Thursday, September 9, 2010

I love you Ben

Everyday Ben is doing something new and fun. Sometimes he gets into a little mischief, but that is almost expected having a three year old little boy. He constantly reminds me though how precious life is and how simple things can make you so darn happy.

Ben's speech is drastically improving and I could not be prouder. There are still the occasional babbles of excitement or when he's playing that no one but him understands, but its fun sometimes pretending that I have the ability to translate that thought. However, lately he's been able to say a real sentence and its nothing short but wonderful. Its either "I love you Mommy" or "I love you Dada". Whats more magical about him saying it, is that it isn't always prompted and sometimes he will just say it out of the blue. Talk about a mothers heart nearly weeping every time I hear him say such a sweet thing. I can never get enough "I love you Mommy" throughout the day. It is always so special to hear it.

Ben has also become quite the care taker! He loves to help if you give him a task like feeding the dogs, watering the plants or picking something up for either his Dad or I. He still needs some work in the clean up his own toys department, but he'll get there. Over the weekend, I asked Ben if he wouldn't mind getting me a wipe (which equals a tissue in his language), he proudly walked over and got some toilet paper. I was quite relieved not to get a 20 sheet wipe, but also wanted to encourage him to figure out some things like getting toilet paper (hello potty training) all by himself. He knew I needed to blow my nose, but he would not let me have the toilet paper! He wanted to hold the tissue just like I would for him and for me to blow my nose in it! It certainly cracked me up. I pretended too (who wants Mommy boogers anyways) and later got myself my own wipe.

Ben also (much to his dismay if he ever reads this blog) had his first BM in the toilet at day care yesterday. We were all so proud! Its a huge accomplishment for a little guy to make because it can be quite scary to do that! However, his little grin of achievement when I gave him that high five and hug was what really made my day. He knew he accomplished something and was proud to have that accomplishment shared, even if this story will make him crawl into a ball when he's 16. Ben also is a bit of a stinker in the fact he will go potty in day care much more then he ever will at home! I can't put my finger on it other then he just wants to go along with the flow of the other kids doing their potty training business. He'll get there I am sure. Becoming a big kid certainly does take a lot of work!

Ben also had his first truly grubby bath yesterday. He played outside with the neighborhood kids (Maddie and James) and the three of them together really got messy. Between marker, sidewalk chalk and digging in the dirt...all three were due for a bath when their Moms took them inside. Ben had a fantastic time and I am so happy he has little friends he can play with that are so close by. I just haven't seen a bathtub with a ring of dirt around it since I was a kid! I knew he had fun though, but was exhausted because he was the one to tell me that he was ready to go inside. Imagine that!

My little guy certainly is the highlight of my days and I really couldn't be more proud of the little person he is becoming. He's outgoing and daring, but with that comes a sweet, caring sensitive little boy as well. I love you Benny!