I can't believe my little girl turned three months this past week. Time has really flown these past few months. She's getting bigger and bigger and more interactive. Her family and I are so blessed to have such a wonderfully behaved baby who loves to coo at you for conversation and smiles brilliantly winning everyone's heart.

Alexis is starting to have nights where she sleeps all night, which her Mom and Dad are REALLY thankful for. She is still drinking four ounces at a time. Her favorite thing right now is to bat at her little toys on her infant seat and grab the rattle on her doll Emily. Alexis also loves to be extremely warm when she sleeps. I almost feel like I'm over dressing her, but she doesn't quite settle if she's feeling cool at all. Who knew I'd be dressing anyone in fleece pajamas in June? She requires it though. Believe me, I've tried the cotton variety but I'd better pair that with a nice warm sleep sack otherwise no one is sleeping.
This past week I started my first full week back at work. It has been extremely tough on her Mom. I think of her and miss her and her brother every moment of the day. There have been some tears, but at this moment I know I need to work and she's not noticing anything. In fact, her teachers and all the ladies at her day care go on about how much she talks to them and always has a smile for everyone. I just wish I could see those smiles all day! However, seeing her and her brother remain the highlight of day.

One highlight of today was that I went to the Dollar Store to get a few items. I bought a few presents for her brother one of which was a Pez dispenser. I didn't get Alexis anything because there was nothing there for her age. Once I picked Ben and her up from school, I told Ben that there were some presents on his seat for him. He looked at them and of course was thrilled to pieces! He then asked what I got for Alexis. I told him I didn't her anything because there just wasn't anything there. Feeling sympathetic to his sister who unknowingly got nothing looked at me, handed his Pez dispenser and said "Mom she needs this." If you know how much Ben LOVES Pez then you would know this is a big deal. I was so proud of Ben for his unselfish act of kindness, but it just goes to show how much he loves and adores his sister. I'm sure in years to come there will be fights here and there, but my prayer and wish is for them to both always see each other as friends as well as siblings. A great bond with his sister has already started and she being the smiley pie girl she is usually has a smile for him each day.

I love the little being she is becoming. I love how sweet she is and how no one but her and her brother can make her Dad grin ear to ear in pure love. I love how she smells and even how she clings to my hair when she gets a good chunk of it. Life in our family wouldn't be the same without her and I am so thankful to God she is in our lives. We love you Alexis!
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