Happy Easter! Ben had wonderful Easter and the entire weekend was filled with lots of outside time and family. It was so fun! It was also the first Easter (that I can remember) that had perfect weather! All Easters in the past usually required jackets and cold Easter egg hunts. Not this one though!
On Saturday morning Ben and I went to his Nagypapa and Nagymama's house to help partake in preparing for Sunday's Easter meal. The traditional meal has been passed through a few generations in my family and I always remembered Saturday being the prep day for the food when I was growing up. I figure that Ben should start helping as well so he and I could share some of those great memories together! Man did he have a blast! He helped make the beet relish (the grinder was used by my Nagypapa) and he took his job very seriously in helping stuff all the beets while his Nagypapa turned the handle. I made sure (as beets stain) that we had a junky shirt on and its a good thing I did too! There was a lot of beet mess, but it wouldn't be the same if there wasn't any. Next Ben helped make the paska by dumping the pre-measured ingredients into the kitchen aide. He loved watching the mixer mix everything together. Then after his Dad came with lunch we started dying Easter eggs for the first time. Ben really got into it and dyed almost all of the 24 boiled eggs. He colored some with the wax crayon and usually preferred the red dye. However, Ben seeing this beautiful dye also thought it was going to be a yummy drink and tried to eat some of it. Not good! Obviously I corrected him that it was not a drink so we continued dying the rest of the eggs. After the egg dying, Ben and I went back home for a nap (which was much needed).
After we (yes I said we) woke up, the entire family made plans to see Gaga and Uncle Rick. We travled to their house in Vienna, picked them up and headed to Clemyjontri Park. Ben absolutely loves this park as do I because there are all sorts of slides, climbing equipment, etc., that he can play on. It was the first time Gaga and Uncle Rick went to this park and they had a blast playing with Ben as well. After we were all tired and hungry we headed to Herndon and ate pizza at small Greek restaurant. Ben was so patient waiting for his food and I couldn't be more proud of how well he behaved the entire day! Thats my little angel!
On Easter morning Ben woke his Dad and I bright and early (per usual). We both got dressed quickly and headed down the stairs. Ben did not remember it was Easter (he will soon enough) and saw that the Easter Bunny had paid a visit to his house. He got bubbles, egg light up wand, stickers, sidewalk chalk shaped like eggs, hot wheel cars and an vintage house (he loves houses). He certainly made out like crazy! The Easter Bunny also hid a few eggs around the dining area, which were filled with Ben's favorite snack (goldfish). Ben had a great time hunting for all the goldfish filled eggs. After the egg hunt, it was time for breakfast. Ben wanted egg cheese (scambled egg with american cheese). He had a bit of that and then wanted cereal. Ben certainly loves to eat and always has an appetite. After breakfast was done, we all got ready, picked my parents up and headed to church.
Once we were at church and the first liturgy was over, it was time for the kids Easter egg hunt. Ben did pretty darn well (with the help of his Dad, Mom and Nagymama). He found about six eggs, which were a lot then some of the other poor kids that found just a few. We had some time before the next liturgy began so we went back into the hall and opened all his eggs to find yummy treats. Man did he get spoiled with those! After liturgy was over, we dropped Nagypapa and Nagymama back at their house and went home for Ben's nap. However, he did not take a nap but his Mom did! After I woke up we then headed back to Nagypapa and Nagymama's house. Ty, Uncle Eric and Amy Amy were already at the house when we arrived. Ty wanted to play outside and Ben wanted to see whatever Ty was doing as well (its the age), so he was not entirely interested in looking to the Easter basket his Nagymama prepared for him. He did get a lot of nice things including color on soap, candy, bathing suit wardrobe (shoes, shirt, hat, swimsuit) and a bear bath towel. Ty, Aunt Amy and Uncle Eric gave Ben a spider man bucket with some pretty cool dinosaur eggs filled with even more goodies.
The boys played a lot outside that day, which made it a little interesting in hiding eggs. Thankfully both wanted to swing on the swings, so while they were doing that Nagypapa and Nagymama hid some Easter eggs in the front yard. Both boys had a dozen to find and they both did really well! Aunt Amy took lots of photos of the boys and we all had a great time.

The Easter meal was delicious. The boys ate some, but not a lot. They are two so they were a little off their game that day and just wanted to play. Overall it was a fantastic Easter and we all had so much fun! Too bad we didn't have Monday off as well, because I certainly could of used it!