Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What a Cutie Pie!

I have to brag, because I am a Mom and I think my son is the most adorable thing that ever walked the planet.

This morning while getting ready for work, Ben was doing his usual routine by crawling around the upstairs while his Dad catches a few extra minutes of precious sleep. While getting ready he noticed a small blue plastic bowl that we took from the hospital when he was born. It was a perfect bowl to use while bathing him when he was a newborn and since it was no longer used for its original purpose, it thus became a baby toy. Anyways, Ben was looking at it and I decided to be silly and put the bowl on Ben's head as a hat. I laughed at how cute he was and in turn gave me the biggest grin that could melt anyone's heart. The bowl fell off Ben's head and he was wondering what had happened! He immediately took the bowl and put it back on his own head! He then looked at me for another laugh. I of course was rolling at the shear cuteness of what he just did. This is the same kid that refuses to wear a hat! He laughed and clapped as I laughed as he was so delighted to see his Mommy so happy.A few minutes later the bowl fell off and that ended that game. How cute is that!

Ben also is getting closer and closer to walking. He cruises great, but just hasn't made that leap. I have been helping him by trying to walk in front of him and holding his hands, but in the past he takes three steps and drops down to crawl. I never pressure him as every kid will eventually learn, but as a Mom I encourage each milestone. Today he started walking with me across the upstairs instead of taking three steps! Such progress! I told his Dad what he had done and we were both equally happy he is making such strides. I had to eventually leave for work. I badly wanted to stay home with Ben to see if he'd walk more with me, but Mommy had to go make some money. James later emailed me in the morning and said that although Ben did not want to walk with him, he did pull him up and Ben stood on his own for ten seconds. Even more progress!!! I am so happy for my little man! Way to go Ben! I can't wait to come home and give him a hundred little kisses and hugs for his achievement. Mom and Dad are so proud!

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