I wanted to say Merry Christmas to my little boy, my wonderful husband and to all of our friends and family. This year has been wonderful and I can't help but feel so blessed and lucky to have everything that I do.
My little boy, my Ben is the absolute joy to our lives. He fills each day with such sweetness and love. Nothing beats getting those hugs, wet kisses and giggles. Ben is the most beautiful and miraculous thing that has ever happened to me and I am so thankful that God has given him to me. My Ben, my pumpkin (one day you will hate that nickname), I love you more then words can ever express. I am so proud of you and so in love with the beautiful creature that you are.
I can't wait until tomorrow to see your eyes widen at the new toys that will be under YOUR tree (yes it is your tree my love) and relish in the blessing of you and the birth of Jesus.
Merry Christmas my dear son and to everyone out there.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
A Day in the Life of Ben's World

I decided to put a little schedule in what Ben does every day (on average). I think it will be fun for both Ben to look back on some day. So here it goes!
Ben wakes up usually wanting a paci and a blanket. He is known to throw off blankets during the night and usually wants to be covered up on the cold winter mornings.
Ben wakes up for the day. His Mom goes downstairs first to get the prepared sippy cup of milk out the fridge and then get his thirsty little self out of the crib. He usually walks around in the morning making his rounds to his parents room where he points out the fan, to the kids bathroom to see his Mom and if there is anything reachable on the counter for him to grab, and then to his room for whatever cool toys there are to play with or to do a paci exchange. After his Mom leaves the house for work, he sits with his Dad and eats apple jacks or a bananas depending what we have in the house.
Ben gets dropped of at day care by his Dad. To date his Mom has not done a drop off. I would honestly feel too guilty to even after all these months! Ben typically gets to eat another breakfast upon his arrival.
Ben eats his lunch at day care. His lunch could range from grilled cheese, chicken nuggests, italian meat balls to pizza.
Ben takes his nap for two hours (hopefully). He still sleeps in a crib at day care and has not yet transitioned to the cot.
Ben gets another snack at day care. Usually its animal crackers or fresh veggies or mini rice cakes.
Ben is picked up from day care. He always has a smile on his face when his Mom comes into the room and wants to be promptly picked up. After a quick summary on how his day went from the teachers we head home.
As soon as we enter the house. His Mom hands him his milk and snack (he usually is quite thirsty) right away. Mom is a smart cookie and stops at the house for five minutes to let the dogs out and get his snack together so there is less stress and easily a drink on hand since Ben wants it right away. Then we play tag, parachute, read books and be silly.
Ben's Dad comes home. Lucas and Joey greet him with lots of barks and jumping, while Ben runs up to his Dada pointing at him and calling out his name. Ben is greeted by Dada with a big hug and a kiss. Mom gives Dad the low down of what happened in both Ben and her day. We usually also have dinner around this time as well since Ben is a hungry boy. If he's hungry enough he will become inpatient and point to his high chair wanting up and then wants food. After dinner he plays some more, drinks milk and wants books read to him.
Ben gets prayer and goes night night. Ben has to have a blanket, his dog, lights completely turned off and his mobile (yes he still has it and loves it) turned on with a paci in his mouth. Sometimes he wakes up and needs to be put down again, but for the most part he is tired (so are his parents) and he will fall asleep pretty quick.
Ben Update

Ben is now 17 months old and is quite the busy little guy! He's tall enough to reach door handles and loves pulling on them. Ben is quite an eater, but doesn't like most meats. His favorite foods are french fries, rice (fried or white), egg rolls, apple jacks, bananas and gold fish. He isn't drinking out of bottles anymore and is a master of the sippy cup. This boy loves his milk! He will also drink out of a straw with assistance from one of his parents. Ben's favorite toy is his stuffed poodle (we have two thank God just in case), his wind up musical clock (the boy LOVES clocks), balls and blocks. At this point he understands more words then he can speak like milk, snack, close the door, paci and night night, but he does say words like Dada, dog, clock, tree, duck and sometimes Mama (usually when he is upset or wants something). He has funny little quirks like pulling fuzz off anything fuzzy rather it be soft clothing items, stuffed animals, carpet, etc., and loves feeling the fuzz on his face. He often hands over fuzz for his parents or to other people he likes. At least he shares! Ben also LOVES books. He really likes the ones that are touch and feel. He especially likes if there is something soft in the book like fake fur or yarn since he thinks that is new fuzz to try out on his face. He will sit with you at any time (has to be in the lap) to look over a book. Sometimes he isn't patient and wants to turn the page before you have a chance to read everything. His favorite books are B is for Bear, Catholic Prayers, Brown Bear Brown Bear and his picture animal book. Ben is also getting into Elmo. Every time he sees an Elmo book, towel (we have bath towels), toy, etc., he points to him. He doesn't do that for all things, so I am guessing that is his favorite character. He recently (this week actually) started using his little Caps hockey stick to hit balls. At first he tried to hit his stick with the basketball, but decided that was too heavy, then used a medium sized ball, which was too heavy and finally decided a tennis ball was practical for hockey. His Dad and I looked on smiling and wondered if someday he'll have as much love for the game as we do.
Since it is the Christmas season, Ben has a new love for Christmas trees. I think he tries to say tree at times. Any time he sees a tree he will point to it and want to see it. He's very good about being gentle with trees. At his home, he will point to the tree, clap and often go up and touch it. I was a little worried that he might try to pull on it but he is quite gentle. Often times when we tell him "nice", he will pet the tree (in his own toddler way) as if he is petting a dog.
Ben is just a delight to his family. He is a busy guy and full of energy. He is a happy guy that loves to laugh, be tickled and play. His Mom and Dad feel very blessed to have this little miracle in our lives. I love you Benny!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanksgiving Fun
Thanksgiving was a blast this year! The entire family (Nagypapa and Nagymama included)went to Aunt Amy's house for Thanksgiving this year, which was a bit different then years past when we went to Gettysburg, but it was great. Being around family for Thanksgiving is what it is all.
Ben, James and I arrived early so that the two cousins could play, eat lunch and nap. That was the plan anyways. Ben had other plans for his parents. He decided to nap before we left his house and so once it was time to lay Ty and Ben down for their naps, Ben refused. It was fine though as Ben explored the play areas of the house and got to play with all of Ty's toys.
Ben and Ty Playing
After nap time was over, the boys played some more and then it was time to sit down for the Thanksgiving Feast. Ben really enjoyed the pumpkin muffins, stuffing and corn. He did not really like the turkey or sweet potatoes. I am sure that turkey will be one of his favorites one day, but for now he is anti-meat and pro-carbs (so is his cousin by the way). As for sweet potatoes, we will see. His face really said how much he detested the taste, but thats fine with me. His Mommy doesn't care much for them either.
After dinner there was of course more play. The boys were enjoying going through the ottoman of toys as well as sitting in it. It was okay by Uncle Eric to do this, so it was okay by Mom. After a bit of playing we all went downstairs to the media room and the boys danced to Abba's Mama Mia song. Both boys LOVE Abba and we caught some great video and pictures of the little monkeys. It was too too cute.
The Cousins Playing with Nagypapa and Nagymama
Playing in the Ottoman
Busting Some Moves
After a bit of dancing it was time to see Ben's other Grandma so she could see him. Once we arrived, we were all too full to eat, but enjoyed each others company. Ben loved chasing Sonya and Vicki, playing the piano and pointing out the fans in the apartment. Around 8:30 it was time to leave as it was two hours past Ben's usual bed time and his parents feared pressing their luck much longer.
The next day was black Friday. We didn't get up early to do any holiday shopping, but we did go out to see the Reston Parade. Our little family went last year, but this year Aunt Amy, Uncle Eric, Ty, Nagypapa and Nagymama all decided to go. It was a lot of fun seeing all the floats and the cousins expressions as characters and dancing ballerinas would go by. Soon enough it was lunch time and together we all went to the American Tap Room for a bite to eat. The boys did great with their lunch. Ty wasn't into his fruit cup side, so Ben graciously ate all of his honeydew fruit for him. What are cousins for anyways?
The Parade
In all it was a great two days of family bonding. The boys had a great time playing and watching each other. The family was together to share the holiday experience and my little boy and nephew celebrated their second Thanksgiving. I can't believe how big they have both gotten!
Ben, James and I arrived early so that the two cousins could play, eat lunch and nap. That was the plan anyways. Ben had other plans for his parents. He decided to nap before we left his house and so once it was time to lay Ty and Ben down for their naps, Ben refused. It was fine though as Ben explored the play areas of the house and got to play with all of Ty's toys.
Ben and Ty Playing
After nap time was over, the boys played some more and then it was time to sit down for the Thanksgiving Feast. Ben really enjoyed the pumpkin muffins, stuffing and corn. He did not really like the turkey or sweet potatoes. I am sure that turkey will be one of his favorites one day, but for now he is anti-meat and pro-carbs (so is his cousin by the way). As for sweet potatoes, we will see. His face really said how much he detested the taste, but thats fine with me. His Mommy doesn't care much for them either.
After dinner there was of course more play. The boys were enjoying going through the ottoman of toys as well as sitting in it. It was okay by Uncle Eric to do this, so it was okay by Mom. After a bit of playing we all went downstairs to the media room and the boys danced to Abba's Mama Mia song. Both boys LOVE Abba and we caught some great video and pictures of the little monkeys. It was too too cute.
The Cousins Playing with Nagypapa and Nagymama
Playing in the Ottoman
Busting Some Moves
After a bit of dancing it was time to see Ben's other Grandma so she could see him. Once we arrived, we were all too full to eat, but enjoyed each others company. Ben loved chasing Sonya and Vicki, playing the piano and pointing out the fans in the apartment. Around 8:30 it was time to leave as it was two hours past Ben's usual bed time and his parents feared pressing their luck much longer.
The next day was black Friday. We didn't get up early to do any holiday shopping, but we did go out to see the Reston Parade. Our little family went last year, but this year Aunt Amy, Uncle Eric, Ty, Nagypapa and Nagymama all decided to go. It was a lot of fun seeing all the floats and the cousins expressions as characters and dancing ballerinas would go by. Soon enough it was lunch time and together we all went to the American Tap Room for a bite to eat. The boys did great with their lunch. Ty wasn't into his fruit cup side, so Ben graciously ate all of his honeydew fruit for him. What are cousins for anyways?
The Parade
In all it was a great two days of family bonding. The boys had a great time playing and watching each other. The family was together to share the holiday experience and my little boy and nephew celebrated their second Thanksgiving. I can't believe how big they have both gotten!
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