Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Benjamin's First Organized Sport

Last week when I was picking Ben up for day care, I noticed a sign up sheet for a school activity. I am always about Ben experiencing opportunities, especially at school, so I certainly jumped at the opportunity. He was signed up for his first organized sport, soccer!

I never saw myself signing him up for that. I have tried my hand at several different sports, but I can safely say that I know very little about soccer. I knew before I went to go get my son that the kids had a demo lesson with the soccer coach that day and the teachers told me that Ben had liked his experience. I was certainly right on my instinct of signing him up because as soon as I got to the classroom, Ben ran to his cubby to get the flyer about the soccer sign up and pleaded with me to sign him up. He was ecstatic when I told him he was already signed up to play starting next week. He then started showing me how he kicked the ball, put it down, etc., He also had to show his Dad later that night how he also did the different exercises the coach showed him.

Its an opportunity for him. He gets to learn a sport and burn off some of that fantastic energy he has. It warmed my heart seeing how excited and happy I made him. Its completely worth it! Have a fantastic time kiddo!

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