Ben at Nagypapa and Nagymama's House
Cousins With Their Bows
Cutie Pie Ben
Ben with Nagypapa and Nagymama
Ben Discovering the Piano
Ben Playing A Tune
A Frustrated Composer
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Christmas 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Breakfast with Santa
Ben currently is also teething quite a bit, which is why in so many photographs you see his hands in his mouth. Any day now we hope to see a tooth pop out as I see two that are really making their way through the gums. Way to go Ben!
Ben and Mommy
Santa holding Ben
Santa With His Arms Full
Nagymama with Ben
Girls Night with Ben
Bella Ella

Monday, November 26, 2007
Thanksgiving Part I and Part II
In the afternoon Ben was bundled up and taken to Gettysburg, PA where several family members and friends were there to greet the little guy. Ty, his cousin greeted him with sleeping eyes and several first hellos to Ben were made.
After a scrumptious thanksgiving dinner made by Mrs. Schuster was gobbled down by her 20 plus guests, we all sat around and caught up some more as our bellies took the chance to settle down.
Sitting with Mom at the Table
Ben, Nagymama, Nagypapa and Ty
The Little Family
Soon it was time to leave and the family was off to their next Thanksgiving location. We went to an architect named Lee's house in Ashburn where Ben's other Grandmother was celebrating with her friends. Ben again was greeted by smiles and ooh's and aah's at his cuteness. We also had a photo opportunity with Lee's oversize stuff animals that amazed and probably confused little Ben.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Ben's First Taste of Solid Foods
Ben getting a bite to eat from his Mommy

Also this past Friday he had his four month checkup. He was in the 90th percentile in height (26 1/2 inches) and 50% in weight (15lbs 3 oz). He did really well having had four shots and only cried a little bit. He certainly is a trooper!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Ben Rolled Over!
Ben rolling over on his side the day before he rolled over

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Ben and Ty
Ben and Ty playing on the floor with their Mommy's watching them closely

Both the boys engrossed with the bongo drums
Look how the two boys have grown in four short months!
Ben and Ty when Ben was just shy of a month old
Ben and Ty when Ben is just after four months
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Ben is FOUR months!
Ben at Four Months

Ben and his Nagypapa talking away
In his fourth month of life I hope to introduce him to rice cereal which will be a whole new experience for all of us. This month he will also celebrate his first Thanksgiving with his cousin and family. I am sure he'll be wondering what the heck is going on but as long as he is entertained by people talking and moving about, he'll be a happy guy.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Ben's Baptism
Ben's Godmother Anna holding him right before his baptism

Ben being baptized by the Very Reverend Father John Basarab
Ben receiving his first holy communion
Ben's First Halloween!
Ben in his Halloween Costume

Ben with his Nagypapa and Nagymama
Afterwards we all went back to my house and did a little more trick or treating and helped Dad hand out the candy. In a span of two hours we handed out candy to over forty kids!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Ben's First Halloween Party
The Goldlust Family

Ben had a terrific time looking at everyone and all the decorations and probably was wondering what the heck was going on. His little girlfriends were there as well. Ella was a little sheep (her Mommy was Bo-Beep and her Daddy was a wolf). Julie was a little cute cow and her parents were cowboys.
Ella, Ben and Julie (Can you see that Julie is holding Ben's hand?)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Busy Weekend
Some serious poker players

Ben with his little lady friend Julie
Some more serious players....
Saturday, the family celebrated James's birthday on the actual day with his Mom and boyfriend Rick (or is it Rico I am not sure). Later that night, we went to a very festive Mexican party at the Mansfield's house and enjoyed some good Mexican food.
James Mom with her boyfriend and Ben
Grandma and Ben having a conversation
Sunday was a blur from going to church, to my favorite pizzeria Tony's in Fair Lakes, watching the Redskins game and then eating at my parents house. The weekend went too fast but we had a great time!