Ben has been such a busy little guy in the last several months since the Christmas season has ended. He has really got the knack of potty training, learned so many different things and even ice skated for the first time!
Ben finally decided he should potty more at home vs. just at school. He knew how to but really it was at point where it was up to him. Plus he wanted to wear some cool spider man underwear which probably helped push it a little further along. He had cool underwear in the past, but he is certainly a guy that when he makes up his mind to do something then he goes for it! He still wears pull ups for nap time and bed time, but that will come with time. I am just happy he is doing fantastic being dry all day. He even at one point while his Nagypapa wasn't serving liturgy asked his Nagypapa to take him potty! Ben did not want his Mom or Nagymama to take him. I believe that it was the first time I have EVER seen my Dad leave during a church service for something in all the years I've gone to church with him. Ben certainly can pull more strings then I ever could.
Ben is learning new things every day. He really likes school and comes home with some pretty awesome art work. He knows how to spell his name and is working diligently on writing his name out. That letter "B" is certainly a difficult letter to make, but he's doing pretty good at getting it. He does really great with tracing out dot-to-dot letters, so it won't be long before he writing them himself. He does pretty amazing with writing out the letters, "A", "O" and "M" when requested. Ben prefers more then anything to cut with scissors and glue paper. He certainly is a crafty little guy! He loves cutting out ringlets, circles and houses. He is so sweet to make sure that everyone including Lucas and Joey get their own piece of art work each time he uses the scissors. Ben is a very thoughtful little guy.
In other news, Ben made me one proud Mom yesterday in experiencing his first time EVER ice skating! I had zero expectations really because there are a lot of new things he'd have to experience that may or may not be scary to him. I wondered how he would react to putting on ice skates, stepping out into the ice or how he'd be with other people skating around him. We arrived to Ashburn Ice House just before the public skate time started. We watched the older kids play hockey in one rink while his Dad stood in line to buy tickets. He loved watching the kids play and requested to play hockey with them. I told him he certainly could when he gets a bit older and learns how to skate first. We headed back just in time to get his ice skates. He was very interested in them. They had "swords" on the bottom of them. I told him it would be funny to walk in them, but he'll get the hang of it. He was completely entralled when his Dad was putting on his shoes.
I'm still beaming each time I think of how awesome he was about just trying something new and going for it. We don't know if he'll be gung ho in the future to skate or play hockey, but he certainly will be given every opportunity in the world to learn and experience it. He certainly has a very awesome and patient one on one teacher to help him learn how. I love watching how amazing Ben is in growing up and learning new things. He has such great confidence in himself that just amazes me. I wished that he had his Dad's confidence when he was a little guy and he certainly has it. I hope all my children have that wonderful trait as well. I'm so proud of you Ben!!!!
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