
Benjamin is SOO cute and you and I have great tastes!! I would have picked the same thing for that little fellow!
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