Monday, January 18, 2010

Ben's Surgery Tomorrow

My beautiful boy is scheduled to have surgery tomorrow. He is getting tubes for his ears and his adenoids removed. While I am excited that he will be able to breathe and hear so much better, I am just a worried, fidgety Mom right now. Thankfully my work day is filled with writing up reports (that I have had to relook over several times after a few mistakes due to my scattered thoughts right now) and am glad that is keeping me somewhat busy.

Other then the VERY anticipated surgery coming up, I am just in awe of my son and his sweetness lately. He cares so much for everyone by doing things like putting food on our plates (we always serve him first), giving extra hugs for no real reason and just being the light of his Dads and my life.

I have one pretty cute story about Ben. Over the weekend we took him to his Nagypapa and Nagymama's to spend the night as his Dad and I were going to a party in the evening. I dropped him off and chatted with my parents for a bit. Ben was playing per usual and got in my old "Fred Flinstone" little tykes car. He pretended like he was going somewhere and said, "Bye Dina" to me! He called me by my first name! I giggled...shouldn't of done that and said "No I am Momma!" Little stinker! He smiled and said it again. I then told him, "I am your Mom. You are the only one that is able to call me by a very special name." He paid no mind to what I was saying and "rode away" in his little car. I came home to tell my husband what he had said and he could hardly believe it either. So its the first time (hopefully the last) that Ben called me by my first name. I was kind of proud of him though in some ways as he said another word and recognized I had another name other then Mom. I love him so very much. Ben always can make me smile. Love you sweetie!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

2010...thus far

Ben started a new day care on the 4th. The morning drop offs have been hard as it is a new environment, new teachers, new friends, etc., However I am told after a tearful goodbye (and a few tears once I reach the car) that Ben has a GREAT day. He is helpful, loves playing with the trucks and blocks, etc., On one occasion this week his teacher commented that he has just been in an eating frenzy! He must be on a growth spurt. She also told me how he really loves broccoli. I knew this as Ben LOVES veggies and will constantly hog the veggie serving plate at home during dinner. I hope this continues throughout his childhood. His teacher further told me how he ate his veggies, asked for more and since none of the other kids were eating their veggies that he ate them too. She said she has never seen a kid love veggies as much as Ben does and this lady has been doing day care for SIXTEEN years! Go BEN!

Ben also has been quite the considerate little boy lately. He loves helping his parents (if he's in the mood) by throwing things away or getting different objects when we ask for it. Lately he loves cooking in his little kitchen and will bring his Dad and I all sorts of different dishes, which ALWAYS comes with a utensil. It is interesting to see what we'll get. Sometimes we get a pan with a mushroom in it or a plate with a egg on it. On one occasion I had given Ben some M&Ms (which he loves) and not five minutes later he gave his Dad a frying pan of M&Ms to share! What a cutie : )

January looks to be a VERY busy month for us besides starting a new day care, we also had Ben checked out last month at the ENT (per his hearing tests) and it was discovered that Ben has a lot of fluid in both ears. It was decided that Ben will need tubes and possible adenoid removal. He has his pre-op scheduled for the 15th and his surgery will be on the 19th. I am not too nervous about getting his tubes in (I had it done three times as a kid) but am nervous about the adenoids. I shouldn't say that because I am just nervous in general about him having any surgery, but the adenoids I think are more of a worry. Right now I am not trying to think too much about it and I am sure come surgery day...there will be a lot of prayers and pacing until I get to see my little boy again. It will be for the best I am sure as he can't hear correctly, but I wish I could take his place instead of him to get anything done. I wish God designed Moms to undergo any pain for the sake of their child. Then again, I think most Moms would go through countless amounts of pain and never let their child know what pain is. I just feel badly for him, but optomistic.

On the 26th Ben will have his first visit and more of an intial speech test by a speech therapist. I am really encouraged that the assessment following his surgery (it just worked out that way) will really help his vobaulary. I can't wait to be able to understand my little boys needs and wants more. There is some things that I as a Mom can understand because I just know Ben, but to the rest of the world they would have no idea.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Christmas 2009

The family celebrated yet another wonderful Christmas this year. It is so different looking at Christmas through a child's eyes in seeing all their wonder and excitement. Ben as usual woke us up bright and early on Christmas morning. We got dressed and headed downstairs to lots of wonderful gifts under the tree. Some were from Santa of course and some were from his Mom and Dad.

Ben started opening up several gifts which included a fisher price bus, doctor's kit, fire truck, etc., He is really into cars right now, so anything with wheels for Ben is AWESOME : ) Then I gave my helpful little man a present for his Dad to open. Ben handed the present off thinking perhaps this is for me (he still needed a little bit of help opening presents this year) and once his Dad unwrapped the present and he figured it wasn't for him...he took the toys he did open and left! I guess he thought all the presents under the tree were for him. What a stinker! He made out pretty well though : )

After a decent Christmas day nap the family headed to Nagypapa and Nagymama's house. He was greeted with kisses and hugs. In the family room Ben stopped to see that there was a big wheels bike, but quickly walked passed the bike to the sun room so he could get his usual toys (a doll house, people toys, and some cars) so he could set them up on the fire place to play. That was pretty amusing. He soon figured out that one of the cars (his nephew got an identical one too) was for him and played with it a bit. He also got a Mickey Mouse piano from his Nagypapa and Nagymama. Aunt Amy, Uncle Eric and Ty (Ben calls him "T") gave him a cute cd player and travel train set.

Once we ate through Christmas dinner it was time to go to Ben's other Grandma's house (aka Gaga) to visit her. He was quite excited to see his Gaga and GREAT Gaga....Uncle Rick was pretty cool too. Ben got a nice train set with a fire house (belongs with the town for the train set), a really cute little man suite and a waffle shirt. Ben really loved eating winter salad, which doesn't surprise me as it is his Dad's favorite (he seems to love lots of things his Dad likes).

I would say this Christmas was a hit. Ben really liked all his presents...though seemed a bit overwhelmed with everything as a whole that he received that day. I can't blame him...getting so many nice toys all at once would be a lot. I just loved his little excitement because seeing that just makes Christmas that much more enjoyable.