Ben really enjoys playing with his sister. One night he barricaded her in his usual play areas just so he could play with her. Alexis of course loves every bit of her big brothers attention and put up with it for a while.
There is nothing like wreastling with Dad. Ben loves to have nightly sword fights with his Dad. Typically he plays Peter Pan and his Dad is always Captain Hook. Every now and then you get a sweet cuddle like the one pictured above. Its wonderful to watch the guys bond.
Ben also got his first big boy car seat this month. HE WAS THRILLED. He loved that he could sit just about anywhere in the car and on a few occasions we took the dogs for a ride. Lucas doesn't look too thrilled, but he put up with it. Good boy Luke!
Ben truly does love his sister and often gives her hugs and kisses. He loves to hold her....even though since she's become mobile she'd rather be on the move when she is awake. Every now and then the two will sit together and cuddle up. Its wonderful watching their relationship form.
We also hit up the Natural History museum as a family for the first time as a family. Its been years since I last visited, but it was really cool looking at all of the animals. Ben was quite unsure of the dinosaur exhibit. He made his Dad hold him for a while. He wasn't sure if the dinosaurs were going to come to life or not. We of course made sure he wasn't scared, but both of us were trying to hide our smiles because it was just so darn cute!
As noted SEVERAL times in Ben's blog, he has quite an obsession on Peter Pan. One morning, he woke me up dressed in his little Peter Pan costume. He smiled at me while I was half awake and asked if I could go to Neverland with him. Ben, if we could go to Neverland for real I certainly would love to go with you for a while. I love at this age that everything is real, magical, and possible. In Ben's world Neverland truly does exist. I love that about him. He still takes swords from time to time when he goes to bed just in case Peter Pan comes to get him so he will have a sword ready to go fight pirates with Peter Pan.
- Ben also loves a new song called New Low by Middle Class Rut. He picked up the tune right away one day while riding in his Dad's car. Whenever he can, he'll turn it on the PS3 and start jamming to it. Alexis even starts dancing every time she hears the song start. Its quite the scene in the house! Two dancing babies.
We also had our first and whats seems our last snow for the winter in January. We didn't get much, which suited me just fine, but Ben loved it! He wanted to eat it and just play as long as he possibly could in the cold snow. The Russian blood truly runs deep in this child's veins. He absolutely loves the cold wintery snow. His Mom on the other hand would rather watch it from indoors where it is warm.
- I don't have a photo to show this one, but we also roasted hot dogs the first time over the fireplace downstairs. Ben loved eating a kiddo dinner of hotdogs, and marshmallows. We don't do that often, but every once in a while it is fun to do. The hot dogs were delicious!
- Ben is my very energetic little boy. I love his energy and his zest for life, but he certainly can wear his parents out. I wouldn't have it any other way though. He also is the sweetest little boy I know. One morning Ben told me that he wanted to marry me. I was of course flattered because who wouldn't want to marry Prince Charming? I told him I was already married to his Daddy, so we can't forget him. His reply.."you can bring him along too." He cracks me up!
- As said...several times. Ben loves dressing up like Peter Pan. We found a pair of green wings at a dollar store one day. Ben thought it was a terrific idea to put them on Alexis. Alexis didn't care either way but thankfully humored him by wearing these wings so she could play the part of Tinkerbell. One evening Ben wanted to play Peter Pan/Tinkerbell but Alexis was sleeping in my lap, so she was unavailable to play her part. I was also obviously unavailble as I was holding his sister. The only person left was his Dad. Ben went up to him and this is how the conversation went:
Dad: I will do a lot of things, but I draw the line at being a fairy.
At this time I was trying SOOOOO hard not to laugh
Ben: But I have these wings for you to wear.
Dad: Go find Lucas. Look your Mom is even laughing at me.
At this point I was trying so hard not to laugh but I was just busting out laughing. Ben's
Dad will do a lot of things for his kids. He'll be silly, drop anything at the last minute, etc.,
but a man has to take a stand sometimes. His Dad will not be a fairy.

- As said, Ben does love his sister. He has gotten more annoyed that she has started to get into his stuff, but he loves that she can play more with him. On one particular morning, Ben was having a snack and Alexis decided she would like some too. Of course I could of gotten her own and fed it to her, but why break up the cuteness? You know you really love someone when you share your yogurt with them. I love that Ben is such a great brother to his little sister. As a younger sibling, he has no idea how great it is having a older sibling be kind and take the time with you. I always loved having those moments with my own sister.
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