I always marvel at my little man and how big he has gotten. Over the weekend I saw a newborn being carried around by his Mom at church and it seems like yesterday that Ben was that little. Now he is certainly a full fledged, energetic toddler!
Yesterday Ben put another two words together! He shocked his Mom by saying "bye dog" to his poodles Lucas and Joey as we were headed out the door to day care. He just said it like it was no big deal. I guess he was saving up his words for his beloved doggies. I am so glad he is making strides in talking. He is certainly stubborn when it comes to that, which has worried me some, but I am sure in a years time this lack of talking thing will be something of the past.
Also yesterday, Ben's Dada decided to do some trimming on Ben's hair. Ben did NOT like it one bit. He screamed and yelled as if the poor kid was in pain. It was an okay job, but I think my husband and I both agreed that we will go to the barber shop next time. All I have to say is, I pity the barber and any customers that may be in the shop for his next hair cut. Ben has lungs like you wouldn't believe.
This morning my alarm (aka Ben) woke me up after being picked up out of the crib by his Dada by putting his favorite stuffed animals on top of my head. I had a sheep, a dinosaur and Grover all stacked up on top of my head. I guess he wanted me to hold them for later. It certainly was very cute though.
Also a new thing for this week is, I got Ben's first field trip permission form! I was shocked that an almost two year old was going on a field trip. He really isn't going anywhere outside of his school, but a traveling petting zoo called Squeals on Wheels is going to visit his school next month. I am sure he will be excited seeing all the animals! What a treat! They even have a sheep, which I am sure Ben will be head over heels for. He loves his animals!
Next month also starts the summer camp months at Ben's day care. Nothing really will change for him except for that every Wednesday will be water day! He will LOVE that. Good luck to the teachers having to deal with a classroom full of wet toddlers to change afterward. I am sure they are looking forward to that