Thursday, January 15, 2009

A New Ben Update

Last week Ben reminded me that he was getting even older by transitioning to his new classroom at his day care. This classroom was for the 18 month to two year old classroom. I can't believe he can be in the same classroom as two years olds! Where did the time go? Where did my little baby that once slept hours in my arms disappear too? James and I certainly have come to realize we are now parents of a full fledged energetic toddler.

Ben is always busy from the moment he wakes up, to nap time and then when he goes to sleep for the night. In Ben's new classroom, they now sleep on cots instead of cribs. I have no idea how they manage to get kids his age to all sleep on their cots at one time, but more power to them. During the work week when his parents are busy making money, Ben is busy with arts and crafts, playing with different toys such as cars, babies, kitchen stuff and is also being taught spanish!

Once Ben comes home from day care, his routine is about the same. He request snack/milk when he enters the door. He greets his poodles and usually goes and finds his dog and a paci. Yesterday for the first time (and mind you I wasn't feeling well), Ben asked to go outside. It was only 33 degrees outside! I obliged (since Ben is so cute and all) and bundled him up and headed for the park. He walked the entire way there holding my hand. He really enjoyed himself. Once we were at the park we took a few turns going down the slide and then I took Ben to the swings. We only took a few turns on the swing when Ben wanted out and that's when I knew he was done being out in the cold, since I know my Ben cries like crazy under normal circumstances if he was taken away from the swing and would love to swing all day if possible. I took Ben home and warmed him up with some more milk and a cookie. If he was older I would of made him hot chocolate to warm him up but he was also busy doing other things like throwing balls, dancing with Elmo (his hokey pokey Elmo), and putting various items in his shape sorter basket.

I just can't get over the miracle of Ben and how fascinating it is to witness a little person grow so much in just one year. Last year he would easily flop over if he was sitting up and he was far less busy and into things. He would observe the world from where he was put, but now he observes the world in how he wants to explore it. I am so proud of him and so humbled by my experience of having such a precious creature in my life. I love you Benjamin Michael.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Ben's Second Christmas!

Ben and his parents had a fantastic Christmas. Ben woke up bright and early on Christmas Day wanting to do his usual routine, but as he would find out that today would not be a normal day in his little world. We all woke up as a family and headed downstairs to see what Santa brought little Ben. Ben was amazed by all the great new gifts and probably could of just been given one present and he would of been happy. The hit toy was his Sesame Street toy.

Ben Coming Down The Stairs Christmas Morning

Ben Seeing His Presents

Ben and Mommy with Ben's Favorite New Toy

After we opened all the presents, ate some breakfast and lounged for a while, the family headed over to Nagypapa and Nagymama's house. We opened a few gifts and Ben got a kitchen and a clock puzzle from his Nagypapa and Nagymama. Later his Aunt Amy, Uncle Eric, Ty and Ty's Grandparents joined us for some more present opening and Christmas dinner. The boys had a great time playing and inspecting each others toys. The day was fantastic and everyone had a wonderful time.

Ty and Ben with Their Presents

Ty and Ben with Nagypapa

Ty and Ben