Monday, June 20, 2011

What Ben Loves

Currently Ben is into a lot of things. His favorite shows are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Scooby Doo, Imagination Movers, Little Einsteins and Jake and the Neverland Pirates. Although Mickey Mouse ranks VERY high on Ben's level, something he can not get enough of is all things Captain Hook.

Ben and I have tons of conversations about Peter Pan, Captain Hook and pirate ships. It depends on the day who he is into. Sometimes he is all about Peter Pan and some days he seems to favor the famous villain Captain Hook. Tonight Ben asked me why Captain Hook can't fly. I told him he doesn't have pixie dust & doesn't think happy thoughts. He told me tonight we need to pray for Captain Hook so he can have nicer thoughts and asked me where we can come up with some pixie dust so we can use it for later. LOL. I love his innocence.

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