Halloween was on a Friday this year, so this meant getting out a bit early (to beat the other parents home) to pick up Ben from day care and head home for an afternoon of fun. We played, sang and he showed me (by pointing and saying) where the dogs were. I am glad he keeps track of them. Someone has to. Once Ben's Dad got home we all had a quick dinner because soon enough it would be Trick or Treat time! Ben was tired after dinner as usual, but I was determined to dress him in his costume and take him out trick or treating. So with a little resistance, I dressed him in his overly cute indian brave costume complete with a feather headband, got the same pumpkin pail I used as a kid, and headed out the door and left Ben's Dad in charge of handing out candy. Ben started walking a while ago, but not steadily enough to go walking around the neighborhood, so I got to carry him. He got heavy quick. After I walked up about a million stairs and made a complete trip around the block, I was done and so was Ben. Thanks Ben for being such a early sleeper! Ben's Dad was sitting outside giving candy and I handed Ben off to be put to bed and I took over the candy passing out until Ben's Dad got back. All in all it was a success. Lots of candy, a short outing to get candy and back home before 7.

I also can not believe that it is November already! Literally it was just a few months ago when we were all sitting on the beach as a family enjoying the warm sun and the ocean breeze. I also can't believe that my little man is turning 16 months old this Saturday. Time has seriously needs to slow down.
I couldn't write a post in Ben's blog without mentioning the presidential election. I can't say that I am 100% happy with the elected President since he supports unmentionable things being okay in terms of unborn babies, but I like his demeanor and charismatic personality. I hope that he will lead the people of this economic problem America has been facing and make a better tomorrow for my son. I can't get passed the baby thing, but it wasn't like I was in huge favor of the other candidate either. I just hope this President does our country right. I believe people have higher expectations of him then most elected Presidents generally have. Maybe he will be the JFK of my son's generation. We shall see.
On a different note, last night (on election night), my son learned how to dance. He used to do his usual side to side sway while sitting down, but he can now dance as a walking silly guy. Perhaps it was the sugar we gave him, as he ate his first candy bar, a Kit Kat, but it was hilarious. Ben will do his baby run from one side of the room to another and do some pivot turn. He loves dancing to Abba just like his cousin Ty. I am sure one day he might be mortified that I wrote about him liking Abba, but he does. So to the future love of his life, Ben liked Abba when he was 15 months old!
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